Solar System Simplified

Posted: July 15, 2010 by tallbloke in solar system dynamics

For anyone mystified by the preceding post it’s very simple really.  Here is my hypothesis. The sun maintains the orbits of the planets by inputting energy via transfer of angular momentum through the solar wind. The periodic temporal groupings of planetary alignments coincide with the solar cycles which generate changes in the solar wind speed. Dynamic balance between power supply and planetary feedback via the alignments governs the level of the power supply from our Sun.

The Sun is prevented from going into runaway conditions and possibly going supernova by the planets, which control it’s activity levels. The Sun contains 99.85% of all the mass in the system. The planets have 98% of the angular momentum. When the sun follows it’s tendency towards runaway conditions with shorter, higher amplitude cycles, it gets out of phase with the planetary alignments. This causes solar activity to drop to below average levels. Then it slowly builds up a head of steam again. This is why the sun occasionally leads the planetary alignments rather than lagging them.

Planetary alignments: green lines vs sunspot numbers: red curve

You can see this in Jean Pierre Desmoulins graph above. Leading up to tht Dalton minimum in solar activity at the beginning of the 1800’s, the sun was running hot, with a couple of hiogh amplitude cycles which got ahead of the planetary alignment ‘most aligned days’. Afterwards, solar activity fell to a deep low for two cycles. Low cycles tend to be longer, so the phase relationship between solar cycles and planetary alignment cycles was restored, and the solar cycles recovered their strength. There was a less dramatic downturn at the start of the C20th, and we’ll have to wait and see how the current low spell in solar activity develops.

Maunder minimum followed by 100 years of increasing activity. Dalton Minimum, followed by 100 years of increasing activity, the low cycles at the start of the C20th, followed by 100 years of increasing activity. Then the recent long minimum after solar cycle 23 followed by, you guessed it…a low solar cycle 24, probably a low solar cycle 25 too, followed by a gradual recovery during the C21st, with some ups and downs along the way as the system oscillates.

Watt governor

James Watt came up with the invention of the planetary Governor to control the speed of steam engines in 1724. The sliding collar ‘R’ is connected via rod ‘W’ to the valve which controls the amount of steam allowed into the cylinder barrel. As the system speeds up, the spinning weights ‘B’ are thrown outwards by centifugal force, lifting the collar and shutting down the steam valve to slow the engine. The reduced speed allows the spinning weights to fall inwards again, opening the throttle valve once more. This is cybernetic feedback, and it causes the system to oscillate either side of the optimum level. All manmade and natural systems governed by negative feedback loops do this, including Earth’s climate.

I predict it will be discovered that more stars which have no planetary system will go supernova prematurely than those that do.

Luckily for us.

  1. BTW, we always suspected a “Watts effect” 🙂

  2. Dear Tallbloke: Through the link in your automatic email I wrote the following message:

    Really beutifully magnificent!
    Again: The beauty of simplicity!

  3. Gray says:

    Yes, absolutely Tallbloke, I’ve always seen it as an advance retard system.

    I’m working on the second half of the article from earlier this year which is close to finalisation.

    “An analogy: In a petrol engine the constant running speed is governed by the advancement and retardation of the firing spark by means of rotating weights and return springs. When the engine begins to increase speed the weights are thrown outward by centrifugal force. The displacement of mass retards the rotation and thus retards the spark. The engine now slows and the weights are pulled closer to the rotation axis thus speeding the rotation once again. Such an analogy describes how here the solar cycle first quickens as the mass of the solar system planets shift outward then slows as it moves inward.”

    Whilst the quote doesn’t reference the linkage between solar wind and drag it follows the same train of thought. I think the conjunction timing of the planets particularly together with Jupiter is consistent with a whole system and that perhaps we should not see the planets as separate from the Sun but very much as part of the whole. The timings in the article particularly the core Jupiter/Saturn alignments conforming to a precise prime number is also highly indicative of a system arrived at by billion year trial and error.

  4. P.G. Sharrow says:

    Using the planets as a brake on the spin up of the sun due to EMF coupling is an elegant idea. Without this the sun would spin up and explode. Gravity just does not fill the bill.

    The solar wind would have more to do with energy loss from the planets then as an energy carrier to them. Magnetic coupling and hysteresis heating is a poorly explored subject in the planet energy equation. As Lief would insist, TSI is quite consistent, much like a boiling pot is always the same temperature. The EMF activity and solar wind is quite variable, so this is where you have to look for variable energy output. The only thing that is a variable cause in the solar system is the positions of the planetary bodies and they are like clockwork in their motions. ALMOST.

    Using planetary positions to predict weather has worked for over 6,000 years but does not explain why it all works.

    I look forward to the advance of thought on this site, it is the first one I visit every day. Thank you all. pg

  5. tallbloke says:

    Adolfo, thanks, I strive to explain things in everyday language and simple concepts anyone can follow.

    Gray, nice analogy as an additional idea. The Watt governor is the primary mechanism, the advance retard unit provides the fine tuning. I think this will turn out to be analogous to the solar wind speed changing the curvature of the field lines in the interplanetary magnetic field, causing slight changes in the alignment relationships of the planets and Sun.


    This thread is getting a lot of hits this morning. Please visit the new thread on space weather and leave a quick weather report for your area. I’d like to see what effect the crossing of the sector boundary has worldwide. – Thanks.

  6. Tenuc says:

    Brilliant TB, a nice simple explanation that even I can understand…

    And a mechanism for this quasi-cyclic climate behaviour shown here:-

    1410-1500 cold – Low Solar Activity(LSA?)-(Sporer minimum)
    1510-1600 warm – High Solar Activity(HSA?)
    1610-1700 cold – (LSA) (Maunder minimum)
    1710-1800 warm – (HSA)
    1810-1900 cold – (LSA) (Dalton minimum)
    1910-2000 warm – (HSA)
    2010-2100 (cold???) – (Tall Bloke Minimum???)

    I think the ‘governor’ is driven by electromagnetic fields which act through the connecting medium of the solar wind (plasma cloud). The orientation of each planets magnetic field, relative to the solar orientation and to each other, have varying effects on the energy flow during their various periodic alignments.

    Size and orientation of planetary magnetic fields shown here:-

  7. tallbloke says:

    Thanks for the accolade Tenuc, but leave me out of the ‘name the minimum’ debate please. The dynamologists want to nominate Jack Eddy. The astro-planetologists are rooting for Theodor Landscheidt. The jolly pranksters are nominating Al Gore. 🙂

    Thanks for your thoughts on the mechanism too. It is known for sure that the Sun transfers angular momentum from itself to the planets through the magnetic fields in the solar wind. The key question concerns the feedback to the sun induced by back EMF effects, and the passive extra conductivity pathways supplied by the planets by their periodic alignments.

    Nice image you linked. I’d like to use it, but it’s copyrighted by Thompson Media.

  8. Tenuc says:

    tallbloke says:
    July 16, 2010 at 12:56 pm

    “The key question concerns the feedback to the sun induced by back EMF effects, and the passive extra conductivity pathways supplied by the planets by their periodic alignments.”

    Your back EMF poses interesting questions perhaps.

    In my youth I used to dabble with Tesla coils, which produce the high voltages observed via a mechanism involving back EMF. When tuned correctly = massive power output, but when out of phase not much power at all. Good primer on Tesla coils here:-

  9. Then, now is the time for a politically inconvenient solar system model.