Watch “Snow Orbs, Houses Burried and Record Snow Early Across Russia | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (253)”

Posted: November 7, 2016 by tallbloke in solar system dynamics
  1. Ron Clutz says:

    According to Dr. Judah Cohen at AER, Oct.-Nov. heavy Eurasian snowfall is predictive of NH cooling.

  2. oldbrew says:

    NTZ reports: Cold October… N. Hemisphere Snow Cover Reaches Near Record High …Record Snow In Siberia!

    The wetteronline site here just reported that for this time of the year “snow cover in the northern hemisphere reached the second highest level in about 50 years“. Snow cover has extended to 31.48 million square meters. Only 1976 was higher. Over the past few days a vast area of Russia has seen temperatures fall well below normal. Because of the early and widespread snow cover , the air cools and results in significantly colder than normal temperatures. [bold added]

  3. tom0mason says:

    I doubt that Habibullo Abdussamatov with his paper ‘Grand Minimum of The Total Solar Irradiance Leads to The Little Ice Age’ will be too pleased to know that his hypothetical timetable appears to be on track, given all the hardship that will ensue.
    Hopefully Russia has taken heed and are preparing for the change. Europe on the other hand appears to be ready to allow many people to perish as the colder climate phase moves in.

  4. Ron Clutz says:

    On a tangential topic, the debate on climate science in on in Australia. I posted a synopsis of the scientific interchange between Roberts and CSIRO along with a link to the dialogue documentation.

  5. ren says:

    The pressure over the Arctic Circle.

    This means that the inflow of air from the Arctic to Europe.
    The solar wind very weak.,107

  6. ren says:

    Strong wave in the upper stratosphere.

  7. ADAPT 2030 says:

    Hi Ron, we should have a talk and post on my YT channel ADAPT 2030 about your climate debate in Australia and thoughts of global cooling.

  8. ren says:

    Please pay attention to the high-pressure area over Scandinavia.

  9. ren says:

    What happens to the temperature in Asia? Just look at the Sea of Okhotsk.
    Sea of Okhotsk

  10. ren says:

    Weak solar wind and very high galactic ionizing radiation in the lower stratosphere.

  11. ren says:

    Temperature anomalies in Russia beyond the Urals exceed 10 degrees C below normal.

    Polar vortex is broken.

    This is the result jumps solar wind.