Canceling the AMO

Posted: March 7, 2021 by oldbrew in Critique, modelling, Natural Variation, Ocean dynamics

‘So, what exactly is wrong with Mann’s analysis? He relies on global climate models, which are inadequate in simulating the AMO.’
‘Not at all convincing’…

Climate Etc.

by Judith Curry

Conclusion from Michael Mann’s new paper:  “We conclude that there is no compelling evidence for internal multidecadal oscillations in the climate system.”

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  1. Phoenix44 says:

    He’s right if the assumptions used in the model are right. So he has to prove his assumptions.

    Just running a model with your assumptions doesn’t prove anything whatsoever.

  2. oldbrew says:

    Commenter @ Climate Etc:
    I suppose Mann will next cancel the sun as an annoying climate anomaly.

    Didn’t they already do that by pretending it has no variations worth mentioning?

  3. Orson says:

    Nice, oldbrew. But I recall that Judith’s CV is really 186 papers (including two books)?

  4. David A says:

    Michael Mann, the eraser.
    ” There is no evidence for internal multidecadal oscillations in the climate system.”

    “There was no M.W.P.”

    His next paper…
    “We have found that there is nothing to understand about clouds, all of our models are correct.”