Ed Davey has his knickers in a twist about climate sceptics

Posted: June 3, 2013 by tallbloke in alarmism, Energy, government, Politics, Robber Barons

blinkeredEd Davey chooses the route taken by Gordon Brown, who famously dubbed sceptics ‘Flat earthers’ before losing the 2010 election. I wonder if the ‘list of 55’ will be revealed:

From the BBC

Energy Secretary Ed Davey is to make an unprecedented attack later on climate change sceptics.

In a speech, the Lib Dem minister will complain that right-wing newspapers are undermining science for political ends.

He is set to accuses climate sceptics of nimbyism, publicity-seeking, and “blinkered… bloody-mindedness”.

The speech at a Met Office event in London takes place as 55 organisations from green groups to manufacturing bodies issued a joint statement calling on MPs to vote in favour of the 2030 decarbonisation amendment.

The list of signatories includes SSE electricity, the Royal Society of Arts and Commerce; Dong Energy; Renewable UK; the Carbon Capture and Storage Association; the Solar Trade Association, the Renewable Energy Association; Business in the Community; the Church of Scotland; the National Farmers Union and the TUC.

It comes ahead of a crucial Energy Bill vote, during which Mr Davey will be accused by backbenchers of betraying his party’s green credentials.

Mr Davey gave way last year to demands from the chancellor to drop a commitment in the bill for almost all electricity to be generated from low-carbon sources like wind and nuclear by 2030.

The Chancellor insisted that a decision on 2030 should be delayed until 2016 at the earliest (after the election) but many Lib Dem and Conservative MPs are expected to join Labour in voting for an amendment to introduce the target immediately.

Read the rest here

  1. Chris B says:

    We must be doing something right to warrant such a silly attack. It should only encourage more people to do some research themselves. Another Lib Dem own goal in the making. The death of CAGW / CCC/ CC gets closer and closer. Who will finally switch off the life support?

  2. Joe Public says:

    I note that the BBC once again use a carefully chosen, scaremongering image to accompany their story.

    A back-lit photo of water vapour from chimneys, so it appears to be visible particulates. (Which the Beeb KNOWS to be illegal under the Clean Air Act)

  3. oldbrew says:

    Of course he can ‘boost employment’ by buying jobs. We know who gets the bill for that.

    He is stuck in about 2009 and the world has moved on. There’s a ‘temperature standstill’ and it’s time people like him stopped frothing about things that aren’t happening and don’t look like they’re going to happen. Just give it up Ed, find something useful to do for the taxpayers.


  4. Tenuc says:

    Oh well, the government is always behind the reality of peoples expectations by about 5y or so. Look what’s happened in Sweden and Turkey – won’t be long before the UK public take matters into their own hands. These people have to remember that they are the servants of the public, and they only rule with our permission.

  5. Konrad says:

    If Ed “JCB” Davey digs any deeper he can send postcards from China. But seriously, what’s with political staffers these days? Is there no one to tell Ed that it’s all gone south and it’s time to put a sock in it? 😉

  6. Kon Dealer says:

    Davey has a PPE (Piss Poor Education), so you can’t blame him for being ignorant, or arrogant.
    Those advising him – Greenpiss, FoE (what a lovely acronym for Human-haters) and the Met. Orifice are the real guilty parties.

  7. tckev says:

    He is set to accuses climate sceptics of nimbyism, publicity-seeking, and “blinkered… bloody-mindedness

    Am I Mr. Ed Davey? Well, yes I am.
    CO2 as shown by the 15 years of no overall temperature rise means that the hypothesis is wrong.
    So no AGW rubbish in my back yard thank-you.
    And also, no bloody windfarms near me, why –
    1. They reduce the efficiency of the electricity system,
    2. They are a maintenance hazard,
    3. I the tax-payer, and I the electricity payer get increased bills because of them.

    I would gladly like to see any publicity in the media that counters your wrong-headed policy objectives.

    If wanting the best for Britain is ‘blinkered… bloody-mindedness’ count me in, personally I think you are delusional.

  8. dennisambler says:

    “The list of signatories includes SSE electricity, the Royal Society of Arts and Commerce; Dong Energy; Renewable UK; the Carbon Capture and Storage Association; the Solar Trade Association, the Renewable Energy Association; Business in the Community; the Church of Scotland; the National Farmers Union and the TUC.”

    One would expect the beneficiaries to be in favour of the mad energy policy, although I’m unsure what the RSA and the Church of Scotland hope to get out of it.

  9. Daedalus says:

    The list of signatories includes SSE electricity, the Royal Society of Arts and Commerce; Dong Energy; Renewable UK; the Carbon Capture and Storage Association; the Solar Trade Association, the Renewable Energy Association; Business in the Community; the Church of Scotland; the National Farmers Union and the TUC.

    Well they ALL have a hand in the till don’t they? Even the farmers get massive subsidies for the solar panels they put on their barns. I should know, as part of my job I get to visit a lot of farms. You would not believe the decrepit state of some buildings that have state of the art inverters in them for the panels on the roof, for some its a cheap way of re-roofing from what I have seen.


  10. w.w.wygart says:

    I’m not sure if in the UK the idea of a constitutional amendment means as much as it would to an American, your Parliament seems to be able to do what ever it wants and make new things up as it goes along without having top pass any test of ‘constitutionality’. If this was happening in the US I would be truly alarmed, an amendment that would in effect enshrine a subsidy scheme to one sector of the economy, plus a particular technology strategy, forever in the Federal Constitution? Ouch! Not mention unprecedented.

  11. oldbrew says:

    Some words of wisdom for Mr Ed or ‘Sir Clueless Ed’ as the photo caption has it.


    Commenter: ‘He probably wants to become a Eurocrat. Before he can do so he must prove his iron determination to ignore reality.’

  12. […] Ed Davey has his knickers in a twist about climate sceptics (tallbloke.wordpress.com) […]

  13. manicbeancounter says:

    My late father (whose views I respected but did not share) voted for the Liberal party for over 50 years. He saw the Liberals as seeking the middle ground, by drawing on the best of the other parties.
    Ed Davey, following Chris Huhne, seems to have betrayed that tradition, along with some other British traditions that have enriched the modern world.

    Ed Davey’s anti-science, anti-British and anti-Liberal attack on Climate Sceptics

  14. tchannon says:

    Fizzled and was hijacked by new labour, the gang of three or four depending.

    Liberal Party still exists but is indistinguishable from any of the other talking down bratts.

    BBC have content
