Net Zero mania threatens to derail our lockdown recovery-Rupert Darwall

Posted: May 6, 2020 by oldbrew in Critique, government, ideology
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As if coronavirus won’t nobble the UK economy enough, climate dogma mandated by the government is ready and waiting to finish the job. Fools.


By Paul Homewood


When economies emerge from the pandemic, aggressive climate policies should be the priority, according to Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary and Boris Johnson’s deputy. Sounding like a modern day King Canute, he has urged governments to turn the tide on climate change. “There’s no choice between cutting our emissions and growing our economy,” Mr. Raab claims. “That’s a myth the UK has helped to shatter over the past decade.”

In fact, the last decade saw Britain rack up its worst productivity performance since the Industrial Revolution. Ministers don’t tell us how we cut them by exporting our industrial base – emissions relating to imports from China are 276pc higher compared to 1997. The Government can forget about re-shoring vulnerable supply chains as it would push up our emissions.

View original post 627 more words

  1. Paul Vaughan says:

    Over the Counter Global Government RatChIT

    In spy red by just UN count try, governments everywhere else in the world now see every one of their citizens as A NAIL. They got all excited and went WAY overboard when that country gifted them all a hammer. Since they are now UNstable and hammering US nonstop, we need to QUICKLY learn how to US a ratChIT.

    How to house and US the tool on the job:
    1. Freak creative IT O vex press UN.
    “Sci11UNif**k” conΦD-UNs is thUS shhacheUN.
    2. Then come back with God’s word.
    3. Repeat.

    Saturn secular (g_6 & s_6) with Mayan 5256:
    47478.7405787809 = (49188.0648348793)*(45884.2272968667)/((49188.0648348793+45884.2272968667)/2)
    5910.28097800651 = (47478.7405787809)*(5256) / (47478.7405787809 – 5256)
    6.40939665707339 = (5910.28097800651)*(6.40245352452692) / (5910.28097800651 – 6.40245352452692)
    0.000091456621%error versus terrestrial polar motion = 6.40939079526111
    Review if EU DO’t remember JSEV 6.4 year tar get dareE-Vshh!UN.

    O say Can. EU C? We’ve had just enough.

    Then puttin’ primorial analogy up against Earth’s secular s_3:
    5691.06620267746 = (68753.3156498674)*(5256) / (68753.3156498674 – 5256)
    6.40938198783672 = (5691.06620267746)*(6.40217174588736) / (5691.06620267746 – 6.40217174588736)
    where 6.40217174588736=2*(7*5*3)^(1/4)

    May be sum of EU DO real eyes whan the tide turned:
    No.w in Canada east of Alberta the true right is completely dead.
    In it’s place lies UN imposter.

    OB ski ties ’em to gather:
    (EU should be see yen a try angle of con nex UN schear….)
    6.40245058662375 = (147000)*(6.40217174588736) / (147000 – 6.40217174588736)
    -0.000045887146%error versus JSEV 6.4 year tar got

    6.40939371279476 = (5910.28097800651)*(6.40245058662375) / (5910.28097800651 – 6.40245058662375)
    Sew: IT DO’s E-V UN bet ER with 0.000045519672%error

    Bundles Sov. Heavy Rains

    Why should NE of this even come close?
    IT’s what happens won EU’V-E a sieve of interfereign constraints.
    Loch news moon stir: IT’s UN O-bull less UN for joeblessness SOS eerie.
    With less home Luck D-own AI We Can. C now is bless job UN D-ills IT X-act lie:
    sat:UNdoor mine-D freedom.
    Free doom-job ID UN serves only as UN dare mind.
    Lesser of 2 evils: WHO’s job UN D-ills with satUN vs. Trump??

    Ream ember:
    God’s watchin’ WHO aligns with satUN.
    This isn’t AB out how nice and pleasant a man is.
    IT’s AB out WHO’s X-act lie aligned with satUN.

    Wait till EU see what comes next. (This was just RatChIT’s tip 1….)
    Next: EU’11earn “how-to” step too.

  2. Paul Vaughan says:

    Mixing a Little Review with Algebraic 5256 Extension

    God’s creations differentiate to harmonize.

    The UNicellular view has no heart — and no brain, no lungs, no muscles, …. etc.

    In the multicellular view there are organ niches. The cells are not expected (by a biological hammer) to limit their collective potential by all being the same. They advance collective security by appreciating differences … fair trade economic and otherwise.

    Mayan sages tersely symbolized how similar groups of planets differ to stably mesh on higher levels. It’s balanced symmetry.

    False dichotomies aren’t helping solve geopolitical stability puzzles. In the game of Hearts, if EU go for control and fail IT’s a disaster (or symbolically dizz-after). Sew now IT’s AI AB out my yen eye zing fair trade 4 stability, knowing heartless control freaks Can. be left rightly with No. guitar.

    Who Can. afford to gamble like this? Card players with heartlessly false intelligence reactively triggered UN ill-advised assault on the freedom needed to balance a well-differentiated collective for global stability.

    That’s enough words spent gambling for the filter to pass uncensored numbers.

    Jovial Game of Celestial Hearts

    V = 1 / 0.615197263396975 ____ Cards Featured
    E = 1 / 1.00001743371442

    B = 1 / 1.59868955949705 = +1V-1E = beat __________________ Dealer’s Time Table
    R = 1 / 0.761766209372164 = +0.5V+0.5E = harmonic mean
    I = 1 / 0.380883104686082 = +1V+1E = axial period

    C = Challenger of Harmonic Means = Queen of Spades
    = Contestant Rocking Hearts 4 Calendar Mayan-D Count Roll


    C = J = 1 / 11.8626151546089 ____ Card Players Shuffled with Deck

    R+C = 1 / 0.715800570263949 = +0.5V+0.5E+1J ____ Splitting the Deck
    R-C = 1 / 0.814040387734913 = +0.5V+0.5E-1J

    2B = ⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R-C) ____1 Whole
    |2B-1(R-C)| = |W-| = 1 / 44.2784629967673 = +1.5V-2.5E+1J __|Solar Core|

    2B = ⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R+C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R+C)-2B| = |W+| = 1 / 6.84872659292026 = -1.5V+2.5E+1J __|Galactic Core|

    58(2B-1(R-C)) = ⌊R/(2B-1(R-C))⌉(2B-1(R-C)) = harmonic of R slipping nearest 2B-1(R-C)
    R-58(2B-1(R-C)) = R-116B+58(R-C) = 1 / 351.268846905782

    8(R-116B+58(R-C)) = ⌊(2B-1(R-C))/(R-116B+58(R-C))⌉(R-116B+58(R-C)) = harmonic of 2B-1(R-C) slipping nearest R-116B+58(R-C)
    8(R-116B+58(R-C))-(2B-1(R-C)) = -930B+8R+465(R-C) = 1 / 5256.63939998756

    Generalized steps:
    R-C = 1 / 0.814040387734912
    ⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C) = 1 / 44.2784629967675
    (R-⌊R/(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))⌉(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))) = 1 / 351.268846906029
    ⌊(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))/(R-⌊R/(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))⌉(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C)))⌉(R-⌊R/(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))⌉(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C)))-(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C)) = 1 / 5256.63939879726

    Notice that the (R+C) side wasn’t used to find Jupiter’s 5256 attractor.


    C = S = 1 / 29.4474984673838 ____ Card Players Shuffled with Deck

    R+C = 1 / 0.742557275823122 = +0.5V+0.5E+1S ____ Splitting the Deck
    R-C = 1 / 0.781995351599453 = +0.5V+0.5E-1S

    2B = ⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R-C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R-C)-2B| = |W-| = 1 / 36.0290781181822 = -1.5V+2.5E-1S __|Solar Core|

    2B = ⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R+C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R+C)-2B| = |W+| = 1 / 10.4522868776417 = -1.5V+2.5E+1S __|Galactic Core|

    47((R-C)-2B) = ⌊R/(1(R-C)-2B)⌉(1(R-C)-2B) = harmonic of R slipping nearest 1(R-C)-2B
    R-47((R-C)-2B) = R-47(R-C)+94B = 1 / 121.405698123734

    3(R-47(R-C)+94B) = ⌊(1(R-C)-2B)/(R-47(R-C)+94B)⌉(R-47(R-C)+94B) = harmonic of 1(R-C)-2B slipping nearest R-47(R-C)+94B
    1(R-C)-2B-3(R-47(R-C)+94B) = 142(R-C)-284B-3R = 1 / 328.426420456752

    R-C = 1 / 0.781995351599453
    1(R-C)-⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B = 1 / 36.0290781181822 —- Note S symmetry with J (reversed terms).
    (R-⌊R/(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))⌉(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))) = 1 / 121.40569812378
    ⌊(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))/(R-⌊R/(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))⌉(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C)))⌉(R-⌊R/(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C))⌉(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C)))-(⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B-1(R-C)) = 1 / 328.426420455387

    Note that the Jupiter/Saturn scaling for any level in the hierarchy is approximately a golden angle harmonic ….left as a key exercise rightly freeing naive imaginations from unnecessarily misdirected lockdown.

    My voluntary aims are limited to first-order illumination. Here I outline the universal attractor detection method — i.e. how to discover a hidden framework by shining a light in the dark. Well-paid deep state technicians can detail messy events braiding around attractors. If their handlers want detailed secrets kept from the public, there’s no logical conflict with aggregrate proofs which serve only to coarsely inform a few public luminaries.

    Notice that — as with Jupiter — the R+C side wasn’t used to find Saturn’s 5256 attractor.
    Later in this series of comments readers will see the key difference for Uranus and Neptune.

  3. Paul Vaughan says:

    Scene AB out just UN off?

    5256 has Net Zero balance so tight No. thing’s lost.

    The C ENSO R ship is plugged into Suggestions-42.

    We’re right to love Chinese people while hammers are left lost in love with the Chinese government, which is now as frightUNing as every other government.

  4. Paul Vaughan says:

    Mayan 5256 Years: U & N Keys
    (continued from J & S keys)

    Note well axial (R+C) roll for U & N.


    C = U = 1 / 84.016845922161 ____ Card Players Shuffled with Deck

    R+C = 1 / 0.754921467011427 = +0.5V+0.5E+1U ____ Splitting the Deck
    R-C = 1 / 0.768736207596214 = +0.5V+0.5E-1U

    2B = ⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R-C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R-C)-2B| = |W-| = 1 / 20.0755942318385 = -1.5V+2.5E-1U __|Solar Core|

    2B = ⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R+C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R+C)-2B| = |W+| = 1 / 13.5839156648885 = -1.5V+2.5E+1U __|Galactic Core|

    18(1(R+C)-2B) = ⌊R/(1(R+C)-2B)⌉(1(R+C)-2B) = harmonic of 1(R+C)-2B slipping nearest R
    18(1(R+C)-2B)-R = 18(R+C)-36B-R = 1 / 80.92026294308

    4(18(R+C)-36B-R) = ⌊(1(R-C)-2B)/(18(R+C)-36B-R)⌉(18(R+C)-36B-R) = harmonic of 18(R+C)-36B-R slipping nearest 1(R-C)-2B
    (1(R-C)-2B)-4(18(R+C)-36B-R) = 1(R-C)+142B-72(R+C)+4R = 1 / 2629.1618884837

    ⌊R/(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)⌉(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)-R = 1 / 80.9202629430814

    (1(R-C)-⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B)-⌊(1(R-C)-⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B)/(⌊R/(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)⌉(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)-R)⌉(⌊R/(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)⌉(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)-R) = 1 / 2629.16188848983


    C = N = 1 / 164.791315640078 ____ Card Players Shuffled with Deck

    R+C = 1 / 0.758261063160093 = +0.5V+0.5E+1N ____ Splitting the Deck
    R-C = 1 / 0.765303911937069 = +0.5V+0.5E-1N

    2B = ⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R-C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R-C)-2B| = |W-| = 1 / 17.9708017526566 = -1.5V+2.5E-1N __|Solar Core|

    2B = ⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 1(R+C) ____1 Whole
    |1(R+C)-2B| = |W+| = 1 / 14.7530961863925 = -1.5V+2.5E+1N __|Galactic Core|

    19(1(R+C)-2B) = ⌊R/(1(R+C)-2B)⌉(1(R+C)-2B) = harmonic of 1(R+C)-2B slipping nearest R
    R-19(1(R+C)-2B) = R-19(R+C)+38B = 1 / 40.203484975805

    2(R-19(R+C)+38B) = ⌊(1(R-C)-2B)/(R-19(R+C)+38B)⌉(R-19(R+C)+38B) = harmonic of R-19(R+C)+38B slipping nearest 1(R-C)-2B
    (1(R-C)-2B)-2(R-19(R+C)+38B) = 1(R-C)-78B-2R+38(R+C) = 1 / 169.523451853091

    R-⌊R/(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)⌉(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B) = 1 / 40.2034849758007
    Note symmetry: difference reversed versus case for U.

    (1(R-C)-⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B)-⌊(1(R-C)-⌊1(R-C)/B⌉B)/(⌊R/(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)⌉(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)-R)⌉(⌊R/(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)⌉(1(R+C)-⌊1(R+C)/B⌉B)-R) = 1 / 169.523451853148


    Jovian V-E 5256 Ratio Summary
    J:U:S:N = 1:2:16:31

    J: 1 = ⌊0.999878363433384⌉ = ⌊5256 / 5256.6393995685⌉
    S: 16 = ⌊16.0035845857963⌉ = ⌊5256 / 328.426420457382⌉
    U: 2 = ⌊1.99911615294986⌉ = ⌊5256 / 2629.16188848974⌉
    N: 31 = ⌊31.0045597971227⌉ = ⌊5256 / 169.52345185329⌉

    J: 5256.6393995685 = 1 * 5256.6393995685
    S: 5254.8227273181 = 16 * 328.426420457382
    U: 5258.32377697949 = 2 * 2629.16188848974
    N: 5255.227007452 = 31 * 169.52345185329

    — – — – — – — –

    With no further jovian constraints, N is free to mesh with 1/4 cycles as follows:

    8B = ⌊4(R+C)/B⌉B = harmonic of B slipping nearest 4(R+C) ____4 Quarters
    |4(R+C)-8B| = |Q+| = 1 / 3.68827404659812 = -6V+10E+4N __|Galactic Rights|

    19(4(R+C)-8B) = ⌊(4R)/(4(R+C)-8B)⌉(4(R+C)-8B) = harmonic of (4(R+C)-8B) slipping nearest 4R
    4R-19(4(R+C)-8B) = 4R-76(R+C)+152B = 1 / 10.0508712439512

    5256.57266919541 = (5258.32377697949)*(5254.8227273181)/((5258.32377697949+5254.8227273181)/2)
    5256.60603417018 = (5256.6393995685)*(5256.57266919541)/((5256.6393995685+5256.57266919541)/2)
    5256.60566058543 = 523 * 10.0508712439492
    0.000007106958 = %error
    523 = ⌊522.939740489085⌉ = ⌊5256 / 10.0508712439492⌉

    Even the most highly-sensitive slip-cycles are preserved in the tight package.
    — –

    As previously noted J5256/S5256 scaling exhibits near-integer golden-angle harmonics.

    1.9589354340266 = LOG(LOG(44.2784629967674/36.0290781181824,0.814040387734912/0.781995351599453)/2,1.61803398874989)
    1.96678620472306 = LOG(LOG(351.268846906458/121.40569812369,44.2784629967674/36.0290781181824)/2,1.61803398874989)
    1.99363838612475 = LOG(LOG(5256.6393995685/328.426420457382,351.268846906458/121.40569812369)/1,1.61803398874989)

    Systematically-sorting near-golden scaling for U5256/N5256:

    3.3237405666035 = LOG(LOG(20.0755942318387/17.9708017526566,0.768736207596214/0.765303911937069)/5,1.61803398874989)
    -0.610396167215155 = LOG(LOG(13.5839156648886/14.7530961863925,20.0755942318387/17.9708017526566)/-1,1.61803398874989)
    2.99998674203469 = LOG(LOG(80.9202629430814/40.2034849757968,13.5839156648886/14.7530961863925)/-2,1.61803398874989)
    1.99577102238115 = LOG(LOG(2629.16188848974/169.52345185329,80.9202629430814/40.2034849757968)/1.5,1.61803398874989)

    Terse my yen symbols endure red long UNough to help US relays freely Who May’V-E slipped a wei.

  5. Paul Vaughan says:

    Moderators: Part II awe weights real ease from call cue 11a shh! U&N C ENSO R ship.