Christine Lagarde to be Roasted, Toasted, Fried and Grilled by French Courts

Posted: July 22, 2016 by tallbloke in alarmism, Politics, Robber Barons


#Brexit and climate scaremonger and soon, we suspect, not to be IMF chief, Christine Lagarde is to stand trial over a 404 million euro payment of taxpayers money to controversial tycoon Bernard Tapie, who supported former president Nicolas Sarkozy.

Lagarde, who famously said we’d all be “Roasted, Toasted, Fried and Grilled” by global warming, more recently boosted her reputation for chronically incorrect exaggerations by predicting that a Brexit vote would be “bad or very bad” for the UK economy. The FTSE100 reached a new record high yesterday.

Expect updates on this one folks.

Previous talkshop stories in the long running affaire Lagarde are here:



  1. tom0mason says:

    Couldn’t happen to a more duplicitous communist.

  2. Curious George says:

    La la Lagarde.

  3. joekano76 says:

    Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

  4. dennisambler says:

    Lagarde was in the frame for this before she became Head of IMF, the Strass-Kahn affair was a sting operation to get her into the seat before the case progressed. S-K dutifully obliged and went on his way without prosecution for his alleged sexual impropriety.

    Nine days before S-K arrest she was lobbying for the job:

    3 days before his arrest:

    S-K was not due to leave the IMF until six months later, Lagarde would have been less likely to get the job by then, to get her in, S-K had to go straight away.

    We then had the Strauss-Kahn media feeding frenzy, in amongst which we had this report in the Telegraph,

    “Christine Lagarde seen as ‘shoo-in’ to replace DominiqueStrauss-Kahn at IMF May 23rd 2011
    The French finance minister has emerged as the runaway favourite to become the first woman to lead an organisation looking to quickly repair the damage caused by the resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn”

    She took up her new duties on Tuesday, July 5th 2011
    Her contract says , “As Managing director, you are expected to observe the highest standards of ethical conduct, consistent with the values of integrity, impartiality and discretion. You shall strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety in your conduct.”

    August 4th she was back in the news, but she had the job.

    After Copenhagen she was appointed to Ban Ki Moon’s “High Level Panel on Climate Finance” along with Lord Stern, Chris Huhne, George Soros et al, which sought ways to garner $100 billion per year from sinful developed nations for climate related development finance for the less developed countries. Great idea to put her in charge of the IMF.

    But then, I’m a conspiracy theorist.

  5. oldbrew says:

    ‘Christine Lagarde to be Roasted, Toasted, Fried and Grilled by French Courts’

    Result: nut cutlets. Like this: ‘nuttier than a squirrel’s tea party’…

    Suitable for climate nuts 😀