
Please post ideas for new threads, tips on relevant and interesting threads elsewhere, and notes about pretty much anything you like here.

The scissors will be wielded to commercial spam, lewd suggestions, and anything else I don’t like. 😎

  1. oldbrew says:

    Link back to Suggestions 36

    [for viewing only please]

    = = =

  2. oldbrew says:

    14 DEC 2018
    The first of two EPR reactors at China’s Taishan nuclear power plant enters into commercial operation

    Taishan 1 is providing EPR reactors around the world with its experience in project management and technological expertise. The first reactors to benefit from this experience are the two Hinkley Point C units currently being built in the UK. The two companies are also partners in the Sizewell C EPR project, as well as in the Bradwell B project which is based on Hualong technology.

    Keep an eye on that one.

  3. Paul Vaughan says:

    C-the-Stablest Ties U-Turn

    We’re left accupuncturing red tape from the right angle.

    Informally expansive seas cross so well-redacted avenues.

    IT’s ill icon econo low gists in the tick into IT shun.

  4. oldbrew says:

    Another crater near Hiawatha?

    Longtime Tusk buddy and dedicated Catastr­ophist Steve Garcia went crater hunting and located IMHO a good candidate for the second crater hinted at by NASA scientist Dr. Joe MacGregor of the Hiawatha Discovery Team.

  5. oldbrew says:

    This Talkshop post seems popular at the moment.

    Resolving misconceptions about the Nikolov and Zeller universal theory of climate

    Possibly due to this…

    Giving Credit to Willis Eschenbach
    December 31st, 2018 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

    The non-greenhouse theory of Nikolov (and now Zeller-Nikolov) continues to live on, most recently in this article I’ve been asked about on social media.
    – – –
    Can the critics/doubters explain why the temp on Venus at 1 bar pressure is the same as that on Earth at 1 bar, after adjusting for the different distance from the Sun?

    See also: Nikolov & Zeller: Reply to Eschenbach [2012]

    Nikolov & Zeller: Reply to Eschenbach

    – – –
    Add this…

    Giving Credit to Willis Eschenbach for setting the Nikolov-Zeller silliness straight

    Is empirical data ‘silly’?

    – – –
    This seems to have stirred some interest 😎

    OpEdNews 12/28/2018 at 03:27:53
    The Zeller-Nikolov climate discovery may turn the world upside down.
    By Christopher Calder

    If carbon dioxide was the powerful greenhouse gas alarmists claim it to be, the calculations for Venus would have to be dramatically different than the calculations for Earth, but they are the same. This tells us that CO2 has no measurable direct effect on planetary temperature, which makes perfect sense as the Earth has experienced severe ice ages when atmospheric CO2 levels were many times higher than they are today. [page 2 paywalled]

    Ned Nikolov says: ‘Kudos to Mr. Calder for describing so accurately our research results without even interviewing us!’

  6. oldbrew says:

    The ‘debate’ is hotting up 😉

    Willis & Anthony & Roy = Flat Earth Theorists
    Published on January 1, 2019

    Written by Joseph E Postma

    Someone sent me this:

    Have You Seen This

    Giving Credit to Willis Eschenbach for setting the Nikolov-Zeller silliness straight

    So, I decided to write them a letter:

  7. A C Osborn says:

    oldbrew says: January 1, 2019 at 10:25 am

    Can you please inform Ned that the Nice Mr Eschenbach is calling him a cheat and liar on that thread.
    He is saying that Ned has used the wrong Surafce Temperature for Mars to make it fit the Profile.
    He says Ned used 180K and it should be 201K.
    ” Willis Eschenbach
    January 2, 2019 at 5:08 pm

    Thanks, Jim, clearly stated.

    I note that you correctly say:

    Solving for the Martian surface temperature, we get 210K. Considering that the average surface temperature for Mars is from 208k to 210K, there’s not much “excess” to play with.

    In that regard, note that Ned Nikolov simply made up a Martian temperature of 180K so it would fit with his bogus “Miracle Equation” … oooh, very, very bad boy …”

    Giving Credit to Willis Eschenbach for setting the Nikolov-Zeller silliness straight

  8. A C Osborn says:

    “Willis Eschenbach
    January 3, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    Nikolov was brutal, but far from honest. If he had been he’d have noted that he used the less accurate of my two replacements for his curve fitting, rather than the one that has only three quarters of the RMS error of his curve fitting.

    And if he were honest he wouldn’t have used a bogus temperature for Mars (180K) simply because it fit his curve to within 0.1°C. Instead, he would honestly have used the real Mars temperature of 201K, which gives a 30°C error …”

  9. oldbrew says:

    ACO – I don’t think Ned N is interested in what W.E. thinks any more…

  10. A C Osborn says:

    Oldbrew, it is not just about Ned, it is also about the impressionable types reading what Eschenbach says.

  11. oldbrew says:

    Anyone serious should look at N&Z’s papers rather than rely on a blog post.

    And/or see Nikolov on Twitter:

    Here’s a sample – convection must counter any ‘back radiation’…

  12. oldbrew says:

    Greece gripped by cold front, snowfall, winds disrupt travel
    Source: Xinhua| 2019-01-04

    ATHENS, Jan. 3 (Xinhua) — The new year started with a cold front sweeping through Greece which blanketed in snow many parts of the country on Thursday, causing travel disruptions, Greek national news agency AMNA reported.

    The weather system named “Sophia” has brought snowfall in several regions of the mainland, especially in northern and central Greece, as well as winds up to 9 on the Beaufort scale at sea, following the heavy rainfalls of the first hours of 2019.
    – – –
    The “Sophia” cold front made itself felt throught Greece as several areas experienced heavy snowfall and several events or scheduled routes are being cancelled throughout the day.

    So far, the weather has affected travel and shut down a ski centre (in Seli). The low temperatures will continue to Saturday, with some reaching several degrees below zero overnight, especially in northern Greece.

  13. oldbrew says:

    The Stratosphere – why do we care?
    Simon Lee
    PhD student studying the stratosphere and S2S forecasting, University of Reading

    Through a process known as stratosphere-troposphere coupling, the stratosphere and the troposphere beneath can ‘talk’ via the influence of planetary/Rossby waves. These very large waves in the mid-latitude westerly flow can propagate vertically from the troposphere into the stratosphere and influence the circulation there – a process known as wave-mean flow interaction. Sometimes, this is strong enough to strongly disrupt the SPV, and when that happens, the isolated reservoir of cold air is broken down and the temperature sky-rockets… by as much as 50C in only a few days. This is known as a Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW). Very strong SSWs – called major SSWs – occur in approximately 6 winters per decade, and result in a reversal of the Polar Night Jet to easterlies. The Polar Vortex is either displaced, split up, or destroyed.

    The Stratosphere – why do we care?

  14. oldbrew says:

    Photo shows venting radioactivity from 1987 nuclear bomb tests at Novaya Zemlya

    The photo of a nuclear bomb test going terrible wrong in August 1987 is revealed by a Russian blogger.
    By Thomas Nilsen – January 08, 2019

  15. sunspotlover says:

    I found evidence that solar cycle 25 started in November 2018.

    Normally this kind of articles on ResearchGate gets a few reads, while I already have hundreds… Maybe it has to do with outside of the box thinking?

  16. oldbrew says:

    The rise of financial blacklisting
    Censorship has a new battleground

    James Delingpole – January 8, 2019

    Can you imagine how scary it would be to live in a world where your livelihood depended on having the ‘correct’ politics? It’s the sort of thing you might expect of totalitarian regimes – Baathist Iraq under Saddam Hussain; everywhere that has ever tried communism; increasingly, Xi’s panopticon China – but definitely not of any liberal democracy in the 21st century.

    That dystopian future, though, may be much closer than you think.

  17. johnm33 says:

    Don’t want to wreck the Venus thread so here will do, I’ve been thinking lately that perhaps Venus has a very powerful magnetic field, which if Ken Wheeler is right about fields is much more tightly curved, and that it does not yet extend much beyond it’s surface. Some of the images are very interesting,

    Is supercritical co2 affected by magnetism?

  18. oldbrew says:

    Slight problem there John.

    Venus is known not to have a magnetic field.

  19. johnm33 says:

    I worked one summer at a scrap yard where there was a magnet on a gantry that was capable of picking up more than the gantry’ weight limit, I never ceased to be amazed at the suddeness of it’s action as it approached it’s target. It was a comment by Ken Wheeler when talking about the relative power of two neodymium magnets, and how the curvature of the field of the more powerful was so much tighter, and thus more confined spatially that liberated the idea. So since I’d begun trying to make sense of Venus’ deceleration and it’s rapidly rotating atmosphere then I’m already wondering about an EM interaction with a field, Either the charge field of MM. or perhaps the overarching field suggested by Eugene Bagashov ,

    it’s possible interaction [acceleration?] with the atmosphere and then this yin/yang cross section through a birkland current shows up.
    Now since I’m already prepared to consider that Venus was once the core of Jupiter the assurances of the mainstream that Venus has no magnetic field carry some but not much weight.

  20. tom0mason says:

    Interesting comment out of the blue at

    Apparently Tallbloke denies something 🙂

  21. oldbrew says:

    Tom – just another deluded groupthinker 😀

  22. oldbrew says:


    PG&E faces at least $30 billion in liabilities from devastating wildfires over the last two years, including the Camp Fire, the deadliest in state history, that destroyed thousands of buildings and claimed 86 lives.

    Such liabilities would kill most companies apart from a few giants like BP and VW.

  23. oldbrew says:

    New study finds evidence of changing seasons, rain on Titan’s north pole
    January 16, 2019, American Geophysical Union

    This reflective surface represents the first observations of summer rainfall on the moon’s northern hemisphere. If compared to Earth’s yearly cycle of four seasons, a season on Titan lasts seven Earth years. Cassini arrived at Titan during the southern summer and observed clouds and rainfall in the southern hemisphere. Climate models of Titan predicted similar weather would occur in the northern hemisphere in the years leading up to the northern summer solstice in 2017. But, by 2016, the expected cloud cover in the northern hemisphere had not appeared. This observation may help scientists gain a more complete understanding of Titan’s seasons.

    Read more at:

    From the study: Plain Language Summary

    Cassini arrived in the Saturnian system in the southern summers of 2004. As expected, the Cassini team observed cloud cover, storms and precipitation on the south pole. Like Earth, Titan has an axial tilt (27 degrees) and its seasons vary over its year (30 Earth years). Ever since this shift in season began, the Cassini team eagerly waited for observations indicating cloud‐cover and precipitation that went missing from the northern latitudes. Our rainfall observation at the north pole is a major finding for two important reasons. Firstly, this discovery observation heralds the much awaited arrival of the north polar summer rainstorms on Titan. This atmospheric phenomenon has been delayed compared to the theoretical predictions and was perplexing Titan researchers and climate modelers especially because the north‐pole hosts most of Titan’s lakes and seas. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to detect rainfall events on Titan due to its thick atmospheric haze and very limited opportunities to view the surface (and its changes). We have used a novel phenomenon – the smoothening of a previously dry, rough surface by a thin layer of fluid after rainfall, similar to a wet side walk – as evidence for rainfall events on the surface of Titan.

  24. oldbrew says:

    Baffled scientists again…

    STEVEs are not auroras after all, study reports

    “Our main conclusion is that STEVE is not an aurora,” said lead author Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, a researcher from the University of Calgary, according toGizmodo. “So right now, we know very little about it. And that’s the cool thing, because this has been known by photographers for decades. But for the scientists, it’s completely unknown.”

  25. A C Osborn says:

    Yet another Crap Climate related paper bites the Dust.

    Study Claiming Insect Decline Due To Global Warming Is Based On Faulty Temperature Data.

  26. oldbrew says:

    ‘Ancient’ Scottish stone circle was built in 1990s
    Mon 21 Jan 2019

    Archaeologists were studying site until former farm owner came forward

  27. oldbrew says:

    Reality bites…

    Date: 23/01/19 S&P Global Platts

    Germany needs to retain half of its coal-fired power generation capacity until 2030 to offset the closure of all its nuclear reactors by 2021/22, economy and energy minister Peter Altmaier said Tuesday.

    But even after 2030 the wind won’t blow on demand 😐

  28. oldbrew says:

    Breakthrough in earthquake prediction as scientists find big quakes follow a ‘silent slip’
    22 January 2019

    A new study has found that large quakes tend to follow two types of activity: shallow mantle creep and seismic swarms.

    The team used 55 seismometers placed on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean near the Blanco fault to track more than 1,600 earthquakes in the region over the course of a year.

    According to the team, the findings could also help to explain the so-called ‘silent slip’ that occurs along a fault even when no earthquake activity is detected.

  29. oldbrew says:

    Latest hi-tech dark matter fail…

    New detector fails to confirm would-be evidence of dark matter
    January 24, 2019, FAPESP

  30. oldbrew says:

    Reaping the fruits of political sabotage of the electricity industry
    Posted on 1:18 pm, January 25, 2019 by Alan Moran

    The third world nature of Australia’s electricity industry was revealed this week with wholesale prices in Victoria and South Australia at the maximum $14,500 for lengthy periods in spite of thousands of customers being cut-off, major users agreeing to shut down demand in return for compensation paid by consumers, and even some oil plants being called in.

    The causes are clear. For twenty years, Australia has embarked upon a subsidy program for intermittent, unreliable and costly wind and solar. This is accompanied in Victoria and South Australia (and perhaps now in Queensland) by outright hostility to coal, the form of power that had given the nation the lowest cost and most reliable electricity in the world.
    – – –
    Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun
    January 25, 2019

    Why does Victoria, sitting on hundreds of years of supply of coal and big gas reserves, have an electricity system that can no longer deliver enough electricity?

    Why? Because it bought the great global warming scare, and spent billions on unreliable green power instead of on a steady generator that would pump out all the power we need – and when we need it. It made coal-fired generators unprofitable, and told vast untruths about the great future of green power.

    And for what? For pure symbolism.

  31. oldbrew says:

  32. oldbrew says:

    Study presents surprising explanation for differences in Southern and Northern Lights
    January 25, 2019, American Geophysical Union

    Read more at:

  33. A C Osborn says:

    Oldbrew, have you heard of the Global Institute for Climate Intelligence?

    [reply] no

  34. oldbrew says:

    New Exploration Tech Finds 1.5 Billion Barrels Of Oil In Alaska
    By Irina Slav – Jan 29, 2019

    Digital technology adoption in all stages of upstream operations in the oil and gas industry has seen a steep rise recently. While a lot has been written about the benefits of digitizing various aspects of the well-drilling, extraction, and field maintenance processes, there is also another major field where digital tech is changing the game: before the well-drilling even begins.

  35. A C Osborn says:

    A C Osborn says: January 29, 2019 at 3:59 pm
    Oldbrew, have you heard of the Global Institute for Climate Intelligence?
    [reply] no

    Oldbrew, it appears to be newly established Dutch Centre for Scientists to establish the truth of Climate Change.
    It is menGPPF post by Prof Guus Berkhout :-

    Roger, Ned & Zeller might be interested.

  36. A C Osborn says:

    It is menGPPF post by Prof Guus Berkhout :-
    Should have said
    It is mentioned at the bottom of a GWPF post by Prof Guus Berkhout :-

  37. oldbrew says:

    Thanks ACO.

    Berkhout: In the last 20 years the CO2 increase has thundered on, but the observed temperature does not show any increase anymore. That is an important indication that there must be much more going on than CO2 warming.

    Indeed, except ‘CO2 warming’ is only a theory and not looking much like a good one :/

  38. oldbrew says:

    Hybrid electricity system would reduce rates, improve service

    A new distribution system designed by researchers at the University of Waterloo would reduce electricity prices by more than five per cent while also improving service reliability.

    The design involves the integration of the two kinds of electric current that power homes, industries and electric vehicles—alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC).

    Researchers found efficiencies by designing a system that delivers both kinds of current to customers instead of the AC-only distribution systems now in use throughout the world.

    Their approach minimizes conversions from one kind of current to the other and makes it easier to integrate growing green technologies.
    . . .
    “When you feel heat coming off the charger for your laptop, that is lost energy,” said Ahmed. “We can eliminate those losses so we consume less power.”

  39. oldbrew says:

    Joke not suitable for climate paranoiacs…

  40. craigm350 says:

    America colonisation ‘cooled Earth’s climate’

    Colonisation of the Americas at the end of the 15th Century killed so many people, it disturbed Earth’s climate.

    That’s the conclusion of scientists from University College London, UK.

    The team says the disruption that followed European settlement led to a huge swathe of abandoned agricultural land being reclaimed by fast-growing trees and other vegetation.

    This pulled down enough carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the atmosphere to eventually chill the planet.

    It’s a cooling period often referred to in the history books as the “Little Ice Age” – a time when winters in Europe would see the Thames in London regularly freeze over.

    “The Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas led to the abandonment of enough cleared land that the resulting terrestrial carbon uptake had a detectable impact on both atmospheric CO₂ and global surface air temperatures,” Alexander Koch and colleagues write in their paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews.

    The paper;

  41. oldbrew says:

    Craig – the nonsense just gets worse and worse 😂

  42. craigm350 says:

    OB – From the conclusion with juicy bits highlighted;

    We estimate that 55 million indigenous people died following the European conquest of the Americas beginning in 1492. This led to the abandonment and secondary succession of 56 million hectares of land. We calculate that this led to an additional 7.4 Pg C being removed from the atmosphere and stored on the land surface in the 1500s. This was a change from the 1400s of 9.9 Pg C (5 ppm CO2). Including feedback processes this contributed between 47% and 67% of the 15–22 Pg C (7–10 ppm CO2) decline in atmospheric CO2 between 1520 CE and 1610 CE seen in Antarctic ice core records. These changes show that the Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas is necessary for a parsimonious explanation of the anomalous decrease in atmospheric CO2 at that time and the resulting decline in global surface air temperatures. These changes show that human actions had global impacts on the Earth system in the centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution. Our results also show that this aspect of the Columbian Exchange – the globalisation of diseases – had global impacts on the Earth system, key evidence in the calls for the drop in atmospheric CO2 at 1610 CE to mark the onset of the Anthropocene epoch (Lewis and Maslin, 2015, 2018).

    well it’s useful to them as it bashes europeans and connects to CO2 – a twofer! I’m just awaiting the “Roman farts increased global methane emissions leading to the Roman Warm Period” follow up paper! 😂 Good reason to keep the emissions up I would have thought though – can’t risk it getting cold again if the polar vortex in the Mid West this week is anything to go by 🤣

  43. oldbrew says:

    7–10 ppm CO2 decline in atmospheric CO2

    That’s pathetic 😆
    – – –
    Update – see Jo Nova: Evil whites caused the Little Ice Age by bringing small-​pox to America

    Is it April 1st in London?

    The BBC is reporting that academics from Unive­rsity College London have disco­vered that the Little Ice Age was not caused by the record low solar activity of the Maunder Minima, instead it was due to the coloni­zation of the Americas.

  44. Rog Tallbloke – I’m still “enjoying the wine” of N&Z’s papers, refreshing my own memory, discovering Nikolov at Twitter, examining their other stuff. I feel there’s a place for an article I could do for you (or even series of articles, like I did for Graeff) – “Defending Nikolov and Zeller”.

    I am educating myself thoroughly, to be sure of my ground. But I am as sure as ever that N&Z are key to righting not just Climate Science but a wider view of Science; and that Graeff holds at least three vital keys that N&Z need, for their work to become “irresistible”: (1) the rigorous and reproducible experiments that demonstrate altitude-temperature correlation; (2) the mathematical theory which, compared with N&Z’s formidable though unavoidable double integration, is simple, transparent, commonsense, and it fits the experimental data; (3) Graeff’s thereby UPGRADING the Second Law of Thermodynamics (think molecules under gravity) – which finally allows us to “see” the footprint of the “elephant in the sitting room”, which, because air is transparent, embraces us, and looks innocently weightless, is an “obvious” that has eluded us for a long time. Think Copernicus, for a comparable paradigm shift.

    Could you please email me, if you are open to the idea? It would not be ready for another month, I have to balance other activities, and I need to work out carefully what to say and how to say it. But I think I can do it, so that it would be a real contribution to Science. It would be a standalone, as was my work with Graeff – another standalone with enough uniqueness, clarity and substance for anyone to draw on, to take further.

  45. oldbrew says:

    Is the ‘hunt’ for so-called dark matter just an expensive wild goose chase?

    Dark matter may not actually exist – and our alternative theory can be put to the test
    January 31, 2019 by Juri Smirnov, The Conversation

    Read more at:

  46. oldbrew says:

    Are the expenses better over there? 😆

    BBC: “If we were to move somewhere, and it depends entirely on what happens with the negotiations with Brexit and so on, if we were to move somewhere it would be a handful of people, four or five people.”

  47. oldbrew says:

    Delingpole: Brussels in Denial over Impending No Deal Brexit

    Yep. She may be a crap prime minister. But she’s our crap prime minister and we have just about enough of these jumped up Brussels technocrats telling us what we can and can’t do.

  48. oldbrew says:

    Queensland: Monthly Climate Statement for January 2019
    For the remainder of summer (January to March), the SPOTA-1 system continues to indicate a near-normal probability of exceeding median summer rainfall for most of Queensland
    – – –
    Australia floods: Crocodiles seen in ‘once in a century’ waters
    5 hours ago

    “Crocodiles may be seen crossing roads, and when flooding recedes, crocodiles can turn up in unusual places such as farm dams or waterholes,” said Queensland’s Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch.

    “Similarly, snakes are very good swimmers and they too may turn up unexpectedly.”

  49. oldbrew says:

    El Nino doomed?

    Update Feb. 5: El Niño WATCH for autumn

    The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently neutral. However, the Bureau’s ENSO Outlook remains at El Niño WATCH, meaning there is approximately a 50% chance of El Niño developing during the southern hemisphere autumn or winter.

    Tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures have cooled slightly in the past fortnight but remain warmer than average

    Check the latest fortnightly update:

  50. A C Osborn says:

    Roger & Oldbrew, it is a sad day today, Roger Andrews, who I believe used to post on here and has been posting on Energy Matters passed away last night aged 77.

  51. oldbrew says:

    Thanks AC, sorry to hear that. He seemed to be quite prolific until recently with his posts and comments on the Euan Mearns site.

    From Euan Mearns:

  52. oldbrew says:

    California – Too much snow forces ski resorts to close
    February 5, 2019

    Several ski resorts in the Eastern Sierra and Tahoe closed part or all operations Monday because of a blizzard that dropped as much as 9 feet of snow on the area.

    Another 3 feet of snow was forecast for both areas through Monday, according to the National Weather Service.

  53. oldbrew says:

    Novel experiment validates widely speculated mechanism behind the formation of stars
    February 5, 2019 by John Greenwald, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

    Read more at:

  54. oldbrew says:

    Delingpole: Michael Gove Has Sold Out Britain to the Green Blob
    7 Feb 2019

    The Green Blob is a cabal of vested interests: second-rate scientists squeezing the last drop out of the increasingly raddled global warming milch cow; dodgy fake entrepreneurs swilling at the renewable energy trough; shyster politicians green virtue-signalling for votes; hardcore left activists using environmentalism as a cloak for their ongoing mission to dismantle the capitalist system; lazy, parti-pris environmental correspondents who transcribe press releases from green NGOs; eco charities which depend for their income on ramping up green hysteria; in-house sustainability advisors eating into their businesses’ bottom line; a vast and ever-expanding eco-system of lawyers, consultants, financiers, civil servants, and other parasites, all gorging like leeches on this $1.5 trillion per annum Enron industry.

    Why would any intelligent politician, still less an intelligent Conservative politician, nail his colours to the mast of an industry so manifestly corrupt, wilfully ignorant, anti-democratic, and anti free market?

    Yet this is what Gove has gone and done.

  55. oldbrew says:

    Sunspot Data from Solar Influences Data Analysis Center (SIDC), Royal Observatory of Belgium

    #Number of samples: 3241
    #Mean: 82.3387 [since 1749]

    Average for last 6 months: 5.03
    – – –
    New cycle 25 sunspot 06/02/2019

  56. oldbrew says:

    The Swiss view 😎

  57. A C Osborn says:

    Oldbrew, does Roger know why Farage did not get behind the Sovereign Party and started another one instead.
    I would imagine after all their hard work the Sovereign party is now dead & buried.

  58. tallbloke says:

    A.C. Over 150 new pro brexit parties have registered in the last 18 months. “The Brexit Party” looks like a good opportunity to “do what it says on the tin”.

  59. tallbloke says:

    Thanks Ian. We’ll feature this after the science in your previous comment has been posted and sunk in a bit. -TB

  60. oldbrew says:

    A quantum of weirdness…

    Lubos Motl: ‘Michael Mann’s quantum climate pseudoscience’

    Michael Mann is the most notorious fraudster in the global warming scam. He was the key man in the team that constructed the “hockey stick graph” of temperatures in the recent millennium or two.
    . . .
    OK, so this Mann remains at large. He realized that the climate is neither hot nor cool so he must insert some cooler and hotter topics into his talks to sound attractive. Clearly, things related to quantum mechanics are cooler and more scientifically prestigious than climatology, everyone has always known it, and people still know it.

    He is simply giving talks whose titles combine the climate and quantum mechanics. On Wednesday, February 13th, he is giving a talk about, well…
    . . .
    Mann’s claim that his papers have something to say about the “quantum weirdness” are absolute and total nonsense which shows that pseudoscientific scammers in the climate hysteria and the pop science delusions about quantum mechanics sell rather similar “sexy misconceptions” – and indeed, sometimes it’s the very same people who do so.

  61. PM says:

    Audio interview with Jacqueline McGlade, a switched-on academic involved in the early days of Climate Change computer modeling:

    Bizare coda describing how she accidentally married her current husband – a Masai Mara chief.

  62. oldbrew says:

    – – –
    Project Fear Banter has become so hyperventilated these days that the monarch is practically already in her back garden waiting to be airlifted from Mad Max Britain. Never mind that the Air Reichsmarschall failed to achieve it; apparently rioting mobs on the rampage for missing Mars bars will force our head of state to flee.

  63. Stuart Brown says:

    Not seen this mentioned elsewhere. Not living in Greenland I haven’t a clue, but the tone of the article…

  64. oldbrew says:

    Stuart Brown says…

    Yet more project climate fear stuff – if the whole of Greenland’s ice melts etc. Any excuse to trot it out.

  65. sunspotlover says:

    I have a new paper out about the start of Solar cycle 25, that is currently under review at a Springer Journal:

  66. oldbrew says:

    Stonehenge mystery solved? Prehistoric French may have inspired it and other European megaliths
    February 12, 2019 by Doyle Rice, Usa Today

    Now a new study suggests that an ancient culture that emerged from what’s now the Brittany region of northwest France may have begun building these structures and monuments some 7,000 years ago.

    Read more at:
    – – –
    Aubrey Burl covered this in his book: ‘A Brief History of Stonehenge’ (2007)

    Quote from the Amazon summary: And he reveals just how far the design of Stonehenge was influenced by Breton styles and by Breton cults of the dead.

  67. oldbrew says:

    Spacecraft measurements reveal mechanism of solar wind heating
    February 14, 2019, Queen Mary, University of London

    All across the universe, matter is in an energised plasma state at far higher temperatures than expected. For example, the solar corona is hundreds of times hotter than the surface of the Sun, a mystery which scientists are still trying to understand.

    Read more at:

  68. oldbrew says:

    Evidence of the Little Ice Age found in Queensland, Australia:

    The study – published in Scientific Reports—used preserved paper-bark tea tree leaves from North Stradbroke Island’s Swallow Lagoon that have been collecting in the sediment for the past 7700 years.

    The leaves – analysed for chemical variation—provided a wealth of information on the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and how it was impacted by major climate changes over the millennia, including the Little Ice Age from about 1450 to 1850.

    So much for ‘regional event’ myths 😆

  69. oldbrew says:

    FEBRUARY 16, 2019
    US seeks ways to recycle lithium batteries in cars, phones

    The U.S. government will lead an ambitious effort to develop technologies to recycle lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles, cellphones and other sources to ensure a reliable and affordable supply of metals crucial to battery production in anticipation of soaring global demand and potential shortages, Department of Energy officials said Friday.

    Calling the effort a national security issue, the agency announced a $15-billion, three-year research and development project housed at the Argonne National Laboratory outside of Chicago.

    Sounds like a big project.

  70. Chaeremon says:

    The planet is your CO₂ laboratory, from comments in the EIKE blog (order by increasing complexity):

    3. the umbrella test, with the blue sky above: hold one open umbrella in the sunlight and another in the shade of a house.
    There is no temperature change for the person under their umbrellas, the atmospheric (long-wave downward) radiation has no measurable effect on temperature.

    2. the glass plate test, with the blue sky above: place a glass pane on 4-5 glass cups (height 11cm-15cm) on the table on your terrace, so that the glass pane protrudes a considerable distance beyond the table.
    The glass pane at the table center has temperature greater than 45°C (begin in the morning, check again around noon), but at the protruding sides the temperature is still that of the ambience (~25°C for example). Again no measurable effect on temperature from atmospheric (long-wave downward) radiation.

    1. Light a match, you can feel the same heat about 15cm above the flame as 1-2cm at the side of the flame.
    The CO₂ radiating at the side of the flame has not the same measurable effect on temperature as the CO₂ above the flame.

    Only in computers does CO₂ directly or indirectly heat the ground, there is not green”house”effect from the atmosphere.

  71. oldbrew says:

    Weather Nation:
    We’re just a few weeks into the new year, but believe or not, Los Angeles, California has already seen more rain so far in 2019 than all of 2018.

    This is a bit of a shocking stat for a couple of reasons, but chief among them: It’s probably more of a commentary on how bad 2018 was than how busy 2019 has been.
    – – –
    Global Warming News: California Officials Warn Skiers to Stay Home, Too Much Snow
    17 Feb 2019

    Ski and snowboard fans may have to make plans to stay inside over the Presidents Day three-day weekend instead of taking to the slopes as state officials warn there is too much snow to be cleared making mountain roads dangerous.
    Mammoth Mountain, a popular ski resort, is just 5 inches short of 30-year snowfall record for February.

  72. oldbrew says:

    Feb 13, 2019, 12:30pm
    A Startling Find: Astronomers Discover Two ‘Warm Saturns’

    The outer planet—TOI-216c—is about the size of Jupiter or Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system.

    The inner planet—TOI-216b—is slightly smaller, “between the size of Saturn and Neptune,” says Kipping.
    . . .
    Also, the worlds orbit their star in a “two-to-one resonance,” says Kipping.

    TOI-216b makes a revolution every 17 days. TOI-216c takes 34, exactly twice as long.

    That resonance is a clue that the system is relatively serene, Kipping says, not one “with a violent history.”

    In fact the orbit ratio is more like 44:89, which means 45 conjunctions in that time (89 – 44).
    b = 17.085 days, c = 34.5558 days

  73. oldbrew says:

    EVE: Measuring the Sun’s Hidden Variability
    September 22, 2009

    “All stars are variable at some level, and the sun is no exception. We want to compare the sun’s brightness now to its brightness during previous minima and ask: is the sun getting brighter or dimmer?”

    The answer seems to be dimmer. Measurements by a variety of spacecraft indicate a 12-year lessening of the sun’s “irradiance” by about 0.02% at visible wavelengths and 6% at EUV wavelengths. These results, which compare the solar minimum of 2008-09 to the previous minimum of 1996, are still very preliminary. EVE will improve confidence in the trend by pinning down the EUV spectrum with unprecedented accuracy.

    The sun’s variability and its potential for future changes are not fully understood—hence the need for EVE. “The EUV portion of the sun’s spectrum is what changes most during a solar cycle,” says Woods, “and that is the part of the spectrum we will be observing.”

  74. oldbrew says:

    We’ve Just Discovered Earth’s Atmosphere Extends Way Beyond The Moon

    Researchers have made an incredible discovery. The Earth’s outer atmosphere extends much further than expected, stretching to 630,000 kilometers (391 000 miles), which is roughly 50 times the diameter of our planet. Obviously, you cannot breathe there as the atmosphere becomes more tenuous the further from Earth’s surface you are, but this finding has important implications for space travel and space observatories.

    The findings, reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, were possible thanks to decades of observation from the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The observations were actually made decades ago, and can only be done at certain times of the year.

    “The Moon flies through Earth’s atmosphere,” lead author Igor Baliukin, from Russia’s Space Research Institute, said in a statement. “We were not aware of it until we dusted off observations made over two decades ago by the SOHO spacecraft.”

  75. oldbrew says:

    The BBC goes over the top…again…

    Disastrously wrong – the BBC’s disaster scare story
    By Paul Homewood – February 22, 2019

    The real culprit here is Roger Harrabin, who wrote the original news story. The claim was so obviously false that he, at the very least, should have challenged the IPPR on it.

    Follow the money 😉
    – – –

  76. oldbrew says:

    Physicists calculate proton’s pressure distribution for first time

    The particle’s core withstands pressures higher than those inside a neutron star, according to a new study.
    Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office
    February 22, 2019

    Neutron stars are among the densest-known objects in the universe, withstanding pressures so great that one teaspoon of a star’s material would equal about 15 times the weight of the moon. Yet as it turns out, protons — the fundamental particles that make up most of the visible matter in the universe — contain even higher pressures.

    For the first time, MIT physicists have calculated a proton’s pressure distribution, and found that the particle contains a highly pressurized core that, at its most intense point, is generating greater pressures than are found inside a neutron star.

    This core pushes out from the proton’s center, while the surrounding region pushes inward. (Imagine a baseball attempting to expand inside a soccer ball that is collapsing.) The competing pressures act to stabilize the proton’s overall structure.

  77. oldbrew says:

    FEBRUARY 23, 2019
    Ground-breaking electric Chevrolet Volt runs out of juice

    “Although it would be nice to continue producing the Volt, GM needed to stop making it due in part to changing consumer preferences for SUVs”

  78. oldbrew says:

    Global Warming: Los Angeles Has Coldest February in 60 Years

    LA Times:

    This month is the coldest February in downtown Los Angeles in nearly 60 years, with the average high temperature at 60.6 degrees as of Sunday. That’s a full 8 degrees below the normal average temperature, the National Weather Service said in a news release announcing the record lows.

    It hasn’t been this cold since 1962, when the average high temperature for the month in downtown L.A. was 59.8 degrees, the weather service said.

    . . .
    Last week saw a rare snowfall within the urban parts of the city, including West Hollywood.

    Currently, the state’s snowpack is already at 119% above its April 1 average.

  79. oldbrew says:

    February 26, 2019
    A passing star: our Sun’s near miss
    – Pat Brennan, NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program

    Back when spears and stone points were the height of human technology, astronomers say, our solar system had a close encounter of the interstellar kind.

    The brief visitor was Scholz’s star, and it might have grazed the outer edge of the solar system’s distant Oort Cloud about 70,000 years ago – carrying its companion, a likely brown dwarf, along for the ride.

  80. oldbrew says:

    New clues emerge in the hunt for Planet Nine

    The researchers are now saying Planet Nine could be “only” five times bigger than Earth, and orbits about 400 AU from the Sun. Interestingly, recent observations of other planetary systems show that it’s actually weirder if our solar system doesn’t have one of these so-called Super-Earths.

    “At five Earth masses, Planet Nine is likely to be very reminiscent of a typical extrasolar Super-Earth,” says Batygin. “It is the solar system’s missing link of planet formation. Over the last decade, surveys of extrasolar planets have revealed that similar-sized planets are very common around other sun-like stars. Planet Nine is going to be the closest thing we will find to a window into the properties of a typical planet of our galaxy.”

    Whether Planet Nine is really out there or not, the search will no doubt continue. The researchers on the new study acknowledge that they may be wrong, but are pretty confident that we’ll find it soon.

  81. oldbrew says:

    The Unsolved Mystery of the Earth Blobs

    Researchers peering into Earth’s interior found two continent-sized structures that upend our picture of the mantle. What could their existence mean for us back on Earth’s surface?
    – – –
    Earth is the only planet known to contain plate tectonics, and recent research has suggested that tectonics may help sustain life by delivering a steady stream of nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, to the surface. And yet researchers aren’t sure what causes plate tectonic movement, let alone the blobs.

    “I think that their real fundamental and philosophical appeal is their mystery,” said Lekic. “They’re among the largest things inside the Earth, and yet we literally don’t know what they are, where they came from, how long they’ve been around, or what they do.”

  82. oldbrew says:

    New oceanic current research makes a splash

    Scientists have improved their understanding of an Atlantic Ocean flow they believe is linked to climate change
    Friday 1 March 2019

    A new research project has uncovered new information that could transform the understanding of how ocean currents, weather and climate affect each other.

    That’s according to scientists working as part of the OSNAP programme, which involves efforts from across the UK, US, Canada, China, France, Germany and Netherlands – they have found evidence challenging the long-held view that the strength of the “Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation” (AMOC) is primarily driven by processes in the Labrador Sea, which is in the north-west Atlantic.

    The AMOC is a large-scale ocean current that moves warm, salty water from the tropics to regions further north, such as western Europe.

    This warm water releases heat into the atmosphere and plays a crucial role in keeping western Europe warm – without it, OSNAP researchers say winters in the UK could be around 5°C colder.

    The scientists now believe the strength of the AMOC is most strongly linked to processes in waters between Greenland and Scotland, more than 1,000 miles away in the north-east Atlantic.

    Read more:

  83. oldbrew says:

    Sunspot number: 0
    Updated 03 Mar 2019

    Spotless Days
    Current Stretch: 31 days
    2019 total: 46 days (74%)
    2018 total: 221 days (61%)
    2017 total: 104 days (28%)
    2016 total: 32 days (9%)
    2015 total: 0 days (0%)
    2014 total: 1 day (<1%)
    2013 total: 0 days (0%)
    2012 total: 0 days (0%)
    2011 total: 2 days (<1%)
    – – –
    ‘Current Stretch’ is one less than the number for the whole of 2016.

  84. oldbrew says:

    As glaciers flow over bedrock, they grind rocks to a fine powder known as glacial flour. When the ice meets the sea, this glacial flour flows into the ocean. If the rock dust becomes trapped under an ice shelf, the particles could be incorporated in marine ice as it forms.

    Warren now suspects iron oxides in glacial flour from rocks on Antarctica’s mainland are responsible for creating the stunning emerald icebergs. He and the Australian iron researchers now propose to sample icebergs of different colors for their iron content and light-reflecting properties. If their theory proves correct, green icebergs could be more important than scientists thought.

    Read more at:

  85. craigm350 says:

    Blowing up Earth-bound asteroid ‘not as easy as Armageddon’, say scientists

    A new scientific study has suggested that even if humanity could blow up an asteroid heading for Earth, it would reform in space.

    Asteroids and meteors are a prime candidate for wiping out humanity, just as one such impact 66 million years ago killed the dinosaurs.

    One of the most popular theories – as famously illustrated in 1998 Bruce Willis film Armageddon – involved blowing up the asteroid before it hits Earth.

    But a study by scientists at John Hopkins University in the US suggests this would be much harder than previously thought.

    It says blasted away fragments would be likely to reform with the asteroid because of gravity.

    The researchers developed a new computer modelling method to examine how rock breaks apart in simulations of asteroid collisions.

    “We used to believe that the larger the object, the more easily it would break, because bigger objects are more likely to have flaws,” said Dr Charles El Mir.

  86. oldbrew says:

    Asteroids and meteors are a prime candidate for wiping out humanity, just as one such impact 66 million years ago killed the dinosaurs.

    Unless it didn’t…

    Still believe an asteroid killed the dinosaurs? Think again—new theory suggests
    April 4, 2018, University at Albany

    “Dinosaurs began to disappear long before the asteroid impact and continued to gradually disappear for millions of years afterward.”

    Read more at:

    So they say.

  87. oldbrew says:

    Mechanics of coronal mass ejections revealed
    07 MARCH 2019

    The genesis of enormous explosions on the sun has long been a mystery, but no more.

    It’s a tricky question to tease out because flux ropes and reconnection are so intertwined. Recent studies even suggest that there’s another layer of complexity: smaller magnetic loops called mini flux ropes, or plasmoids, which continuously form in a fractal-like fashion and may have a cascading influence on bigger events like a CME.

    To get a better handle on this complex process, the team observed the evolution of a CME that erupted on May 13, 2013. By combining multi-wavelength data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) with modern analysis techniques, they were able to determine the correct sequence of events: that a magnetic reconnection in the solar corona formed the flux rope, which then became unstable and erupted.

    Specifically, they found that the CME bubble continuously evolved from mini flux ropes, bridging the gap between micro- and macro-scale dynamics and thus illuminating a complete evolutionary path of CMEs.

    Read more:

  88. oldbrew says:

    Standing waves in the magnetosphere…

  89. oldbrew says:

    Coldest February on record in Vancouver
    March 9, 2019

    February 2019 was the coldest February on record for the British Columbia city since records began in 1937.

    “We typically see around seven days in the double digits (Celsius) during the month of February,” said Matt MacDonald, a meteorologist at Environment Canada. “We didn’t have a single day above 10 degrees this month.”

    Re Feb. 2019: Average daily temp was just 0.3 C compared to 30 year average of 4.9 C
    CBC News Posted: Mar 01, 2019

  90. oldbrew says:

    Solar cycle 25 sunspots two days in a row…

  91. sunspotlover says:

    Correction: sunspot 2734 was born on March 4… So 6 SIX days in a row…
    No news… because i found cycle 25 already started in November…
    I updated my formulas on Researchgate and stick with my prediction that solar cycle 25 started in November 2018:
    A Formula for the Start of a New Sunspot Cycle

    And …I am waiting for the polar field update…
    According to my findings the UNFILTERED polar field strength should have gone up in February….
    This is the reason there were no sunspots in February … and that we will have A MUCH LARGER SUNSPOT CYCLE THEN EXPECTED.

    Last mean strength was 66, meaning cycle 25 will be already 10 percent above the first part of cycle 24…
    Explanation here:'s_Adjusted_Polar_Fields_are_in_Phase_and_not_in_Anti-Phase

    and here:

  92. oldbrew says:

    The sun is quieter than normal, but don’t panic
    Some fear that we could be heading to another Little Ice Age, but scientists say that’s unlikely
    Nicole Mortillaro · CBC News · Posted: Mar 11, 2019

    both Hathaway and Pesnell believe that solar cycle 25 should begin some time in 2020.

  93. oldbrew says:

    Mar 11, 2019
    Happy Birthday To Urbain Le Verrier, Who Discovered Neptune With Math Alone

    On September 23, the letter arrived at the Berlin Observatory.

    That evening, within 1° of Le Verrier’s prediction, Neptune was discovered.
    . . .
    François Arago, who compelled Le Verrier to investigate Uranus’ orbit, lauded him as “the discoverer of a planet with the point of his pen.”

  94. oldbrew says:

    Old stone walls record the changing location of magnetic north
    March 12, 2019

    Now one can compare the bearings of those stone wall-defined boundaries relative to magnetic north and true north today. The difference shows that the magnetic declination at this location in 1768 was 7.6 ± 0.3 degrees W. That’s a good match for scientists’ current geophysical model. Since the magnetic declination at this location today is 14.2 degrees W, the direction to magnetic north at this location has moved about 6.6 degrees further west since 1768.

    Data from these stone walls strengthen the current geophysical model about the Earth’s magnetic field.

  95. Bamse says:

    See, CO2 controls climate…… sarc

    Arc-continent collisions in the tropics set Earth’s climate state

    On multi-million-year timescales, Earth has experienced warm ice-free and cold glacial climates, but it is unknown if transitions between these background climate states were the result of changes in CO2 sources or sinks. Low-latitude arc-continent collisions are hypothesized to drive cooling by uplifting and eroding mafic and ultramafic rocks in the warm, wet tropics, thereby increasing Earth’s potential to sequester carbon through chemical weathering. To better constrain global weatherability through time, the paleogeographic position of all major Phanerozoic arc-continent collisions was reconstructed and compared to the latitudinal distribution of ice-sheets. This analysis reveals a strong correlation between the extent of glaciation and arc-continent collisions in the tropics. Earth’s climate state is set primarily by global weatherability, which changes with the latitudinal distribution of arc-continent collisions.

    Thus, our model accounts for both the initiation and termination of ice ages. This pattern has repeated at least three times throughout the Phanerozoic — when there have been abundant tracts ophiolites being exhumed and eroded in the tropics the Earth has been in a glacial climate state, and when not, the Earth has been in a non-glacial climate state.

    DOI: 10.1126/science.aav5300

  96. oldbrew says:

    Tectonics in the tropics trigger Earth’s ice ages, study finds
    March 14, 2019, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Read more at:

  97. oldbrew says:

    Here’s the homework…

  98. oldbrew says:

    Please note: we’ve moved to Suggestions 38 now.

    No more comments here. Thanks.

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