Nigel Farage: Memo to Davey – “science is never settled”

Posted: June 5, 2013 by tallbloke in Accountability, Carbon cycle, climate, government, Incompetence, Politics

From Edie:

wpid-20_farage_fc.jpegThe environmental movement has become politicised, urbanised and is ‘full of profound deep ignorance’ says UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

In an exclusive interview with edie, Farage says he has been a keen supporter of environmental issues since the late 1980’s but attacked those driving the movement today, claiming that it has turned into an ‘industry’.

“This environmental industry has managed to bully weak minded politicians into making a series of decisions that actually aren’t good for biodiversity, sustainability or the environment,”

says Farage.

Claiming to be an environmentalist, Farage slammed European leaders for lacking the necessary understanding to put effective environmental policies in place.

“Twenty seven prime ministers and presidents of Europe meet for a summit and say something must be done, like banning light bulbs, for example. And then go for new light bulbs that have mercury in them. It’s ridiculous,” he says.

He also criticised Tim Yeo, stating that the chairman of the select committee on climate change was not the right person for the job.

How can a man that is earning £145,000 a year under the renewable energy industry, chair a committee in parliament? Can someone explain that to me?

Yeo, along with Labour’s Barry Gardiner, held a vote today to ensure a target to decarbonise electricity was in place by 2014. Part of an amendment to Ed Davey’s Energy Bill, the green sector, along with several industry associations, called for the Government to vote in favour. However, it received a no vote earlier today.

“I think the entire environmental movement has focused on one issue [decarbonising] and one solution, and I suspect their wrong on both counts. I am not saying that man is having no influence on the climate, although as the years go by it looks increasingly unlikely. It’s just odd to focus on carbon dioxide.”

I’m an environmentalist; I’m against carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide and toxins in our rivers.

“Yes, I’m all for pollution controls. However, to obsess with carbon dioxide, which as I understand it is a perfectly naturally occurring phenomenon, strikes me as strange.

To be told that the science is settled [on global warming] is hard to accept. Where I grew up, our back wall joined onto Down House where Charles Darwin wrote [On the Origin of Species] and 150 years on, the science isn’t settled over Darwin and I can tell you science is never settled.

Read the full interview here

  1. Kon Dealer says:

    I am putting together a file on Yeo- it is getting quite thick.
    My intention is to do him some damage of the wallet-shrinking kind.

  2. Here’s my open letter to Davey. Ten reasons why he is wrong.

    Open Letter To Ed Davey

  3. J Martin says:

    If only he had a more moderate view of the EU, take the good bits, leave the bad bits, instead of his desire to leave the EU.

    Still, when it comes to climate they do appear to be the only party with any common sense.

  4. tallbloke says:

    I think I agree with Farage about leaving the EU. The problem is you can’t leave the bad bits, because the EU make the laws we have to abide by.

  5. Brian H says:

    “I suspect their wrong ” they’re

    Science with a predetermined conclusion is just advocacy.

  6. Zeke says:

    “Twenty seven prime ministers and presidents of Europe meet for a summit and say something must be done, like banning light bulbs, for example. And then go for new light bulbs that have mercury in them.” ~Nigel Farage

    Some safety handling tips for mercury –

    “Glass or plastic vessels should have a secondary steel or plastic container around them in case the vessel fails.

    Do not use mercury where it could contact a hot surface and vaporize.

    Avoid inhaling mercury vapor and use suitable gloves when working with it.

    Put mercury waste in a special waste container. Do not combine it with “regular” organic or inorganic wastes. NEVER dispose of it down the sink!

    Do not wear gold or silver jewelry when working with mercury; it will amalgamate and irreversibly damage your jewelry!

    Although not a safety issue, mercury is very expensive to dispose of as waste.”

    You can totally discard the safety tip about the hot surface with CFLs, though, since the mercury is already volatilized when the light bulb is in use. The mercury spilled from a single CFL exceeds the safety levels of states in the US by as much as a factor of 60 in many cases – so technically the cleanup for a broken CFL if done professionally costs thousands of dollars. Experiences on forums by users of CFLs include leaking and spontaneous combustion. Mercury is a neurotoxin so keep that in mind when ventilating your home with 50 or 60 lights cheaply manufactured in China containing volatilized mercury. And mercury from the burning of coal was used by the EPA to introduce onerous regulations to halt power production with coal. I do not know if wood burning has less mercury but I do know that burning wood does release trace amounts of mercury as well. One more thing. CFLs are devoid of IR radiation, which is present in sunlight, candlelight, and light from incandescent bulbs; this explains the lack of warmth to the spectrum of a CFL. No need necessarily fpr happy pills, just get some fresh air and try candles if it is overcast.

  7. Tenuc says:

    Good for UKIP, the only party with the balls to call the CO2 scam. He’s right about leaving the degenerate and anti-democratic EU and also on immigration policy.

    All the mainstream parties must be bricking it regarding the EU elections and the coming general election. What fun… 🙂

  8. NikFromNYC says:

    This guy is a delightfully low key version of Marc Morano, clear about basic facts, and being a real power player, skepticism has become so mainstream that Climategate really was a sea changge. Skeptics now get to be appointed philosopher kings, by rights, as voters simply change allegiance to blindly follow the next shiny toy. I wonder how we’ll screw it up.