The Talkshop: second anniversary

Posted: November 29, 2011 by tallbloke in solar system dynamics

As of today, Tallbloke’s Talkshop has been running for two years. A moment for reflection and also for looking forward. Firstly I want to express my gratitude to the people who are the main reason this blog is still running – that’s you. Without the encouragement, admin assistance, guest authors and comment contributions, the talkshop wouldn’t be a talkshop, but a silent tomb of stillborn thought. I thank you all for your interest and involvement.

Some milestones have been passed this last week:

  • Total site views have risen to just over 1/3 of a million
  • Over 300 articles have been posted
  • Over 9000 comments have been published
  • Over 40,000 visits in November, our biggest month yet -thanks largely to a brief comment from ‘foia’ I should add.

Looking at the list of most popular articles in the last 24 months, I can see that there is real interest in the primary motivation for starting this blog. The first post was about a so far unexplained correlation between the motion of the Sun relative to the centre of mass of the solar system, global temperature, and changes in Earth’s length of day. We still don’t have a definite explanation, but we have uncovered more and more interesting related phenomena in the course of trying to discover the underlying mechanisms and principles which govern the secret life of the near cosmos.

The blog has also widened it’s scope, especially with articles on datasets from Tim Channon, on SST’s and climate from Roger Andrews and Stephen Wilde, and atmospheric physics from several guest authors.

Fun though ‘Climategate 2’ is, WUWT is leading strongly on it’s investigation,  and so leaving aside our current FOIA2011 thread, here is a short list of the most popular articles here over the last two years:

Meet the new Kepler – P.A. Semi


Tallbloke and Tim Channon: A cycles analysis approach to predicting solar activity


M.A. Vukcevic: Earthquakes and Geomagnetic Storms


What is the solar – planetary theory?


tallbloke: back radiation, oceans and energy exchange




The timing of El Nino in relation to the solar cycle


As you can see, the success of this blog has been largely due to the high quality articles, contributions and suggestions from you. In recognition of this fact, the blog should henceforth be known simply as ‘the talkshop’, because it belongs to all of us. To this end I have used some of the funds kindly donated to purchase the domain name ‘’ which will be live and resolving here in a couple of days.

I hope your participation will continue into the future, and that you’ll be staying on board to help keep the sails trimmed and the tiller pointed the right way on this fascinating voyage of scientific discovery.

Right now, raise a glass of whatever is to hand and lets toast each other, all of us, and ourselves


  1. Roger Andrews says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Raising a bottle of beer (no wine immediately available).

  2. John Crane says:

    Ahhhh the terrible twos! Congratulations and well done.
    While I mourn the demise of the method scientific, now practiced for the politic, I’ll savor some solace in this moment where those not quiet as blind still have venues to show and tell.

  3. Roy Martin says:

    Congratulations on conducting such a great site, which not only deals with some very important issues of science, but where one can also feel free to wander the alleys and byways in good company. You demeanor has made it a civil and civilizing forum, and a pleasure to participate.

    Enjoy the occasion. I wish you & the Talkshop many more happy birthdays.

  4. P.G. Sharrow says:

    Congratulations to “Tallbloke’s Talkshop” and it’s 2 years.
    I look forward to my visits and hope to be able to continue in the future. The pleasant contributors here have expanded my knowledge in several fields and I hope we can continue advancing our understanding of god’s universe.. pg

  5. Otter says:

    Thank you for being here!
    May you see many more Climategates…. at least, until the farce does the Titanic.

  6. malagaview says:

    Right now, raise a glass of whatever is to hand and lets toast each other, all of us, and ourselves


  7. I’m having a gator aid with vodka added, I need my electrolytes ya know.
    Cheers Rich

  8. vukcevic says:

    well done again, tb. congrats!

  9. adolfogiurfa says:

    Dear “Magister Ludi”: Can´t believe it, I thought your “glass beads´ game” was older. A great success in such a short time!….”E pur si muove” (Galileo Galilei)

  10. Stephen Wilde says:

    Congratulations on drawing the attention of Foia.

    There must be something special here !!

  11. Gray says:

    Yes, cheers tallbloke. Thanks for your efforts on the blog.