Shock U.S. Senate Report: Subversion of Democracy by Green Billionaires

Posted: July 30, 2014 by Andrew in alarmism, media

image Originally posted at Breitbart London by James Delingpole


Looks like the “Green Blob” is stronger in the U.S.A. 

“There aren’t a lot of functioning democracies around the world that work this way where you can basically have millionaires and billionaires bankrolling whoever they want, however they want, in some cases undisclosed. What it means is ordinary Americans are shut out of the process.” Barack Obama, White House press conference, Oct 2013.

Yes, indeed. But the millionaires and billionaires doing the damage are Obama’s allies on the liberal-left, not his enemies on the right. So says a devastating report published today by the US Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works.

The report details how an elite group of rich liberal donors such as Tom Steyer and Hank Paulson – “the Billionaire’s Club” – is directing and controlling the far-left environmental movement, “which in turn lobbies and controls major policy decisions and lobbies on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”

“Even more unsettling, a dominant organization in this movement is Sea Change Foundation, a private California foundation, which relies on funding from a foreign company with undisclosed donors. In turn, Sea Change funnels tens of millions of dollars to other large but discreet foundations and prominent environmental activists who strive to control both policy and politics.”

The scale of the conspiracy “by a small group of powerful and active millionaires and billionaires who exert tremendous sway over a colossal effort” is so vast, the report admits, that it has barely been able to scratch the surface.

“It would be virtually impossible to examine this system completely given the enormity of this carefully coordinated effort and the lack of transparency surrounding it.”

It says:

“The scheme to keep their efforts hidden and far removed from the political stage is deliberate, meticulous, and intended to mislead the public. While it is uncertain why they operate in the shadows and what they are hiding, what is clear is that these individuals and foundations go to tremendous lengths to avoid public association with the far-left environmental movement they so generously fund.”

There are financial benefits to this elite power-grab too.

In advancing their cause, these wealthy liberals fully exploit the benefits of a generous tax code meant to promote genuine philanthropy and charitable acts, amazingly with little apparent Internal Revenue Service scrutiny. Instead of furthering a noble purpose, their tax deductible contributions secretly flow to a select group of left wing activists who are complicit and eager to participate in the fee-for-service arrangement to promote shared political goals. Moreover, the financial arrangement provides significant insulation to these wealthy elite from the incidental damage they do to the U.S. economy and average Americans.

Through these arrangements, the Billionaire’s Club gains access to a close knit network of likeminded funders, environmental activists, and government bureaucrats who specialize in manufacturing phony “grassroots” movements and in promoting bogus propaganda disguised as science and news to spread an anti-fossil energy message to the unknowing public. Not only is the system incredibly sophisticated, but the Club’s attorneys and accountants have mastered the loopholes and gray areas in the tax code, which enable them to obtain a full tax benefit, even when the recipient of the grant is not recognized as a public charity, and even if the money indirectly and impermissibly funds political activities.

These labyrinthine arrangements serve at least three functions. First, they enable left-wing donors to give large sums of money to aggressively political causes in the guise of disinterested, non-partisan, and tax-deductible charitable donations; second, they mask the vast scale of the sums being pumped into hard-left environmental activist causes; third, they help maintain the illusion that the numerous and secretly well co-ordinated NGOs which use green issues to agitate for more state intervention and regulation are in fact innocent, mom-and-pop grass roots organisations with widespread popular support.

The ultimate recipients of donations from the Billionaire’s Club work in tandem with wealthy donors to maximize the value of their tax deductible donations and leverage their combined resources to influence elections and policy outcomes. Often, they lobby on behalf of the EPA and advance policy positions important to the agency, which is statutorily prohibited from lobbying on its own behalf. But most importantly, they serve as the face of the environmental movement and present themselves as non-partisan benevolent charities to a public not aware of the secretive backroom deals and transfers.

What the report also suggests is that this scheme has the full blessing of the Obama administration, which is using the Environmental Protection Agency – heavily in league with these left-wing donors and hard-left green NGOs – to bypass the democratic process and railroad through unpopular legislation.

This report proves that the Obama EPA has been deliberately staffed at the highest levels with far-left environmental activists who have worked hand-in-glove with their former colleagues. The green-revolving door at EPA has become a valuable asset for the far-left and their wealthy donors. In addition to providing insider access to important policy decisions, it appears activists now at EPA also funnel government money through grants to their former employers and colleagues. The report tracks the amount of government aid doled out to activist groups and details a troubling disregard for ethics by certain high powered officials.

Read the full Senate Report here

  1. wayne says:

    That pretty much sums it up. Whatta mess we’ve got over here.

  2. oldbrew says:

    It’s America – money talks. Who knew?

  3. AlecM says:

    The Green movement is morphing into a replacement for 1930s’ fascism as businessmen bid for the new State Monopolies.

    Which Renewables Corporation will evolve to perform the same role as I G Farben?

  4. Guy Ropes says:

    Subversion by billionaires? You mean the Bilderburgers.

  5. tallbloke says:

    GR: Someone in Bilderburg has a sense of humour. An item on their agenda two years ago was ‘Global Cooling’.

  6. Steve C says:

    If this was “shock news” to the senators, they must have been even more out of touch than we thought. Lots of those idiots who believe conspiracy theories have been discussing it for years.

  7. Ursa Felidae says:

    Steve C says:
    “Lots of those idiots who believe conspiracy theories have been discussing it for years.”

    I found your comment interesting. I tried to parse it, but your statement seems a bit contradictory, unless I’ve just missed the sarcastic humor…

  8. tallbloke says:

    Ursa: We don’t need /sarc tags here, we just let people catch on at their own pace. 😉

  9. That is a pretty interesting report featuring many of the usual suspects including the Moores, the Packards, the Hewletts and the Waltons.

    Not a single mention of even more dangerous billionaires such as George Soros, William Gates and Warren Buffet.

  10. So why do plutocrats want to raise our electricity bills? Take a look at this:

  11. In this day and age my only hope is to outlive the b@stards, I am a whole Saros cycle younger than Soros so it could work out?

  12. All charities and religions should be made non-tax deductible. There is not much charity when an individual claims a tax deduction and directs money which should belong to the public to his favorite political lobby groups (to which nearly all charities and religions belong). Further, any organisation that employs people and has an income (either from donations or subscription eg unions) should be treated the same as companies liable to pay tax and directors held personally responsible for breaches of the law and negligence. Religions and charities should pay rates and when they use public buildings (owned by ratepayers or governments) they should pay hire or lease fees the same as a private enterprise. Remove them from the public teat then there will be a lot less scamming and a lot less political lobbying.

  13. wayne says:

    Thanks for that tip on the plutocrats gc. Will pass it along where it may do more good..

  14. Andrew says:


    Great article “strategic parkification”

    Exactly what has just been announced here in the UK.

  15. tallbloke says:

    Just read the article GC linked. An eye opener. Of relevance to Europe:

    “The same foundations that fund the Tar Sands Campaign also grant substantial funds to environmental organizations in Europe, notably the European Climate Foundation, which has received at least US$30 million from the Hewlett Foundation, Sea Change, the Oak Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers.

    In Europe, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, the World Wildlife Fund and the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leadership Group are all funded to some degree by the European Climate Foundation, but the amounts these organizations receive is not publicly reported…”

  16. tallbloke says:

    Andrew: I like our national parks. People do need somewhere to go where they can enjoy some peace and quiet. Hopefully there’s plenty of shale gas outside of them we can exploit before having to allow the trucks to roll down those narrow stone walled lanes…

  17. Andrew says:

    True enough, would be interesting to see if there are similar funds reaching the National Trust et al. There will be a lot of land coming on the market soon.

  18. tallbloke says:

    Andrew: There will be a lot of land coming on the market soon.

    Which land? Why?

  19. Andrew says:

    A general increase of land sales. Agriculture is at breaking point, there are a lot of farms taking out “wonga” loans to pay the interest on their overdrafts. Tennants also failing to pay rent. Landlords a vicious these days. Ag Commodity prices on the floor, so no sign of relief ahead.

    Interesting to see who buys & where. A little conspiracy heavy maybe.

  20. tallbloke says:

    On WUWT’s post, Barry Woods lays out the results of his research on the European angle:

    Barry Woods says:
    July 30, 2014 at 1:39 pm
    The same groups do exactly the same thing in the EU.. the money goes through the European Climate Foundation…

    Oak Foundation
    Climate Works Foundation and previously ) Hewlett Foundation

    put money into the European Climate Foundation, who give lots and lots of grants to lots and lots of groups, from funding partners they work closely with The Energy Foundation
    (which as Forbes shows, greenwashes the money in the USA)

    “ClimateWorks Network

    The ECF is allied with a global network that includes the San Francisco-based ClimateWorks Foundation, which works to stimulate climate-related policy work worldwide. Through this network, the ECF works alongside other regionally based foundations including the Energy Foundation in North America, the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation in India, the Energy Foundation China Programme, and the Latin America Regional Climate Initiative, established in 2013.” – ECF 2013

    THE European Climate Foundation distributes it to every green/climate lobby group in Europe… (Greenpeace, WWF, FOE, Sandbag (Bryony) Carbon Brief – they have made hundred of grants.. they used to have a grants page breaking it down into every group on the website.

    All to lobby for 95% CO2 reduction in the EU by 2050.

    2013 people:

    hundreds and pages and pages of grants,
    under different programmes – EU climate policies, global policies, energy efficiency

    The trustees and advisory board are the great and politically connected in the EU elite.. (spot Marc Jacobs (Browns Advisor) and Schnellnerger The model of distributing funds and influencing, exactly mirrors activities in the USA (same people same organisations)
    see diagram in the link as well:

    About Us

    The ECF was established in early 2008 as a major philanthropic initiative to promote climate and energy policies that greatly reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions and to help Europe play an even stronger international leadership role to mitigate climate change.

    Did anybody think Baroness Bryony Worthington (thanks Ed Milliband, for making her a life peer, for her work in producing the UK’s Climate Change Act) formerly of Friends of the Earth actually work for a living. Her Sandbag organisation lobbies the EU.. money comes form European Cimate Foundation CF and ultimately the same groups as the USA (Climate Foundation, etc)

    Sandbag (Bryony’s ‘thinktank’)
    “The following reports and briefings have been produced thanks to the support of our core funders: The European Climate Foundation, the Goldsmith Foundation and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.”

    The ECF (European Climate Foundation) is affiliated with the ClimateWorks Network and is the core of the ClimateWorks system in Europe. The ClimateWorks Foundation supports public policies that prevent dangerous climate change and promote global prosperity.

    Our core costs are funded from the following sources:

    The European Climate Foundation (ECF)
    The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

    Some funding also comes from our work with other organisations. These include:

    The Wuppertal Institute
    BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany)
    WWF Greece
    WWF Belgium
    UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office

    Our Directors

    Baroness Worthington is an experienced climate campaigner who has worked for Friends of the Earth, the government and in the private sector. Bryony developed the concept of ‘carbon budgets’ whilst at FOE and was a key member of the team that drafted the UK’s Climate Change Bill. She has a detailed understanding of emissions trading policy and has experienced first hand the lobbying that surrounds this important policy which is why she was inspired to set up sandbag.

    Ed Gillespie is the founder and co-director of Futerra, a sustainability communications agency. His interesting career history includes working for the Natural History Film Unit, as a marine biologist in Australia, New Caledonia and Orkney and on environmental issues for Transport for London. Ed has Masters degrees in both Marine Conservation and Sustainable Development and writes regularly for the Guardian. Ed was also recently appointed as a London Sustainable Development Commissioner

    yes Ed Gillespie – Futerra.. behind all these marketing advice to the UK Gov… to
    Sell the Sizzle. and The Rules of The Game (and many more)

    Click to access RulesOfTheGame.pdf

  21. tallbloke says:

    kenin says:
    July 30, 2014 at 3:02 pm
    More Clues:
    George Soros, Shell Canada, The Nature Conservancy Of Canada and The NC of America. What do they all have in common?

    Go figure it out. Follow the Board of Directors and you’ll burst with enlightenment.

  22. tallbloke says:

    Of course, we have to put all of this in context with the subversion of democracy by billionaires with other pursuits too. It’s been going on for a long time, lobbying and graft is as old as Rome. This is why we need a new broom in politics, and the EU-sceptic parties are the best prospect for that.

  23. tchannon says:

    Dismal end season of essentially fixed term politics at work in the US too

    Any more wars in the offing?

  24. oldbrew says:

    Meanwhile US oil and gas production is booming.

    ExxonMobil & co won’t be going broke any time soon.

  25. cornwallwindwatch says:

    Reblogged this on Cornwall Wind Watch.

  26. Kon Dealer says:

    So what? All you deniers are funded by Big oil. Greenpiss says so.

    I wish I was!!

  27. Steve C says:

    TB, re the list of iniquitous crosslinks you gave at 8:57am, do you (or anyone) know whether anyone’s keeping a big, crossreferenced list somewhere of all these incestuous little trusts and organisations and quangos and governmental TLAs and activists and … and …? It would be one hell of a useful resource, especially if it had names, ranks and serial numbers of all participants.

    Thanks for the sarc defence earlier, btw. I thought it worked better deadpan.

    (@Ursa Felidae – You’re right, I was being a little, er, tangential. But yes, the contradiction between the way the mainstream media always paint “conspiracy theorists” as idiots who will believe any crazy nonsense, and the fact that many of these “idiots” have apparently been better informed than the US Senate for years, was absolutely the point.)

  28. tallbloke says:

    There’s a bigger and more worrying picture emerging in the US in my opinion.

    Billionaire greens pushing their anti-energy agenda via nefarious means
    CIA spying on members of the senate and congress
    IRS targeting tea party and GOP members
    EPA ramming through rules bypassing govt. oversight
    Homeland security arming itself to the teeth with billions of extra rounds of ammo bought via other govt agencies which clearly have no use for them
    POTUS forcing the cost of electricity “necessarily to skyrocket”

    What’s going on?

  29. Zeke says:

    Alec M says, “The Green movement is morphing into a replacement for 1930s’ fascism as businessmen bid for the new State Monopolies.

    Which Renewables Corporation will evolve to perform the same role as I G Farben?”

    It has been reported that Bill Gates has invested 35 million dollars in developing a battery storage system for energy generated by worthless wind turbines.

    Forgive a little surmising, but…just one eensy beensy little mandate could help recoup his noble investment in green energy. Guaranteed customers who are forced by green legislation to purchase green products are one of the perks for the green billionaire saboteurs.

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