Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris

Posted: November 19, 2015 by tallbloke in solar system dynamics

Real Climate Science

Gavin and Tom delivered their fraud right on schedule ahead of Paris, just as I predicted they would. They claim that October had the highest temperature anomaly ever recorded for any month.


2015-11-19-03-26-13Record-crushing October keeps Earth on track for hottest year in 2015 – The Washington Post

Somehow, they managed to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees – even though they had no temperature data for about half of the land surface, including none in Greenland and very little in Africa or Antarctica.


201510.gif (990×765)

This kind of mind-blowing malfeasance would get them fired and probably escorted out of the building by security at many engineering companies.

Satellites cover almost the entire planet several times a day, and they showed that October had only the 25th highest monthly anomaly, and that every month in 1998 had a higher anomaly than October 2015.


Not only do NASA and NOAA make up…

View original post 92 more words

  1. oldbrew says:

    How much temperature increase is due to taking measurements in urban heat islands, which didn’t exist so much in 1880?

  2. Gail Combs says:

    Roger, I just posted this on Tony’s previous thread. Looks like they sneaked the Climate Pact throught the back door when we were not looking!

    Our concern is a treaty that locks us in to the CAGW insanity. While we focused on the Paris-ite Circus in December, I think it just got slipped in the back door.

    Thursday they just released the 5,544-page text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership The agreement involving 12 countries comprises nearly 40 percent of global economic output.

    I did read ALL of the Obummercare bill and the Food Safety Modernization bill but I just don’t have the will to read this monstrosity. I spent the morning looking at what various articles have to say.

    In light of Kent Clizbe’s concern over illegal immigration I was trying to find support for the skuttlebut that, like the EU there is open borders and no limit to movement.

    From The Hill by former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris

    The TPP, generally supported by pro-free-trade Republicans but opposed by labor-union Democrats, reportedly contains a barely noticed provision that allows for the free migration of labor among the signatory nations. Patterned after similar provisions in the treaties establishing the European Union, it would override national immigration restrictions in the name of facilitating the free flow of labor.

    The draft treaty, now under discussion among 12 Pacific Rim nations, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Vietnam and Japan, makes provision for needed labor to move across national boundaries without restraint. While much of the commentary on the deal has been focused on high-skill, white-collar migration, it could easily be interpreted as allowing farm workers and others to flow back and forth without legal regulation…..

    Curtis Ellis, executive director of the American Jobs Alliance, calls the trade deal “a Trojan horse for Obama’s immigration agenda” on The Hill’s Contributor’s blog. He notes that “one corporate trade association says bluntly that ‘The TPP should remove restrictions on nationality or residency requirements for the selection of personnel.’ ”

    I did finally find a Synopsis FROM THE US GOVERNMENT
    It had this nasty surprise:

    As home to a significant portion of the world’s people, wildlife, plants and marine species, TPP Parties share a strong commitment to protecting and conserving the environment, including by working together to address environmental challenges, such as pollution, illegal wildlife trafficking, illegal logging, illegal fishing, and protection of the marine environment….
    They reaffirm their commitment to implement the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) they have joined. The Parties commit to provide transparency in environmental decision-making, implementation and enforcement….. Finally, the Parties commit to cooperate to address matters of joint or common interest, including in the areas of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and transition to low-emissions and resilient economies.

    Unlike some other treaties the TPP has enforcement. Worse, as can be seen if you read between the lines it has ENFORCEMENT FOR OTHER TREATIES! The Groniad says this about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement:

    Leading arbitration lawyer, George Kahale (chairman of Curtis, Mallet-Provost, Colt & Mosie LLP, an international law firm) says there are critical loopholes in the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s investment chapter that leave Australia wide open:

    ….an MFN clause is tantamount to a classic wipeout move. It would enable foreign corporations from TPP states to make a claim against Australia based on the ISDS provisions in any other trade deal Australia has signed, no matter which country it was signed with. That means it does not matter how carefully the TPP is drafted: foreign investors can cherrypick another treaty Australia has signed, and sue the Australian government based on the provisions included in that treaty…..”

    Back to the US Government synopsis we find:

    The Dispute Settlement chapter is intended to allow Parties to expeditiously address disputes between them over implementation of the TPP. ….TPP Parties aim to have these disputes resolved through impartial, unbiased panels. … hearings will be open to the public unless the disputing Parties otherwise agree, and the final report presented by panels will also be made available to the public. Panels will consider requests from non-governmental entities located in the territory of any disputing Party to provide written views regarding the dispute to panels during dispute settlement proceedings.

    Should consultations fail to resolve an issue, Parties may request establishment of a panel, which would be established within 60 days after the date of receipt of a request for consultations or 30 days after the date of receipt of a request related to perishable goods. Panels will be composed of three international trade and subject matter experts independent of the disputing Parties, with procedures available to ensure that a panel can be composed even if a Party fails to appoint a panelist within a set period of time. These panelists will be subject to a code of conduct to ensure the integrity of the dispute settlement mechanism. … The final report must be presented no later than 30 days after the presentation of the initial report and must be made public within 15 days, subject to the protection of any confidential information in the report.

    To maximize compliance, the Dispute Settlement chapter allows for the use of trade retaliation (e.g., suspension of benefits), if a Party found not to have complied with its obligations fails to bring itself into compliance with its obligations. Before use of trade retaliation, a Party found in violation can negotiate or arbitrate a reasonable period of time in which to remedy the breach….

    How about Immigration? And the adding of other countries without the approval of Congress?

    …. The TPP facilitates the development of production and supply chains, and seamless trade, enhancing efficiency and supporting our goal of creating and supporting jobs, raising living standards, enhancing conservation efforts, and facilitating cross-border integration, as well as opening domestic markets.

    Platform for regional integration. The TPP is intended as a platform for regional economic integration and designed to include additional economies across the Asia-Pacific region.

    Given the growing importance of services trade to TPP Parties, the 12 countries share an interest in liberalized trade in this area….market access, which provides that no TPP country may impose quantitative restrictions on the supply of services (e.g., a limit on the number of suppliers or number of transactions) ….TPP Parties accept these obligations on a “negative-list basis,” meaning that their markets are fully open to services suppliers from TPP countries….TPP Parties agree to permit free transfer of funds related to the cross-border supply of a service. In addition, the chapter includes a professional services annex encouraging cooperative work on licensing recognition and other regulatory issues, and an annex on express delivery services.

    The Temporary Entry for Business Persons chapter encourages authorities of TPP Parties to provide information on applications for temporary entry, to ensure that application fees are reasonable, and to make decisions on applications and inform applicants of decisions as quickly as possible. TPP Parties agree to ensure that information on requirements for temporary entry are readily available to the public, including by publishing information promptly and online if possible, and providing explanatory materials. The Parties agree to ongoing cooperation on temporary entry issues such as visa processing. Almost all TPP Parties have made commitments on access for each other’s business persons, which are in country-specific annexes.

    RAH and Colorado will love this one. Lets let China make our Army equipment and North Korea our government Computers!

    TPP Parties share an interest in accessing each other’s large government procurement markets through transparent, predictable, and non-discriminatory rules….

    And what about our government services like the Post Office, drivers license bureau… Can’t leave those out.

    …In addition to updating traditional approaches to issues covered by previous free trade agreements (FTAs), the TPP incorporates new and emerging trade issues and cross-cutting issues. These include issues related to the Internet and the digital economy, the participation of state-owned enterprises in international trade and investment…

  3. Ron Clutz says:

    In addition we can now confirm that Arctic ice continues to exceed 2007.

  4. oldbrew says:

    Ron C: funny how data manglers somehow find new warming when multi-year observation shows sea ice in general increasing, and no recent Arctic decline.

    Something doesn’t compute and my money’s not on the observations.

  5. Bill H says:

    You guys ought to be careful about trusting S. Goddard.

    The map he shows is dated 17 November. If you look at

    you will see today’s (complete) version, which is what NOAA have actually released.

    Still Goddard has said it’s fraud, so I guess we’re therefore all agreed it is fraud.

  6. oldbrew says:

    El Nino leads to temporary warming of seas in certain areas. This is well-known and nothing to do with man-made gases in the atmosphere.

  7. Bill H says:

    Actually, what Goddard does is worse than that. He reports on the NASA data release: a 1.04 degree anomaly but shows the NOAA (!!!) anomaly map as of 17 Nov. as evidence of fraud by NASA. I hadn’t realised becuase of the way he is yelling “fraud” at both simultaneously

  8. Gail Combs says:

    Bill H says: “You guys ought to be careful about trusting S. Goddard.

    The map he shows is dated 17 November. If you look at

    you will see today’s (complete) version, which is what NOAA have actually released.

    Actually, what Goddard does is worse than that. He reports on the NASA data release: a 1.04 degree anomaly but shows the NOAA (!!!) anomaly map as of 17 Nov. as evidence of fraud by NASA. I hadn’t realised becuase of the way he is yelling “fraud” at both simultaneously”


    What in heck are you nattering on about?

    The map Goddard shows is clearly marked as NOAA and GHCNM v3.3.0
    GHCNM = Global Historic Climate Network Monthly and the URL is

    (wwwDOT) i f

    It is the ACTUAL MAP showing how limited the coverage actually is. Actually it is the map after the temperatures have been smeared over 250 km square. So Goddard is being nice when he says half. You show a map with the temperatures smeared and infilled to Hades and gone. It is a fantasy map not a ‘completed’ map.

    The map Goddard shows is an illustration of what he says.

    Somehow, they managed to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees – even though they had no temperature data for about half of the land surface, including none in Greenland and very little in Africa or Antarctica.

    If you think Goddard is bad, you should see what E.M Smith has to say about those ClimAstrology maps.
    GHCN – GIStemp Interactions – The Bolivia Effect

    …Notice that nice rosy red over the top of Bolivia? Bolivia is that country near, but not on, the coast just about half way up the Pacific Ocean side. It has a patch of high cold Andes Mountains where most of the population live….

    One Small Problem with the anomally map. There has not been any thermometer data for Bolivia in GHCN since 1990.

    None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing. Empty Set.

    So just how can it be so Hot Hot Hot! in Bolivia if there is NO data from the last 20 years?

    Easy. GIStemp “makes it up” from “nearby” thermometers up to 1200 km away. So what is within 1200 km of Bolivia? The beaches of Chili, Peru and the Amazon Jungle.

    Not exactly the same as snow capped peaks and high cold desert, but hey, you gotta make do with what you have, you know? (The official excuse given is that the data acceptance window closes on one day of the month and Bolivia does not report until after that date. Oh, and they never ever would want to go back and add date into the past after a close date. Yet they are happy to fiddle with, adjust, modify, and wholesale change and delete old data as they change their adjustment methods…)

    And if you look that nice red hot spot over Bolivia is STILL THERE FIVE YEARS LATER!

    or see what Verity Jones has to say about the Death of the Thermometers.
    Canada – Top of the Hockey League (Part 1)

    So how did they get your ‘Completed’ map? via KRIGING!

    The Kriging Game

    …In the real world, geostatistics cannot possibly provide unbiased estimates and 95% confidence limits for contents and grades because it violates fundamental requirements of classical statistics. Bre-X’s infamous fraud puts into perspective what the difference between classical statistics and the geostatistical practice of kriging is is all about.

    Classical statistics proved that the Busang gold resource was a salting scam several months before Bre-X’s kingpins were honored by their peers. In the meantime, kriging continued to convert bogus grades and barren rock into the largest phantom gold resource the world has never seen until Bre-X’s boss salter was nudged to jump into the Kalimantan jungle when the scam was exposed…..

    As Steven Goddard said how and heck can they ” calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees “ ESPECIALLY when A peer-reviewed study Sensor and Electronic Biases/Errors in Air Temperature Measurements in Common Weather Station Networks by Lin et. al. concluded:

    Therefore, the RSS errors in the MMTS are from 0.31° to 0.62°C from temperature -40°C to -50°C (Fig. 5)… For the HO-1088 sensor, the self-heating error is quite serious and can make temperature 0.5°C higher under 1 m/s airflow, which is slightly less than the actual normal ventilation rate in the ASOS shield (Lin et al. 2001a).

    Which is the INSTRUMENT ERROR.
    The error of station placement is much worse. Anthony Watts Surface Station Project showed the stations from the ‘best system in the world’ had 70.6% class 4 or 5.
    Climate Reference Network Rating Guide – adopted from NCDC Climate Reference Network Handbook, 2002, , specifications for siting (section 2.2.1) of NOAA’s new Climate Reference Network:

    Class 4 (CRN4) (error >= 2C) – Artificial heating sources = 5C) – Temperature sensor located next to/above an artificial heating source, such a building, roof top, parking lot, or concrete surface.”

    Remember each station is ONE reading at Unique location with a Unique instrument so you can not use the statistics of large numbers. The statistics of large numbers allow a better estimate of the true value IF you do repeated measurement s of the same thing with the same instrument.

    SO the BEST error possible is error >= 2C and more probably error >= 5C since you are supposed to use the error of the worse readings to estimate the error of the whole.

  9. Gail Combs says:

    Did my comment get kicked into moderation?

  10. Gail Combs says:

    Since Word Unimpressed practices censorship, I will assume my comment went into a black hole and will recreate it

  11. Gail Combs says:

    What in Hades are you nattering on about Bill H?

    The map Goddard shows is a NOAA map. The URL is
    (wwwDOT) i f

    It says on the map GHCNM v3.3.0
    GHCNM = Global Historic Climate Network Monthly.

    It also says: “Please Note: Grey areas represent missing data”

    Goddard’s statement is

    Somehow, they managed to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees – even though they had no temperature data for about half of the land surface, including none in Greenland and very little in Africa or Antarctica.

    The Map you post and call ‘complete’ is not ‘complete’ it is a fantasy map with smearing and infilling instead of actual data.

    Actually Goddard is being nice since one thermometer reading is smeared over a minimum of a 250 km area. E. M. Smith is even more scathing and points out that some of those 250 km squares don’t even represent actual data!
    GHCN – GIStemp Interactions – The Bolivia Effect

    …..Alright Already, what is this Bolivia Effect?

    Notice that nice rosy red over the top of Bolivia? Bolivia is that country near, but not on, the coast just about half way up the Pacific Ocean side…
    One Small Problem with the anomally map. There has not been any thermometer data for Bolivia in GHCN since 1990.

    None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing. Empty Set.

    So just how can it be so Hot Hot Hot! in Bolivia if there is NO data from the last 20 years?

    Easy. GIStemp “makes it up” from “nearby” thermometers up to 1200 km away. So what is within 1200 km of Bolivia? The beaches of Chili, Peru and the Amazon Jungle.

    Not exactly the same as snow capped peaks and high cold desert, but hey, you gotta make do with what you have, you know? (The official excuse given is that the data acceptance window closes on one day of the month and Bolivia does not report until after that date. Oh, and they never ever would want to go back and add date into the past after a close date. Yet they are happy to fiddle with, adjust, modify, and wholesale change and delete old data as they change their adjustment methods…)…

    That was five years ago and that nice rosy spot is still there.

    And Verity Jones points out that the Climastrologists DROPPED many many stations so they could use made-up data instead!
    Canada – Top of the Hockey League (Part 1) (One of many posts on the subject)

    So yeah, this type of ‘work’ would get you fired in a mining company. (See my last comment if it posts.)

  12. Gail Combs says:

    The point of course is that NOAA is claiming to be able to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees C. Based on this claimed accuracy and precision NOAA then proclaims ‘Warmest Month Evah!’ and allows the prophets of Doom to proclaim ” The Earth is burning up!” or similar claptrap.

    So lets look at that claimed 0.01 degrees C:

    A peer-reviewed study Sensor and Electronic Biases/Errors in Air Temperature Measurements in Common Weather Station Networks by Lin et. al. concluded:

    Therefore, the RSS errors in the MMTS are from 0.31° to 0.62°C from temperature -40°C to -50°C (Fig. 5)… For the HO-1088 sensor, the self-heating error is quite serious and can make temperature 0.5°C higher under 1 m/s airflow, which is slightly less than the actual normal ventilation rate in the ASOS shield (Lin et al. 2001a).

    That was the source of error from the instrument itself. What about location, where the instrument is placed?

    Anthony Watts Surface Station Project shows the ‘Best weather station system in the world’ has 70.6% class 4 or class 5 stations. SEE:

    Climate Reference Network Rating Guide – adopted from NCDC Climate Reference Network Handbook, 2002, specifications for siting (section 2.2.1) of NOAA’s new Climate Reference Network:

    Class 4 (CRN4) (error >= 2C) – Artificial heating sources = 5C) – Temperature sensor located next to/above an artificial heating source, such a building, roof top, parking lot, or concrete surface.”

    So the nicest interpretation still gives an error estimate of error >= 2C but normally you would use error >= 5C, the worse estimate for your group of values because you can never be better than the worst of the individuals. This is the correct way of estimating error because you can not use the statistics of large numbers on ONE reading from a unique location and time with a unique measuring instrument. The statistics of large numbers applies to REPEATED measurements of the same thing with the same instrument. Only then can you use the statistics of large numbers to reduce the error.

    So by a different method you can come to the same conclusion as Goddard. NOAA is full of bovine feces and as a scientific government organization they deserved to be hauled in front of Congress and asked what the heck they are doing.

  13. Gail Combs says:

    try, try again:
    The point of course is that NOAA is claiming to be able to calculate Earth’s temperature within 0.01 degrees C. Based on this claimed accuracy and precision NOAA then proclaims ‘Warmest Month Evah!’ and allows the prophets of Doom to proclaim ” The Earth is burning up!” or similar claptrap.

    So lets look at that claimed 0.01 degrees C:

    A peer-reviewed study Sensor and Electronic Biases/Errors in Air Temperature Measurements in Common Weather Station Networks by Lin et. al. concluded:

    Therefore, the RSS errors in the MMTS are from 0.31° to 0.62°C from temperature -40°C to -50°C (Fig. 5)… For the HO-1088 sensor, the self-heating error is quite serious and can make temperature 0.5°C higher under 1 m/s airflow, which is slightly less than the actual normal ventilation rate in the ASOS shield (Lin et al. 2001a).

    The Surface Station Project shows the ‘Best weather station system in the world’ has 70.6% class 4 or class 5 stations. SEE: (wwwdot)

    Climate Reference Network Rating Guide – adopted from NCDC Climate Reference Network Handbook, 2002, specifications for siting (section 2.2.1) of NOAA’s new Climate Reference Network:

    Class 4 (CRN4) (error >= 2C) – Artificial heating sources = 5C) – Temperature sensor located next to/above an artificial heating source, such a building, roof top, parking lot, or concrete surface.”

    So the nicest interpretation still gives an error estimate of error >= 2C but normally you would use error >= 5C, the worse estimate for your group of values because you can never be better than the worst of the individuals. This is the correct way of estimating error because you can not use the statistics of large numbers on ONE reading from a unique location and time with a unique measuring instrument. The statistics of large numbers applies to REPEATED measurements of the same thing with the same instrument. Only then can you use the statistics of large numbers to reduce the error.

    So by a different method you can come to the same conclusion as Goddard. NOAA is full of bovine feces and as a scientific government organization they deserved to be hauled in front of Congress and asked what the heck they are doing.

  14. ren says:

    Lock over Canada causes an inflow of air from the north over Europe.

  15. Gail Combs says:

    (Sorry I blew the use of block quotes above)

    Last is the whole subject of smearing data from one tiny point over large areas of a non-uniform surface and expecting it to tell you something useful. It is called kriging.

    The Kriging Game

    …In the real world, geostatistics [kriging] cannot possibly provide unbiased estimates and 95% confidence limits for contents and grades because it violates fundamental requirements of classical statistics. Bre-X’s infamous fraud puts into perspective what the difference between classical statistics and the geostatistical practice of kriging is is all about.

    Classical statistics proved that the Busang gold resource was a salting scam several months before Bre-X’s kingpins were honored by their peers. In the meantime, kriging continued to convert bogus grades and barren rock into the largest phantom gold resource the world has never seen until Bre-X’s boss salter was nudged to jump into the Kalimantan jungle when the scam was exposed….

    For temperature data the same type of problem occurs as in mining. The area under investigation is not uniform and therefore kriging can lead you astray.

    Frank Lansner has done a lot of work with the original temperature records and has shown the temperatures of ocean influenced areas differ from the temperatures of ocean sheltered areas. He wrote up a clear article on the subject but it was posted at ‘He who Shall not be Named’

    Luckily he has now posted it at his own site along with a lot of other good information:

    I am happy he is finally at the writing up the information stage instead of the gathering info stage.

  16. ren says:

    That to me is reliable.
    wft image

  17. ren says:

    Global monthly average lower troposphere temperature since 1979 according to Remote Sensing Systems (RSS). This graph uses data obtained by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) TIROS-N satellite, and interpreted by Dr. Carl Mears (RSS). The thick line is the simple running 37 month average, nearly corresponding to a running 3 yr average. The cooling and warming periods directly influenced by the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption and the 1998 El Niño, respectively, are clearly visible.

  18. ren says:

    Gail Combs thanks.

  19. oldbrew says:

    In the next year or two it may become clear whether El Nino is pushing out excess ocean heat due to lower solar input.

  20. ren says:

    Oldbrew, in 2014 and 2015 was the highest in the cycle of geomagnetic activity.

  21. Gail Combs says:

    At this point I really hope the temperature especially in Europe and the east coast of North America crashes with many many blizzards and record snow falls. I do not think It will take much more before the people rear up and tell the Progressives where to shove their World Totalitarian Government.

    I have just about had enough of the Useful Idiots of the Elite coming on boards or commenting on news articles in support of policies that will get us all killed. Most of them are slippery slimy little worms with no real data to back them up.

    I truly do not understand why people would rather be the boot lickers in a medieval type dark ages with a life that is nasty, brutish and short. I prefer a life in an enlightened age where there is REAL science and technology that benefits us all.

  22. ren says:

    Gail Combs says:
    November 20, 2015 at 12:03 pm
    “At this point I really hope the temperature especially in Europe and the east coast of North America crashes with many many blizzards and record snow falls.”
    It will be as you wish.

  23. NCDC’s high anomalies comes from the fact that they DONT interpolate over large enough distances.

  24. Gail Combs says:

    Thanks Ren, I have no doubt the temperature has peaked and we will see a drop into 1960/70s type weather at the minimum.

    Look closely at the bottom of this chart (decade by decade) to see what that means for the food supply.

    The graph shows the movement of the Köppen Climate Boundary.

    Köppen climate classification
    Köppen climate classification, widely used, vegetation-based empirical
    climate classification system developed by German botanist-climatologist Wladimir Köppen. His aim was to devise formulas that would define climatic boundaries in such a way as to correspond to those of the vegetation zones (biomes) that were being mapped for the first time during his lifetime. Köppen published his first scheme in 1900 and a revised version in 1918. He continued to revise his system of classification until his death in 1940…..

    The 1974 CIA Report adds the other point.

    A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems

    Pg 7
    In 1972 the Intelligence Community was faced with two issues concerning climatology:

    * No methodologies available to alert policymakers of adverse climatic change

    * No tools to assess the economic and political impact of such a change.

    “… Since 1972 the grain crisis has intensified…. Since 1969 the storage of grain has decreased from 600 million metric tons to less than 100 million metric tons – a 30 day supply… many governments have gone to great lengths to hide their agricultural predicaments from other countries as well as from their own people…

    pg 9
    The archaeologists and climatotologists document a rather grim history… There is considerable evidence that these empires may not have been undone by barbarian invaders but by climatic change…. has tied several of these declines to specific global cool periods, major and minor, that affected global atmospheric circulation and brought wave upon wave of drought to formerly rich agricultural lands.

    Refugees from these collapsing civilizations were often able to migrate to better lands… This would be of little comfort however,… The world is too densely populated and politically divided to accommodate mass migration.


    I sometimes think that CAGW was a diversionary tactic to keep the masses from realizing the Elite were busy moving money and resources out of the northern areas like Europe, Canada and the USA into more equatorial areas in prep for a colder climate.

    A month ago I laid out the whole thing at Stevengoddard : Knowledge of Gleissberg and the 88 year cycle; Hays & Shackleton and the Milancovitch cycles; Paul Erhlich and “Eco Science” and “The Population Bomb”; The sudden switch from supporting manufacturing to bashing manufacturing (EPA, OSHA, Affirmative Action in the USA) –All in the beginning of the 1970s. Tony H. took major exception to the idea the elite believed we were headed into major glaciation and were prepping for it since the 1970s. (He is a geologist who thinks the Holocene will go long.)

    The critical point for me was Maurice Strong and the First Earth Summit in 1972.

    Elaine Dewar wrote in Toronto’s Saturday Night magazine:

    It is instructive to read Strong’s 1972 Stockholm speech and compare it with the issues of Earth Summit 1992. Strong warned urgently about global warming, the devastation of forests, the loss of biodiversity, polluted oceans, the population time bomb. Then as now, he invited to the conference the brand-new environmental NGOs [non-governmental organizations]: he gave them money to come; they were invited to raise he!! at home. After Stockholm, environment issues became part of the administrative framework in Canada, the U.S., Britain, and Europe.

    Wait a second! In the 1974 CIA report the critical problem was not global warming, it was global cooling and crop failure and the UN darn well knew it!

    Remember even if the Holocene follows MIS11 and goes long, the climate WILL be cooler and it WILL be more erratic. Therefore a move towards the equator and a major curb on population (read wiping out) makes sense to the Elite. (Along with nuclear power and desalinization)

    So what do we see? The middle East exploding and a ISIS map showing the exact area that would be coveted by the Elite if the climate cools.

    Sort of explains why the MSM, EU, Canada, Aussie and USA leaders are blithely ignoring** what the man on the street can see as glaringly obvious threat. Wars and a bit of genocide are always good for population reduction. You just have to make sure you get the targeted populations riled up enough. So we have another “Lets you and he fight’ in the making.

    Another major crisis is always good for diverting the publics attention away from the failed CAGW narrative as the people involved slink away to set-up the next crisis.

    **The USA more than doubled muslim immigration since 9/11 adding 1.6 million muslims. Half are from areas filled with militant muslims.

  25. ivan says:

    Just an aside. Our local mountain got its first load of snow for the year this morning and I mean load, not the usual light dusting on the top that it usually gets around this time of the year. It is half way down and the mountains behind are covered as well. It looks as if it will a good ski season in the Pyrenees this year. (mountain – Canigou 2786m, approx 47km from the med)

  26. Bill H says:

    Hi, Gail,

    The problem with your argument is that Goddard’s article came out on 17th October in response to NASA’s release of the GISS values on that day. NOAA didn’t release its data for September 2015 until the 19th,

    You and Goddard have no evidence to suppose that the data NOAA released on 19th October, as opposed to a map posted on their website sometime on or prior to the 17th, was based on only half the global land surface.

    FInally Goddard is claiming NASA has committed fraud and yet has provided no evidence of the NASA dataset for September at all. There’s a word for defaming an organisation’s reputation with no evidence whatsoever: libel.

    And you call me clueless….?!

    That said, some countries can be late providing data. In thie case of Sept 2015 that included Brazil. NOAA and NASA are required to release their data so they will infill accordingly. That’s not fraudulent, since it’s made quite clear

  27. ren says:

    Bill H
    October 2015 surface air temperature compared to the average of the last 10 years. Green-yellow-red colours indicate areas with higher
    temperature than the 10 year average, while blue colours indicate lower than average temperatures. Data source: Goddard Institute for
    Space Studies (GISS).

  28. ren says:

    October 2015 global surface air temperatures
    General: The average global air temperature was
    above the average for the last ten years. The main
    reason for this is the present El Niño episode in the
    Pacific Ocean (see p.12), which affects the global
    air temperature in warm direction.
    The Northern Hemisphere was generally relatively
    cold, with the exception of western North America.
    Especially central Russia was cold. The Arctic was
    generally cold in the Russian-Siberian sector, while
    the Greenland and Alaska sector was warm.
    Near the Equator temperatures were above
    average in most of the central and eastern Pacific
    Ocean, reflecting the ongoing El Niño episode.
    Otherwise, temperatures were near the average
    for the last 10 years.
    The Southern Hemisphere temperatures were
    below average in South America and above in
    Southern Africa and Australia. Otherwise,
    temperatures were near or below the 2005-2014
    average. The Antarctic continent had mainly above
    average temperatures, although the coastal regions
    of much of East Antarctic had below average

    Click to access Climate4you_October_2015.pdf

  29. ren says:

    The polar vortex is now strong, as indicated by the drop in temperature in the stratosphere.

  30. ren says:

    As a result of low temperatures in the stratosphere in the north appeared to already the ozone hole.

  31. oldbrew says:

    More problems with NOAA sea surface data.


    NOAA’s New “Pauses-Buster” Sea Surface Temperature Data – The Curiosities Extend into the 1st Half of the 20th Century…