WMO03105, Islay, Port Ellen, Scotland

Posted: August 31, 2012 by tchannon in Analysis, Surfacestation


WMO03105, Islay, Port Ellen, Scotland

55 40 53N 06 14 59W
Altitude 17 metres

Estimated Class 3, fails Class 2 on 17.6% of 30m – 10m annulus, limit 5%. Perhaps I have been unfair on the perimeter road area but 5% is much smaller.

UHI, local runways otherwise none.

I was surprised at this result after a first glance, devil in the detail. In reality this is coastal, windy so UHI is not likely to normally be significant.


  1. Armin says:

    This must be one of the most unusual Islay related blog posts I’ve come across for quite a while 😉

    Not entirely sure what you’re doing, although judging from the other posts you seem to be collecting pictures of the weather stations? If it’s of any interest I can try to get you a closer picture of the station during my next visit or ask one of my friends on Islay if he can take one for you.

  2. tchannon says:

    Welcome Armin,
    Yes a survey of the current WMO (Met Office World Meteorological Organisation) notified stations is being done privately against the 2010 WMO station classification on goodness, for temperature/humidity.
    Also nice being guided around the UK.

    Yes I can imagine this is a wee bit unusual.

    I’m uncomfortable inciting what could be viewed as unlawful activity, let’s look.

    Okay, seems to have a designation ILY for civilian and oh dear dear, I didn’t realise _that_ was where fly-on-the-wall would have been wonderful, HRH gaffed in a Queen’s Flight Bae146, looks like he got banned. Ministry of Defence to their credit keep the short report available


    In which case if it is obtained strictly lawfully a photo with acceptable copyright would be welcome.

    Oddly enough Queen’s Flight was based at Benson where that or Odiham is the nearest to you. (not shown either yet)
    Benson is (I think) a Class 1 site with some local UHI and can get cold. [checks]
    Sure enough last night coldest in South-East England.
    “Lowest min 2100-0900 2.1 °C Benson”
    Was clear moonlit with occasional broken cloud from the north, almost calm, I know because I looked outside not far from you.

  3. tallbloke says:

    My friend Mike in Dundee was scraping frost of his car windscreen yesterday morning.