Sixth UK power station goes offline: Dungeness B nuclear power station shut down due to power cut

Posted: October 21, 2014 by tchannon in Energy, humour, weather

[edit: I have made the serious mistake of not checking the date of the news story, is actually 2013 although the page is (c) 2014, tweet items there mention 2013 and I did spot the 99mph gust which I knew from last year,  ought to have twigged. Sorry folks. Tim.]

The Dungeness B nuclear power station in Kent is using diesel generators to power its site after both reactors shut down automatically due to a power cut

Logical, no ‘leccy so you can’t have any.

That’s six UK power stations now offline with unplanned stoppages.

A non story other than a defective infrastructure, presumably power lines were out. Is there no end to silly cockups?

Wrong kind of leaves on the line?

Post by Tim

  1. tallbloke says:

    So that’s six UK power stations out of action.

    Ed Davey will be crapping himself.

  2. Kon Dealer says:

    God would I love to see Davey in Court.
    The man is criminally incompetent.

  3. Truthseeker says:

    Help me out here … how is a nuclear power shut down by a “power cut”?

  4. oldbrew says:

    It’s an ill wind… – the same one that blew down power lines also helped set a new UK record for wind power generation at the weekend.

    ‘Wind power set a new record on Sunday by providing 24 per cent of the UK’s electricity supply for the entire day, according to National Grid statistics.’

    Only trouble is, we don’t get the leftovers of someone else’s hurricane every week.

  5. Jaime says:

    I think this is last year’s story . . . . . unless it’s happened again.

  6. Anything is possible says:

    This dates the story to October 7th. 2011 :


  7. Anything is possible says:

    My bad. Jaime appears to be correct. This is from October 28th last year :

  8. tchannon says:

    Oh dear, oh well, that’s teach me to see an amusing story and not check. I knew a second much more important article was about to appear, why I was looking at weather stories.

    All the same as truthseeker writes “Help me out here … how is a nuclear power shut down by a “power cut”?”

    The snippet doesn’t say.
    Basically you can’t run a power station into zero load so if the output connection is broken it must shut down damn quick, dumping pent up energy somehow. For nuclear this is particularly bad because of the extreme core power density, mechanical metal fatigue is a serious problem, hence run at full output continuously, constant thermal stress.

    I question why the power grid is insufficiently robust.

  9. BoyfromTottenham says:

    Hi from Oz. Six power stations sick or offline – gee what are the odds of that being a coincidence? Fires, leaks, power lines down…what next – someone forgets to order enough coal or fuel rods? Isn’t anyone suspicious? I am, but I’m safely over here in Oz where most of the pollies are pretty sensible and understand that their voters won’t put up with the crap that yours seem to. I hope this winter is a mild one over there. Good luck!