Tallbloke: A personal message of thanks to my co-bloggers

Posted: September 3, 2014 by tallbloke in Blog, Kindness, People power, Philosophy, Photography

I’ve been out of the loop for a while, initially due to being away on holiday, then by a round of job interviews I had to prepare for (no success there), and finally by the hospitalisation of my dear old dad (he’s improving now). I’m immensely grateful to my co-bloggers Tim, Stuart (Oldbrew) and Andrew, who have been minding the shop and putting up lots of interesting articles during my absence – thanks guys.

This period has shown more than ever that the talkshop isn’t a one man band, but a vibrant community of bloggers, contributors, commenters and readers. The theory we are working on is moving along in the background as well as on the blog, along with a couple of other related developments I’ll be able to disclose in due course.

Evening light at Vannes harbour - South Brittany

Evening sunlight at Vannes harbour – South Brittany

Cheers everyone, thanks for flying with the talkshop.

  1. markstoval says:

    That was a very classy post. You show yourself to be a real gentleman.

    I would like to extend my thanks to your co-bloggers for their great posts also. Keep it up guys.

    ~ Mark

  2. Welcome back, and thanks for your well done blog!

  3. EternalOptimist says:

    you are a decent bloke. tallbloke

  4. colliemum says:

    I’m glad your father is on the mend, while sorry that your job applications fell through.

  5. donfjr09 says:

    “I’m glad your father is on the mend, while sorry that your job applications fell through”.

    My sentiments exactly, nicely said………..

  6. Joe Public says:

    You’ve been away??

    [That’s a compliment to your colleagues, for minding the fort] 😉

  7. tallbloke says:

    Thanks Colliemum and Don, a family illness soon makes the job hunt disappointments seem like small potatoes.

  8. Roy Martin says:

    As one who is probably very close to your Dad’s age, I feel empathy with him for your support. I have recently been through a series of health issues myself – fortunately all either fixable or manageable – through which I have had the reassuring support of own children, who are probably in your generation.

    My best wishes to both of you.

    I still visit the Talkshop regularly; always interesting.

  9. I am glad your dad is feeling better. My father (92) was sick earlier this year now is okay, so I know the feeling.

  10. tallbloke says:

    Thanks Roy. It was good when my parents decided to sell the old home I grew up in and move to the side of town my brother and I live in. we’re all within 20 mins walk now. My folks have always supported me in my choice of a maverick lifestyle, and I’m more than happy to give them my support now they need it. Dad’s in his mid 80’s. Just a few weeks ago he complained he was “starting to feel old”, because his knee ached after walking about a mile. 🙂

  11. tchannon says:

    Sniff, I think my father would have been 110 this year and grandfather 169. From my point of view it seems odd when someone has parents who are alive.

    It’s nice of Rog to acknowledge yet he has created more of an enterprise than the impossible, a sustaining personal blog. Anyone who has been a sole trader knows the reality, no holiday, no sickness, no life and usually no money, Plenty who have never actually done this write of the opposite situation.

    The ploy after blogs was Twitter, perhaps a better fit with what one person can sustain, not that I know anything about it.

    Andrew and Oldbrew are due thanks from me for giving me more space for domestic matters, plus a little work on origination of original technical content.

  12. p.g.sharrow says:

    @ TimC; I know what you mean. I keep checking my Blog and that lazy guy that contributes hasn’t done a lick for several Months! Lol …. oops, that’s me
    I’m ashamed of myself………………
    must try harder. maybe tomorrow when I’m not busy with something else. 😦 pg

  13. w.w.wygart says:

    Thanks for what you do and keep up the good work! Best wishes for new job and old dad.


  14. Paul Vaughan says:

    TB: You’re doing difficult, important work that has been shamefully abandoned by other bloggers with less vision, tenacity, & resilience. Please convey the community’s sincerest best to your family.