Dramatic pictures of west Scotland wildfires

Posted: April 3, 2013 by tchannon in weather, wind


Wildfires are burning in parts of western Scotland, partly blamed on unusually dry conditions in what is traditionally a very wet part of the UK.

At this time of the year burning off dead heather and grass is common practice, helps to regenerate grazing.

This year there has been a prolonged easterly airflow over the UK, originating as intensely cold are over Norway, picking up a little moisture over the North Sea before perhaps Fohn conditions if any snow fell over the central mountains. This would lead to drying of the air and also being in the rain shadow, no rain or snow.

I don’t know if this news in context Bing  link might work (couldn’t get Google to work at all)

Bing news on wildfires


Post by Tim Channon

  1. Truthseeker says:

    Call that a fire? More like a BBQ that is out of control …

    Now in Australia, we have real bushfires …

  2. tchannon says:

    I was waiting for that. 🙂

    But you don’t have Haggis, poor buggers. Legs are shorter one side so they can only run around mountains. Still there will be rich pickings after a fire, pick ’em up ready cooked at the bottom of the slope, roll down.

    Incidentally, the mating habits are fun, males and females have short legs opposite sites, how we sex them. Now given the way certain types of animal mate, from the rear, this is a poser.

  3. Richard111 says:

    Hmm… say no more… Last night BBC TV showed what looked like some kids on other side of the valley. Seemed to imply they might be the cause. Another fire started up while camera was panning current fires. Certainly nothing in the weather could have started that fire.

  4. Brian H says:

    typo: ” intensely cold are over Norway” – air

    Evidently Lewis Carroll missed a bet; “The Hunting of the Haggis” would’ve been yet another classic documentary for him.