The Green Blob identifies itself

Posted: June 1, 2016 by oldbrew in alarmism, greenblob, propaganda

Green blob [credit:]

Green blob [credit:]

Website Climate Scepticism offers a ‘helpful map’ of some of the main players in the shadowy network of climate alarmism. Time for a spot of map reading…

In July 2014, MP and former environment secretary Owen Paterson introduced the term “Green Blob”: ‘I leave the post with great misgivings about the power and irresponsibility of – to coin a phrase – the Green Blob.’

Until now, the exact make-up of the “mutually supportive network” of the Green Blob was not entirely clear, but recently its identity and structure has been nicely illustrated by an unexpected source – a member of the Green Blob itself.

Carbon Brief, one of the key players in the UK branch of the Green Blob, has produced a map of twitter conversations that took place on the subject of climate change in March 2016 (full-screen version available [via link below]). To be more precise, the lavishly funded climate propaganda site paid someone else to produce the map.

Roughly speaking, the size of the names indicates influence, and more closely connected people appear closer together. Here is the central region of the map, which they have even given the correct colour:

View source: The Green Blob identifies itself | Climate Scepticism

So, with this helpful map we can see what the Green Blob is made up of and how it fits with Paterson’s description.
Most of it seems to be based in the US; the UK wing is over on the right of the diagram.

  1. oldbrew says:

    Jeremy Corbyn and Nicola Sturgeon get a smallish mention – a lot smaller than Leonardo di Caprio for example 😎

    The sceptics are off to the left: Delingpole etc.

  2. Delingpole off to the left? Shurely shome mishtake!