Green madness: protected forests in Europe felled to meet EU renewable targets 

Posted: November 26, 2016 by oldbrew in Big Green, Energy
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Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Emilia-Romagna, Italy

‘European bioenergy plants do not have to produce evidence that their wood products have been sustainably sourced’ – Guardian reporter. Looks like an open invitation to unscrupulous operators to cheat for profit.

Protected forests are being indiscriminately felled across Europe to meet the EU’s renewable energy targets, according to an investigation by the conservation group Birdlife.

Up to 65% of Europe’s renewable output currently comes from bioenergy, involving fuels such as wood pellets and chips, rather than wind and solar power.

Bioenergy fuel is supposed to be harvested from residue such as forest waste but, under current legislation, European bioenergy plants do not have to produce evidence that their wood products have been sustainably sourced.

Birdlife found logging taking place in conservation zones such as Poloniny national park in eastern Slovakia and in Italian riverside forests around Emilia-Romagna, where it said it had been falsely presented as flood-risk mitigation.

In Slovakia, the drive to reach the EU’s renewable energy targets has seen a 72% increase in the use of wood for bio-energy since 2007, according to Birdlife’s Black Book of Bioenergy paper.

Sini Eräjää, Birdlife’s bioenergy officer, said: “This report provides clear evidence that the EU’s renewable energy policies have led to increased harvesting of whole trees and to continued use of food crops for energy. We are subsidising large-scale environmental destruction, not just outside Europe, as in Indonesia or the US, but also right in our own backyard.”

Source: Green Madness: Protected Forests In Europe Felled To Meet EU Renewable Targets | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

  1. TinyCO2 says:

    This comes under the ‘well duuuuh’ category. How could it come as a surprise to anybody? What is amazing is how long it takes for the likes of the Guardian to object to it. No, I tell a lie, I’m not amazed at all. They are masters of the blinkered view point.

  2. oldbrew says:

    The general question of how burning any bits of tree is ‘sustainable’ doesn’t go away.

    AFAIK it is not, and never will be, possible to grow a tree as fast as one can be burned 😐

  3. John Smith says:

    This leaves me feeling slightly vindicated about the many times that I have commented on the cutting down of Scottish forests to feed my local biomass plant, although it is no longer local to me as I have moved away. Could not sleep for the trucks or breath the air polluted by the diesel. How can any of this be described as green.

  4. A C Osborn says:

    No different to DRAX burning American Forests.

  5. catweazle666 says:

    Hell, what’s a few million hectares of forest matter when you’re “Saving the World™”?

  6. […] Source: Green madness: protected forests in Europe felled to meet EU renewable targets  | Tallbloke’s… […]

  7. craigm350 says:

    Reblogged this on WeatherAction News and commented:
    Ah! the problem is that governments have not passed enough legislation. We must legislate further to burn all Europe’s forests to stop Death Trains and uncontrolled burning. We must ensure that those who are unable to afford electricity or heating cannot cut down trees because that is bad for the environment. 😉

  8. […] Source: Green madness: protected forests in Europe felled to meet EU renewable targets  […]

  9. oldbrew says:

    EU climate madness is out of control…

    Europe’s green energy policy is a disaster for the environment

    “Burning forest biomass on an industrial scale for power and heating has proved disastrous,” says Linde Zuidema, bioenergy campaigner for forest protection group Fern. “The evidence that its growing use will increase emissions and destroy forests in Europe and elsewhere is overwhelming.”