Hotter than a heatwave in hell !

Posted: April 30, 2014 by oldbrew in alarmism, humour, Idiots

… and other amusing tales from the lunatic fringe of warmist fantasy.

Desert landscape [image credit: Wikipedia]

Desert landscape
[image credit: Wikipedia]

Former Telegraph columnist James Delingpole enjoys himself at the expense of the hapless, or hopeless, Smithsonian Institute’s irrational fears for the future.

Melting golfers, refugees by the million – or is it billion? – it’s all here.

Somebody somewhere might even believe it, but probably not. Unmissable!

‘The Smithsonian Institution – established in 1846 “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge” – has weighed into the debate on climate change. And the news is grim.’

Full story here:

  1. Joe Public says:

    Thanks for flagging JD has a new posting.

    [reply] he’s already got up The Guardian’s nose – see below

  2. Doug Proctor says:

    The bizarre level of threat perceived by some wrt a couple of degree C rise BY THE END OF THE CENTURY, if that, and even giving the average means that the max temp might be increased by 4C, wherein your game NOT IN THE DESERT COMMUNITIES is now played at 28C instead of 24C ,,,,

    People don’t have a concept of the small amount of warming we are talking about. When they hear we are going to “burn up”, they think 0.5C in numbers but 50C emotionally.

    The shallow thinking going about is amazing, but then I suppose the bystanders during other crazes (witchcraft, End-of-the-World 19th Century people, Harold Camping fans, etc.) thought the same: how can others be so gullible?

    I mean, other than the ones who stand to gain money, power and fame …

  3. Angiras says:

    The whole global warming scare comes from the notion that Venus is 4.5 billion years old, started with oceans and life like the Earth and then over-heated due to a runaway greenhouse effect dreamed up and publicised by Carl Sagan, a scenario disproved by NASA Pioneer Venus in 1980.. Venus radiates 250 times as much energy as the earth, the temperature at the surface is >800 F, hot enough to melt lead and zinc and the atmospheric pressure is 91 atmospheres. See

  4. p.g.sharrow says:

    For media people “If it bleeds, it leads” You want top billing, Shout that “The world is going to end!” and then put together some drivel with maybe and could be and point to authority like someone with a phd. WoW I smell a BYLINE.

    In “Hot-lanta” 90F with 100% humidity is a HOT day. In Phoenix 100F is a spring day and 120F is a warm summer day. Nothing new about this.

    People that “play at golf” have nothing to do and all day to do it in as well as more money then brains. I would rather dig ditches, at least something of value would result from my efforts! pg

  5. oldbrew says:

    Dellers’ new employer is not to everyone’s liking it seems đŸ™‚

    (warning: rude word ahead)

  6. Jaime Jessop says:

    They’re making a play for the white, mainly male middle classes here. Perhaps realising that such people make up the majority of the ‘anti-science, pseudosceptical deniers’ who are, by definition, never going to care much about the hordes of displaced Third World climate refugees, they cunningly switch the focus to golf. For it is a well known fact that such individuals all care passionately about their weekly round of golf and will move heaven and earth to maintain it, even to the point of sacrificing their status 4×4 for a tiny electric sewing machine which costs nearly as much!

  7. Linnea says:

    Hi Tallbloke.

    I’m Linnea from Sweden. I think I posted under the wrong article before sorry. In class when I debated that the 2nd law of thermodynamics not allowing for a temperature to increase itself I was told by my professor ” extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.” But AGW is a hypothesis and thermodynamics a law. So, I was shocked. I have read the pro-warming theory as to why global warming does not violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics, but they said I was wrong in regards to C02 not holding heat once it is radiated. I thought it ejected radiated heat and that oxygen and nitrogen holds heat. If a temperature can’t heat itself, how then can C02 elevate the surface temperature? It seems energy would have to flow more in one direction, or unevenly and I don’t think physics allows for that. If you could help me I be very thankful. How do I defeat their counter-attack that global warming does not violate the 2nd law?

    Thank you in advance,

  8. tchannon says:

    Linnea has addressed that to Tallbloke who is busy but anyone who can give a safe and solid answer is welcome.

    I am mindful that we could cause trouble between a student and their teacher.

    Note that Linnea is a Swedish name.

  9. p.g.sharrow says:

    Linnea says:
    May 6, 2014 at 8:10 pm
    I wish I could help you Linnea, but, AGW and CO2 as a GHG cause are part of a religious dogma and logical argument will not work with true believers. In 1906 Max Planck won that argument with Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius admitted his 1896 experiment was flawed and his science was sloppy, but then he went back to teaching his concept that, the industrial revolution would save the world from the already beginning Ice Age, through CO2 caused Global Warming. Only GOD can PROVE that AGW is a religious myth. Don’t think you can WIN in any argument with your professor. He KNOWS all the answers and will fail you if you don’t parrot his beliefs. Good luck to you. pg

  10. Linnea says:

    Thank you p.g. I know it is a mountain to climb. What is not logical to me the AGW people say the 2nd law of thermo is absolute unless it barricades their theory of global warming. Then energy seems able to swing in both directions and more going out. NASA diagram of the 2nd law shows energy going in one direction ONLY. I also noticed the AGW people use photons to build their theory of warming. But photons are not matter like C02, H20 and so on. I do thank you for taking the time.