Eight years ago, talkshop readers helped film maker Martin Durkin finance ‘Brexit the Movie‘, raising over £8000 towards the total cost of production. Now, Martin has made the long awaited sequel to ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle‘ with help from long time fellow sceptic Tom Nelson. It’s called ‘Climate the Movie: the Cold Truth’ and you can watch it for free here, right now. Enjoy!

Available at Vimeo vimeo.com/924719370
On X at twitter.com/TomANelson/status/1771682333738848477
On Youtube at youtube.com/watch?v=zmfRG8-RHEI
On Rumble at rumble.com/v4kl0dn-climate-the-movie-the-cold-truth-martin-durkin.html

  1. saighdear says:

    Will this join the trend of Drama leading the charge of the truth brigade at the Horizon ?

  2. tallbloke says:

    Plenty of science in this drama. Enjoy!

  3. darteck says:

    I reserve comment until my posts are ‘verified’!

    Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

    You haven’t apologised to OB and said you were “outta here”.

  4. stpaulchuck says:

    those of us keeping up on this climate hoax have seen the banishment of so many scientists and writers for telling the truth. This will go down in the books as the largest, most expensive scam in history.

    The speakers were absolutely correct about trying to turn society into a Middle Ages V2.0. The terrible inflation is meant to drain savings and ease the middle class to serfdom. The extremist wing is trying to cause WW III with possible use of nukes in order to wipe out at least half the population. The whole idea of NetNutZero is beyond stupid. Just as stupid as these idiot golf carts posing as “cars” and “trucks”.

    It IS all about the rich and the famous keeping the rest of us from enjoying what they have and where they go. I will not eat crickets!

  5. tallbloke says:

    stpaulchuck: I will not eat crickets!

    I suspect a lot of hungry citizens may decide they’d rather eat the rich than eat ze bugs.

  6. tallbloke says:


  7. tallbloke says:

  8. […] Climate the Movie is here. […]

  9. Ray Sanders says:

    Heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this available. 100% well done.

  10. oldbrew says:

    Chris Morrison writes: ‘But it is towards the end of his excellent film that Durkin shows the true wickedness of the Net Zero agenda. In Africa, diseases and early deaths are widespread as developed countries refuse to sanction investment in hydrocarbon energy. Women still cook on dung fires causing lung disease and blindness. Agriculture suffers from a lack of tractor power and fertiliser. Meanwhile, diarrhoea is endemic and billionaires send pills to mask the symptoms. But Western banks will not lend money to provide hydrocarbon-powered refrigeration and clean water infrastructure. The greens think that Africans should not use hydrocarbon resources, and this sums up the “ruthlessness and depravity” of the agenda, says Dr. Benny Peiser of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.’


  11. brianrlcatt says:

    I was just asked to present the Movie and answer questions arising at a private showing for a small group of 30 or so, so there is one way to use it.

  12. Russell Cook says:

    FYI, the monster complaint filed to Ofcom in 2007 about “The Great Global Warming Swindle” video by the “Dave Rado” guy may actually have been a effort done instead by the combo of Wikipropaganda’s William Connolly and U.S. people, possibly by Greenpeace USA’s Kert Davies and his pals. I covered that problem in my 7-part 2016 GelbspanFiles series, the links to each of my posts are in my “Summary for Policymakers: The Connolley Problem“. In my Part 3 post, for example, I don’t see how ‘private citizen Rado’ could have possibly bashed out his 176 page Ofcom complaint in the span of time he had to do so. From day 1 to day 95, with 66,000+ words in between – to use a fun movie line – “not enough runway.”

  13. darteck says:

    darteck says: March 21, 2024 at 5:13 am

    “I reserve comment until my posts are ‘verified’!

    Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

    You haven’t apologised to OB and said you were “outta here”.

    Huh??? Please ‘mail me’ if you have any concerns TB.

    Kind regards Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

  14. Scott says:

    I feel that the potential geo-strategic aspects of the great c/c swindle have possibly been overlooked.

  15. Adam Gallon says:

    Note how it’s now been pulled from Vimeo.

  16. stpaulchuck says:

    It’s still up on YouTube.

  17. tallbloke says:


  18. oldbrew says:

    Climate Change is Class Warfare


    It would be nice to think that politely pointing to the actual scientific data might put an end to all the climate chaos nonsense. Sadly it won’t. Because this ain’t about science.


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