Lord Lawson: ‘the issue is climate change alarmism’

Posted: May 3, 2014 by oldbrew in alarmism, climate, Politics, propaganda
Roman Baths, Bath [image credit: Wikipedia]

Roman Baths, Bath [image credit: Wikipedia]

The Bath Lecture: a sober analysis

Former UK Chancellor Nigel Lawson lays out the terms of the current ‘climate debate’, which for public figures such as himself is inevitably plagued by insults and mis-informed criticism.

Quote: ‘according to the Climate Change Secretary, Ed Davey, the global warming dissenters are, without exception, “wilfully ignorant” and in the view of the Prince of Wales we are “headless chickens”. Not that “dissenter” is a term they use. We are regularly referred to as “climate change deniers”, a phrase deliberately designed to echo “Holocaust denier” — as if questioning present policies and forecasts of the future is equivalent to casting malign doubt about a historical fact.’

Essay and link to full speech here

  1. oldbrew says:

    Meanwhile governments commit to spending vast amounts on inefficient part-time power generation that massively increases everyone’s energy bills, without solving any problems.

  2. hunter says:

    A sober and reasoned view. But we are in an intoxicated unreasonable age.

  3. Chuck Nolan says:

    I agree with Nigel.

  4. Chuck Nolan,
    Você fala Português?