Web of Distrust

Posted: March 14, 2019 by tallbloke in Blog

H/T to follower ‘@realhxn’ for flagging up this issue. There is a plugin to chrome which warns people not to trust the talkshop.

The plugin owners say this is because

Important to know that if you are using sub-domain of wordpress.com that in the past used for fraud and phishing – 
Our community has rated this all sub-domains as not trusted. 

They go on to say

It is important to know that our algorithm can separate between subdomains only after getting a couple of good/bad reviews.
We recommend you ask the community to re-evaluate your domain by submitting a request at the “Site Evaluations” forum. 

I hope some talkshop contributors and readers might find a few moment to visit this link , give the talkshop a star rating and login using google+ or an email address and submit a brief review. Thanks for your assistance.

  1. vuurklip says:

    They possibly just target random sites in order to scare the reader into downloading the plugin and possibly harvest personal information by getting us to create an account.

  2. Andy Mac says:

    I have a wordpress sub-domain, and yet it is deemed safe by the same people blaming your rating on it.

    As the other commenter said, this plugin could well simply be fishing itself.

  3. tallbloke says:

    It turns out that Web of Trust is the site that cannot be trusted…

  4. thegoosefish says:

    it asks me to log in to Google using my password. and yes, wants me to download the app.
    I havent had any trouble accessing your site.

  5. tallbloke says:

    I’ll get onto google and get them to boot this plugin off their system.

  6. Bloke down the pub says:

    Sounds like the old Mafia fire insurance policy. ‘Ooh , this place looks very flammable, wouldn’t want to see you have a fire here’. First they put a red mark against your name and then say’ all you have to do to get the mark removed is persuade all your users to give us what we want

  7. hunterson7 says:

    Install WOT, give it the review it deserves, and uninstall it.
    Apps like this WOT are at best parasites.
    The so-called “rating app” the infamous SPLC is involved with is actively working to suppress and censor the internet.
    Fight these rat bastids.

  8. Kip Hansen says:

    Tallbloke ==> There is a link on the page for “the owner of this site”….don’t know if it will help to sort this out.

  9. tallbloke says:

    Thanks Kip, I’ve already had comms with them.

  10. stpaulchuck says:

    I dropped Chrome a couple years ago. I use Opera now. Google has become just another censorship group with a political agenda. Well then, buh-bye.

  11. Steve C says:

    Trusting what the “Web of Trust” tells you to trust is a bit like believing that what Wikipedia or Snopes says is truth, or that the activities of Google, Facebook et al are a wholesome boon to society. I wonder, does this mean they reckon they’ve cleansed the big social media outlets of the worst of the dissent, and now they’re coming after the blogs?

    Talkshop credibility: High
    Web of Trust credibility: Nil
    No contest.

  12. tom0mason says:

    WOT is just WOBS!
    Sorry but I will not be in touch with WOT as I take great pains to keep google out of my browsers, and WOT appears to believe google is a cyber god.

    Yet another reason (as if more are needed) Google and their products (chrome) are not to be trusted. Google — where the ‘product’ is free because the user is monetized.

    My advice
    1. DON’T use google use Duckduckgo, or Startpage, or Mojeek, or … , for searches.
    2. Use Opera, Vivaldi, Brave or any other non MS, non google browsers,
    3. Install script and ad blockers — specifically block ‘google-analytics’ and ‘googletagservices’.
    And if you’ve bought a Chromebook you deserve all the annoying advertising and tracking you’ll get for the rest of your life.

  13. Gamecock says:

    It may be coming to an end:


    U.S. internet platforms are not responsible for content. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects them. Like the phone company isn’t responsible for what you say on the telephone.

    But in the last few years, traditional ‘platforms,’ Twitter, Facebook, etc, having been managing content. Making them publishers, not platforms. As publishers, they are responsible for content. I have been waiting for months, maybe a year, for someone to take action like the Nunes suit to hold them accountable for their actions. I hope Nunes succeeds, and all the bias stops.