Tony Thomas: Grossly graphic gun-play in Goulburn

Posted: May 11, 2012 by tallbloke in flames, Forecasting, government, Incompetence, Legal, methodology, Philosophy, Politics

Here’s a partial repost from Australia’s ‘Quadrant’ magazine, be sure to read the rest of this entertaining article at their site. H/T the authortthomas2′ .

UPDATE: Nick stokes reveals the mystery gunman’s identity in comments.

Doomed Planet
“Today’s debate about global warming is essentially a debate about freedom. The environmentalists would like to mastermind each and every possible (and impossible) aspect of our lives.”

Vaclav Klaus – President of the Czech Republic
Blue Planet in Green Shackles

Grossly graphic gun-play in Goulburn
by Tony Thomas

May 11, 2012

Now that the 11 “death-threat” emails sent to climate scientists at the Australian National University are on the public record, we can read them with appropriate bemusement.[1]

Privacy Commissioner Tim Pilgrim was quite right to say there ain’t no death threats. But there are some four letter words and in one case, he says, an exchange that was intimidating and at its highest perhaps alluding to a threat, with danger to persons being only a possibility, not a real chance.[2]

I happen to be aware of the details about that exchange, and suggest that the person involved suffered post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from prolonged patronising by the ANU climate academics.

Here’s No 5 email:

ANU Climate Change Institute.
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010.

Dear All,

Looks like we’ve had our first serious threat of physical violence. It has come from a participant in [the] deliberative democracy project last weekend. One of the participants left early after he took exception to my talk about climate science…[Deleted’s] exact words were:

“Moreover, before he left, he came to the Fri dinner and showed other participants his gun licence and explained to them how good a sniper he is. Because he didn’t attend day 2 he will not be allowed to attend the final day. I will be notifying security to be on hand in case he turns up and causes a problem.”

I think the final day is this weekend but I am not sure. Anyway, I’ve asked XXX to brief the VC [vice-chancellor] and the head of security ASAP. The latter will determine whether this should go to the AFP [Australian Federal Police] or not. [It didn’t]. But in the meantime, we should be careful about anyone we don’t know who approaches our offices.

First, some oddities:

The incident was a full year before the ‘death threat’ hullaballoo hit the media.

The timing of that media furore was during the Parliamentary hearings on the carbon tax; a couple of days before the “Say Yes” rallies in Canberra by warmist folk; and a fortnight before the “Science meets Parliament” event where 200 scientists were tasked by their organisations to rev up MPs against sceptic ‘misinformation’.[3]

Warmist blogger Graham Readfern interviewed the director of the ANU’s Climate Change Institute, Will Steffen, about the threats last week. Readfern reported: Shortly after ANU staff were moved, there was an incident at an ANU public engagement event where a climate sceptic who had been invited to attend had become frustrated. During an exchange, the individual had showed what he claimed was a gun licence to people sitting at the table, before claiming he was a ‘good shot’The individual is understood to have left voluntarily.”[4]  I wonder, is that word “sniper” in the email just spin from an over-excited academic?

Was the gun-man “sceptic” who was invited to attend the ANU event, a high profile person? Normally such invitations would go to the likes of Bob Carter, William Kinninmonth or Garth Paltridge FAA. No, in fact this sceptic was just an ordinary Joe.

Here’s the background: Dr Kersty Hobson, an Oxford University visitor, and Dr Simon Niemeyer, Senior Fellow, of the ANU’s modestly titled “Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance Centre” helped bag $378,500 in 2008-10 grants from the Australian Research Council.

The grants were partly or mainly to work out ways to browbeat climate sceptics towards sanity, or in academia-speak, provide insight into the scope for positive community behavioural change”.[5] The researchers still considered themselves under-funded.

They tell (nearly) all in their paper last January for the peer-reviewed journal, Public Understanding of Science. The paper is titled, “What sceptics believe: The effects of information and deliberation on climate change skepticism.”[6]

They conclude that warmist preaching should be tailored to particular varieties of skepticism, but it is tricky to identify them “and how would one test the various treatments?” they ask, in white-coat medical mode.[7]

They explicitly note a parallel between “genocide denial” and “climate denial”. The latter denial must be defeated so that “democracies [can] gain early consent for tough climate change mitigation measures”, requiring wide-ranging policy responses from strong leaders integrated over a prolonged period of time.[8]

The authors lament that a nation-wide ‘citizen’s assembly’ on climate change, proposed in 2010 by a high-level but un-named person (could that be Prime Minister Gillard?) had bombed out. But capitalist think-tanks like the Institute of Public Affairs remained at work ‘to actively frame public discourse about climate change’.[9]

Not being climate scientists themselves, Hobson and Niemeyer initially had to show that warmism is a true doctrine. A piece of cake. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in 2007 that human-caused warmism was ‘unequivocal’. Despite that, “a non-trivial modicum of doubt and skepticism linger [sic] in various sectors of society”. They cite public intellectual and ethicist Clive Hamilton for an answer: the lingering is because of “an organized social movement”. Flip to the paper’s citations and you find Clive’s 2007 book, Scorcher: The Dirty Politics of Climate Change, all about greedy corporations and craven Johnny Howard.[10]

The project’s rationale was to round up citizen sceptics from around Canberra and Goulburn/Mulwaree Shire. Then hit them with three days of scary warming scenarios out to 2100, elaborated by famous ANU climatologists, and test their reaction before-and-after by questionnaires.

Our gun-man, “Percy” (not his real name), was among the 2300 subjects painstakingly screened and sampled for this exercise, and Percy made the final cut to isolate 35 sceptics. I envisage him as a grizzled Towrang grazier with crow’s feet round the eyes from watching the weather since 1960. He doesn’t sound like a Canberran, definitely lacks a degree, and perhaps has it in for ivory-tower wankers.

[1] Cleaned of their email clutter, I have made the texts available here…; see also See also ‘Death-threat’ fictions




[7] ibid p14

[8] ibid p3

[9] ibid p4

[10] ibid p2

  1. Nick Stokes says:

    “Our gun-man, “Percy” (not his real name), was among the 2300 subjects painstakingly screened and sampled for this exercise, and Percy made the final cut to isolate 35 sceptics. I envisage him as a grizzled Towrang grazier with crow’s feet round the eyes from watching the weather since 1960….”

    In fact he says his name is John Coochey.

  2. tallbloke says:

    Excellent, thanks Nick.

    John Coochey says:
    I feel I can throw some light on this matter as I am undoubtedly the person who is alleged to have shown my gun licence to people at the dinner. That is not accurate. At the mediocre dinner on the first day I was approached by Dr Maxine Cooper, then the Commissioner for the environment, who recognized me as someone involved in the kangaroo culling program in the ACT which occurs each winter. After politely asking if she could sit next to me she asked me how I had gone in the recent licence test which is challenging. I told her I had topped it with a perfect score and showed her my current culling licence, not gun licence, to prove it. The conversation around the table then drifted around the benefits of eating game meat v the poor fare on offer.

    So the truth outs. John Coochey innocently shows his culling licence to Maxine Cooper, and this ends up being reported as a “death threat” – by ‘scientists’..

    I hope David Appell’s ears are burning. Crow pie, Hmmm, tasty. We can now expect a full and unreserved apology by him to Anthony Watts of course.

  3. tallbloke says:

    Cohenite adds:

    I’ve been thinking about this and John’s reasonable description of kangaroo culling.

    The only explanation which fits the facts is that the climate scientists are either f@cking kangaroos or, f@cking kangaroos.

    Nothing else would explain why they would feel threatened by his comments.

    LMAO. I’m fed up of PC Britain. I think I might ask Erl Happ if I can go and tend his vineyard in Oz. 🙂

  4. tallbloke says:

    Mondo adds:

    I was the first sceptic referred to in the updates – the one that was “stressed”. That is a correct description. What I was stressed about was the incredibly manipulative way in which the so-called “forum” was conducted.

    For example, Messrs Steffen and his team delivered presentations on various aspects of climate change. We were not allowed to ask questions, or to challenge the multifarious false statements made. Instead, we broke out into groups, with the idea that a group could ask a question. Of course, each group was dominated by “warmists”, and the lone sceptic in each group was a) abused, b) derided, c) not listened to.

    The result was that Steffen and co were presented with soft questions that were based largely on ill-informed views, convenient to the organisers.

    It is true that I was feeling stressed. But the reason was because while this was billed as an open-ranging discussion, in fact it was a tightly choreographed, manipulative discussion designed to capture an outcome favourable to the warmists. In no way was it a fair discussion.

    All this soon became clear to me, and it was evident to me that it was fruitless and pointless to stay. I explained my issue to the organiser, and then left.

    I met John Coochey at the forum. He is a knowledgeable and capable person, and I trust his account of the events relating to his gun license.

  5. Can’t comment for fear of invoking Godwin’s law. OK then, Gulag. Inquisition.

    $378,500 in 2008-10 grants … to work out ways to browbeat climate sceptics

    [and ways to libellously misrepresent at crucial moments]

    This stinks.

  6. tallbloke says:

    Lucy, yes. It’s not often I allow the F-word on the talkshop, much less post it myself, but some venting with earthy humour is preferable to getting heavy.

    What did they think people’s reaction would be to being brought to the venue under false pretence and then browbeaten with no opportunity to reply?

    At least the Lisbon workshop was democratic and allowed everyone an equal say.

    Isn’t that so Nick?

  7. Anything is possible says:

    I have to say these e-mails have proved to be far worse than I imagined.

    Intimidating the scientists with the threat of physical violence would have been one thing, but intimidating them with the idea that, one day, they may have to go out and do an honest days work in order to earn a living, takes it to a whole new level…..

  8. tallbloke says:

    @Aip: Lolz 🙂

  9. Nick Stokes says:

    Tony Thomas: Grossly graphic gun-play in Goulburn
    I would have placed it in Gundaroo.

  10. Brian H says:

    To quote Daffy Duck: “That’th dethpicable!”
    That method of shaping a conference by isolating targetted dissenters in small groups and manufacturing the appearance of consensus is a known tactic, but the name escapes me at the moment. Anyone?

  11. tallbloke says:

    John Coochey adds on Deltoid:

    I might add that earlier in the day I had challenged two speakers to comment on a letter in the Canberra Times that claimed that temperatures had not increased in the Canberra area for decades. They were unable to do so, having not apparently checked the record despite the the “Deliberation” (conference) supposed to be about rising temperatures in the Canberra region. As all daytime conversations were recorded (we all signed waivers to allow this) this can easily be checked.

    Some typical Deltanoid abuse follows… Has some interesting info on Canberra airport…

  12. One of the “threatening” emails implored the scientists to be truthful.

    Are those “climate scientists” macropod marsupial liars who’d drop dead if they tried to tell the truth or are deserving of a cull?

  13. tallbloke says:

    Deltanoids in denial: Maybe Tim Lambert realised that Deltoid has been bigging up the ‘Death threats’ lie a bit too often and for a bit too long to let truth get in the way at this late stage… Try this search string in Google to see what I mean: site: death threats

    337 Has John Coochey’s comment regarding alleged ‘death threats’ against Australian climate scientists been deleted? It was here yesterday.

    John Coochey says:

    I feel I can throw some light on this matter as I am undoubtedly the person who is alleged to have shown my gun licence to people at the dinner. That is not accurate. At the mediocre dinner on the first day I was approached by Dr Maxine Cooper, then the Commissioner for the environment, who recognized me as someone involved in the kangaroo culling program in the ACT which occurs each winter. After politely asking if she could sit next to me she asked me how I had gone in the recent licence test which is challenging. I told her I had topped it with a perfect score and showed her my current culling licence, not gun licence, to prove it. The conversation around the table then drifted around the benefits of eating game meat v the poor fare on offer.

    I might add that earlier in the day I had challenged two speakers to comment on a letter in the Canberra Times that claimed that temperatures had not increased in the Canberra area for decades. They were unable to do so, having not apparently checked the record despite the the “Deliberation” (conference) supposed to be about rising temperatures in the Canberra region. As all daytime conversations were recorded (we all signed waivers to allow this) this can easily be checked.
    Posted by: Rog Tallbloke | May 12, 2012 5:10 PM

    We’ll see how long it stays up there. I took a screenshot for the record.

  14. Anthony Watts says:

    This whole episode is just like belief in catastrophic AGW. They are so sure that scientists are right and unable to fabricate or embellish, and so sure that we are “evil”, that even when faced with irrefutable evidence, they refuse to accept it or back down. Its part of their conditioning by the media I suppose.

    Appell, I can understand, since he’s a bit unbalanced anyway, but Stokes tends to be more logical, and even he’s suckered in so badly he can’t extract himself nor does he seem willing to do so. And, its all such a huge waste of time. In 2007, I started my foray into this issue thanks to a local eco-activist who suggested that I lock myself in my garage with my running automobile to “experiment with CO2”. I’ve covered this on my blog twice, including recently, because she didn’t learn anything the first time around.

    Of course Appell and Stokes apparently think that’s OK, but mention a gun license and…

    That Deltoid bunch really is an angry lot aren’t they?

  15. Richard111 says:

    Funny things guns. I had a licence for a CZ75 for 20 years. Never once had to use the gun in anger. But as I lived most of the time out in the bush miles from anywhere I would practice every month or so. I was a member of a Combat Pistol Club and knew several interesting routines. As I walked around picking up the empties I would wave cheerfully at the odd face peering at me from the scrub.

    In all those years I never once had to call on the local law. Back in the UK I have had the law in my house twice now. I miss my gun.

  16. tallbloke says:

    338 “No, it hasn’t been deleted and it still is ‘here’, you inept specimen of denier trash. You just need to look in the relevant thread – something surely not beyond your allegedly renowned computer ‘skills’. Or maybe it is.”

    So Chek, you badmouthing piece of alarmist scum, it has been deleted from ‘here’ (this current thread), and anachronistically tucked out of sight in a year old thread no-one visits any more. Seems a reasonable M.O. for a blog which has thrived on the ‘death threats’ hype and is in denial of the truth (about so many things).

    My “allegedly renowned computer skills” are good enough to win European blog of the year (I see Jo Nova got the Australian title) and Tim Lambert has posted four articles in five months. Have a look at the latest UHI at airports study on my site if you want to see some computer skills (from co-blogger Tim C) in action. The climate alarmist meme is dying and climate realism is ascendant.

    Good riddance to you.

    Posted by: Rog Tallbloke | May 13, 2012 3:43 AM

  17. tallbloke says:

    Someone who won’t be commenting here wants to draw attention to the fact that:

    “Vaclav Klaus, the Czech president, had embarked on an international tour to promote his new book, “Blue Planet in Green Shackles,” an anti-global-warming manifesto in which Klaus — who has denounced Al Gore as an “apostle of arrogance” — dismisses manmade climate change as a myth.

    Klaus’s main destination was Moscow, where LUKoil, the giant Russian oil company, was paying for the book’s translation. ”

    How terrible, an oil company enabling westerners to read a book by a former eastern bloc country’s president. 🙂

  18. tallbloke says:

    Hi Anthony,
    I think our modern politicians have much to answer for, acting as role models for the spokespeople of all interest groups. They specialise in denying, ignoring, exaggerating and flat out lying. It’s not conducive to intelligent debate.

    As you’ll recall, Nick Stokes was at the Lisbon workshop (I recommended him to the organising committee) and he was in the same subgroup as I was while we deliberated various issues. On the whole I found him to be a reasonable and softly spoken person. He does have blind spots, as we all do. He does avoid having to admit error, but does show willingness to engage seriously on science issues.

    On his most recent post on his blog Moyhu, I placed a couple of comments about the inaccuracy of estimates of the amount of co2 emitted from volcanic sources which haven’t appeared yet. I’ll give it time.

  19. Nick Stokes says:

    Hi TB,
    Sorry that those posts went into moderation – liberated now. Posts at Moyhu are not usually moderated – I think there it was because it’s a fairly old thread.

  20. tallbloke says:

    Thanks Nick. So would you care to comment on my analysis of the human contribution to the airborne fraction of co2?

    Uncertainty: The origin of the increase in Atmospheric CO2

    And, do you think Maxine Cooper will confirm or deny John Coochey’s version of events at the ANU workshop? Or will we get a big fat “No comment”?

  21. Nick Stokes says:

    TB, Just to round that off, there was a setting to moderate threads older than 3 weeks (I had spam problems). I’ve removed that. I’ve responded there, but I’ll comment on your CO2 thread too (in place).

    I suspect Maxine may not reply. I think we forget that satisfying bloggers curiosity just isn’t that important to a lot of people. For her, getting dragged in has downside and she may well see no reason to involve herself.

  22. Nick Stokes says:

    I see that John Coochey’s post at Deltoid is still there. It’s in a different thread.

  23. Mickey Reno says:

    To those who continue to refer to Coochey’s ‘gun’ license, please stop. He did not show a ‘gun’ licencse at the dinner event, he showed a culling license, a highly restrictive type of hunting license which has marksmanship requirements.

  24. ferd berple says:

    Nick Stokes says:
    May 13, 2012 at 11:12 am
    I suspect Maxine may not reply.

    She has a duty to reply as her (reported) actions apparently set the events in motion.

    Why it may all have been innocent coincidence, there is definitely a possibility that Coochey was set up. Based on two accounts of the proceedings, events were apparently stage managed to arrive at a predetermined conclusion, which raises the possibility that Maxine’s actions were more than simple co-incidence. Her silence on the subject suggests she has something to hide.

  25. tallbloke says:

    If you’re licensed for huntin’ down ‘roos
    Beware the bold benders of truths
    They’ll say you’re a sniper
    And then get all ‘hyper’
    To make their lies heard on the news

  26. Tenuc says:

    Climate scientists seem to be running scared – I wonder why?

    Not like they fudged the data, refused FOI requests, hid the decline or tried to corrupt the peer review process or anything is it. /sarc/

  27. Alexander K says:

    Good on yer, Tallbloke, for running this thread. I usually come here to enjoy the science and sometimes your photography but rarely comment.
    The incident (death threats at ANU) began with the nice lady ACT Commissioner asking if she could sit next to Mr Coochey. This suggests to me that Coochey was ‘set up’ and the ‘nice lady commissioner played her part in getting the incident off the ground, but perhaps I am overly suspicious and I frequently (and wildly) underestimate the MSM’s capacity for jumping to the wrong conclusions, or even adding two plus two and coming up with an uneven number, but the ‘reporter’ in question still appears to believe the ‘death threats’ nonsense she originally reported. Perhaps it’s too embarrassing for the poor dear to admit she may have got it wrong.

  28. Brian H says:

    The Delphi Technique:

    For manufacturing consensus and isolating dissenters.