NOAA – 1913 Low Min Records Broken (272 tied) From 2015-02-19 to 2015-02-25

Posted: February 28, 2015 by tallbloke in solar system dynamics

Tsk, weather eh?

sunshine hours

1913 Low Min Records Broken in Last 7 Days (272 tied)  according to the NOAA.

Below is a screenshot showing location and the biggest difference between old record and new record.

The list is just the ones I could capture in a screenshot. Wow. Many records broken by over 30F.

Imagine … the old record was 15F and it is now -23F. A 38F difference.


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  1. ren says:

    Strong waves in the stratosphere in late December led to a rise in temperature this winter that did not show up at all in the north of the ozone hole.

    It can be seen that the temperature continues to drop from the beginning of February.

  2. ren says:


  3. ren says:

    Ozone distribution shows that the blockade of the stratosphere over the eastern Siberia causes the flow of air to the south. In a few days it will lock on to the Atlantic (as seen in the image), and the influx of Arctic air over Europe.

  4. ren says:

    Here can see the reflection of the situation in the troposphere and air flow.

  5. ren says:

    Need to click.

  6. ren says:

    You could say that the “doors are open the Arctic” over America.

  7. ren says:

    Polar vortex disturbances caused that ice in the Arctic has stopped.

  8. ren says:

    Andrew thank you.
    “The longitudinal mean mesospheric temperatures at different latitudes of northern and southern hemispheres have been derived. It is found that, during SSW events the well-known mesospheric cooling over the northern hemispheric high-latitudes turns to heating over mid-latitudes and then reverts to cooling closer to equatorial regions. This trend continues into the southern hemisphere as well. These variations in the mesospheric temperatures at different latitudes have been characterized based on northern hemispheric stratospheric temperature enhancements at high-latitudes during SSW periods. In comparison with the CIRA-86 derived temperatures the SABER temperatures show an increase/decrease in southern/northern hemisphere. Such a characterization in mesospheric temperatures with respect to latitudes reveals an hitherto unknown intriguing nature of the latitudinal coupling in the mesosphere that gets set up during the SSW events.”

  9. About 50 years ago I did a mini-study of winter temperatures in southern Ontario, including Toronto, and estimate the average coldest day to have been February 17th.

    As I recall, Windsor (across the border from Detroit) and Niagara Falls were included in my study.

    After mid-February temperatures tended to rise until planting time around May 24th, Queen Victoria’s birthday and a public holiday in Canada.

  10. ren says:

    The increased radiation accurately indicates the direction of the circulation of the northern hemisphere, and explains why in America is cold, heat in Europe.

  11. A C Osborn says:

    It is also the coldest February in Canada for 115 years.

  12. A C Osborn says:

    But during February we also had the following.
    Snow & Avalanches in the French Pyrenees.
    200+ dead in Afganistan Snow and Avalanches.
    Roads in Spain closed by snow.
    Highways closed in North East China by snow.
    8000 tourists trapped by snow in North East China.
    Snow in Saudi Arabia in Tabuk.
    Heavy snowfall paralyses life in Azerbaijan.
    France, trains stopped by snow.
    1.5M meters deep snow in Konya Turkey.
    Heavy Snow Blankets Jerusalem.
    Snow in Athens.
    One metre of snow in Cyprus.
    Record snow in Istanbul.
    Record snow in Tibet.
    Snow in Mexico.
    Egypt – Snow coats the streets of Alexandria.
    Snowstorm in Croatia force suspension of heating.
    2ft of snow in Germany.
    Snow in Italy and Slovenia.
    Snow in Albania.

    So it is not just the North American continent that is cold.

  13. A C Osborn says:

    And you can add a record breaking cold February in Cuba to that list.

  14. oldbrew says:

    Southern California joining the snow club this weekend.

    ‘Up to 8 inches of snow was expected to fall above elevations of 4,000 feet, while more than a foot was expected in mountain areas above 6,500 feet.’

    Winter Storm to Bring Snow, Rain, Cold to Southern California This Weekend

    But we’ve never had it so hot…LOL.