
Posted: November 9, 2016 by tallbloke in Accountability, History, humour, Politics

Nice one Josh. 🙂


  1. tallbloke says:

  2. Josh always comes up with the goods. Looking forward to next year’s calendar.

  3. oldbrew says:

    Date: 09/11/16 Bloomberg News

    Climate gravy train funds could be switched to doing useful things in the USA.

  4. philjourdan says:

    Best comment from a liberal (American style) that I heard was the Election of Trump was a “good ole boy” (the US) saying to the UK – “Here, hold my beer”

  5. One possible reason why the global warming issue has stayed alive in zombie-like fashion all this time is because our mainstream media has had a stranglehold over what gets reported on the issue, and too-docile of conservative candidates were not speaking up about the issue. Trump has the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Myron Ebell on his EPA transition team ( ), and that’s one heckuva good indication that Trump is going to hear a side of the issue that President Obama never heard.

  6. oldbrew says:

    Canada’s immigration website crashed as Donald Trump becomes US president

    The site’s now back up and running and some computer experts say it may just have been a coincidence

  7. tallbloke says:

  8. tallbloke says:

  9. philjourdan says:

    A Coincidence? Like 20 muslims taking flight school just before 9-11.

  10. tallbloke says:

  11. oldbrew says:

    Climate-crazed Guardian readers will love that plan 🙂

  12. oldbrew says:

    Judith Curry: ‘an opportunity for a more rational energy and climate policy (I will be writing more about this in the coming weeks)’

  13. tallbloke says:

    At UN climate talks in Morocco, countries say they are prepared to move ahead without the US.
    President-elect Trump has said that he will “cancel” the Paris Climate Agreement within 100 days of taking office.
    Negotiators in Marrakech say that such a move would seriously damage the credibility of the US.
    But fossil fuel supporters say Mr Trump’s plans prioritise the needs of American families.
    Cancelling the deal
    The election of a candidate viewed with horror by many environmental campaigners, has cast a significant shadow over COP22 – the annual meeting of climate delegates from almost 200 countries.
    They have come to Marrakech to work on the nuts and bolts of the Paris Climate Agreement.
    However the election of Mr Trump now poses something of a threat to the deal signed less than a year ago in the French capital.
    The treaty commits governments to take action to keep global temperatures from rising by 2C above pre-industrial levels and to do their best to keep that rise to less than 1.5 degrees.
    But Mr Trump has promised that within 100 days of taking office he would “cancel” the agreement and “stop all payments of US tax dollars to UN global warming programmes”.
    Aware of Mr Trump’s intentions, countries speedily ratified the Paris deal and it became a binding part of international law on 4 November.
    If the new president wants to take the US out of the agreement, the process will require four years before he is free of it.
    But while that might frustrate Mr Trump, he has also promised within his first 100 days, to rescind the executive actions that President Obama has taken to limit US emissions of carbon.
    The key element of the Obama scheme was the Clean Power Plan, that aimed to severely restrict CO2 from energy production.
    On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly denounced the costs of the plan and said he would reverse it.
    “It also means scrapping the EPA’s so-called Clean Power Plan, which the government itself estimates will cost $7.2bn a year. This Obama-Clinton directive will shut down most, if not all, coal-power electricity plants,” he told an audience in New York in September.
    The President-elect’s plans to renege on the Paris Agreement and push forward with coal have been condemned by green groups globally.
    “Trump’s election is a disaster, but it cannot be the end of the international climate process,” said May Boeve from

  14. from speech:
    “I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.”
    Peace at last?

  15. Zeke says:

    I am one grateful individual today! I feel as if years have been added to my life. My countrymen–esp Pennsylvania– have lifted a burden off of our country by refusing to believe they should be put out of work for their own good. I take my hat off to them. And to brexit.

    Well I thank God, and if there is anything we can do to stop the massive c foundation arms deals, I pray we will:

  16. tallbloke says:

  17. oldbrew says:

    The US election result seems to have spooked a few people…

    New Zealand immigration site traffic surges after US election

    Immigration New Zealand (INZ) said its website received 56,300 visits in a 24 hour period, an increase of almost 2,500%. The site has a daily average of 2,300 visits.

    Canada’s immigration website also received a high amount of traffic on Wednesday, causing it to crash.

    Donald Trump secured a surprise victory in the presidential election.

    D’OH-NALD TRUMP The Simpsons correctly predicted a Donald Trump would be President 16 years ago in an episode set in the near future

    The story showed Lisa sitting in the Oval Office having inherited a ‘budget crunch from President Trump’

    Earlier this year Simpsons creator Matt Groening told The Guardian they used Trump because he was “the most absurd placeholder joke name that we could think of”.

  18. oldbrew says:

    Senator Inhofe was right…

    The U.S. Constitution requires treaties to be approved by two-thirds of the Senate, and Obama’s climate treaty is destined for failure in a Republican-controlled Senate. Inhofe and others have vowed to block the treaty if it ever did come before the Senate.

    “Furthermore, environmental groups and industry agree that the U.S. commitments made under the Paris Agreement cannot be met with regulations and would require legislation from Congress that will never pass,” Inhofe said.

    Inhofe to Obama: Your climate agenda will fail

  19. philjourdan says:

    @Tallbloke – Here’s the problem with the way Obama did things. He bypassed congress to get his way. So any signed agreement is not with the US, and not Donald Trump, but with Obama. Trump can either willingly agree to abide by Obama’s choices, or follow the law. So it will not take any years. It merely takes an executive order. It is not the credibility of the US that is at stake here. It is Obama’s. He lied not only to Americans, but to the rest of the world. The Iranian nuke deal? Just Obama’s, not the US. Paris? Just Obama, not the US.

    Obama made great headlines by trying to be a dictator for the rest of the world. But the truth is, nothing he did is legally binding on this country. Period. The leaders of other countries know this (they are not stupid enough to not be informed). So their rhetoric is just for jawboning, not for effect.

  20. ebnelson says:

    My “progressive” friends are literally having emotional break downs. And sadly I wonder how many of them are choosing to edit their list of friends based on how they think that person voted.
    Apparently it may be more than a few.
    So once again it appears that the “progressives” are actually regressive- shallow and petty reactionaries, intolerant and illiberal. But I hope I am proven wrong.

  21. Ron Clutz says:

    ebnelson, most people (both Hillary supporters and haters) need to take another look at Trump. Scott Adams of Dilbert fame is helpful in his observations:

  22. oldbrew says:

    Hillary Clinton supporters cry their eyes out as Trump upsets the odds to become next US President

    Get a grip 😎

  23. ivan says:

    The big problem with the elite politicians is that they are so far removed from the general population that they don’t have any idea how the people think.

    has a very good listing of the differences between the cities and the countryside, and therein lies the answer.

  24. philjourdan says:

    @Oldbrew – I would say “Good riddance”, but I cannot do that to our friends in NZ, Australia and Canada.

    Notice that it is only the left that threatens when they lose. Was there a big bump when Obama won?

    Now you know the difference between a parasite and a patriot.

  25. Brett Keane says:

    @oldbrew says:

    November 10, 2016 at 8:55 am: Please no, we do not need them. Brett the Kiwi (bowing low to Eire).

  26. oldbrew says:

    The BBC advises snivelling non-Trump supporters and/or Brexit losers how to deal with their grief/fear/paranoia etc. Poor things…’get a life’ springs to mind :/

    US Election 2016: A survivor’s guide to unexpected voting results

    Trump Victory Totally Rains On UN Climate Summit’s Parade
    by JAMES DELINGPOLE 10 Nov 2016

    The latest UN climate summit – COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco this time – has been tragically overshadowed by the dark cloud of Donald Trump’s victory.

    So not-much-COP22.

  27. oldbrew says:

    @ Bitter&twisted – pass the sick bag 😉

  28. tallbloke says:

    Team Trump has a new website up.

    Energy Independence

    The Trump Administration will make America energy independent. Our energy policies will make full use of our domestic energy sources, including traditional and renewable energy sources. America will unleash an energy revolution that will transform us into a net energy exporter, leading to the creation of millions of new jobs, while protecting the country’s most valuable resources – our clean air, clean water, and natural habitats. America is sitting on a treasure trove of untapped energy. In fact, America possesses more combined coal, oil, and natural gas resources than any other nation on Earth. These resources represent trillions of dollars in economic output and countless American jobs, particularly for the poorest Americans.

    Rather than continuing the current path to undermine and block America’s fossil fuel producers, the Trump Administration will encourage the production of these resources by opening onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands and waters. We will streamline the permitting process for all energy projects, including the billions of dollars in projects held up by President Obama, and rescind the job-destroying executive actions under his Administration. We will end the war on coal, and rescind the coal mining lease moratorium, the excessive Interior Department stream rule, and conduct a top-down review of all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama Administration. We will eliminate the highly invasive “Waters of the US” rule, and scrap the $5 trillion dollar Obama-Clinton Climate Action Plan and the Clean Power Plan and prevent these unilateral plans from increasing monthly electric bills by double-digits without any measurable effect on Earth’s climate. Energy is the lifeblood of modern society. It is the industry that fuels all other industries. We will lift the restrictions on American energy, and allow this wealth to pour into our communities. It’s all upside: more jobs, more revenues, more wealth, higher wages, and lower energy prices.

    The Trump Administration is firmly committed to conserving our wonderful natural resources and beautiful natural habitats. America’s environmental agenda will be guided by true specialists in conservation, not those with radical political agendas. We will refocus the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air, and clean, safe drinking water for all Americans. It will be a future of conservation, of prosperity, and of great success.

  29. tallbloke says:

    The cracks are widening…

    Presidential hopeful Nicolas Sarkozy reckons that climate change is not caused by man and that the world has far bigger problems on its hands than global warming.

    Nicolas Sarkozy, who is fighting to regain the presidency that he lost to François Hollande in 2012, has finally come out of the closet as a climate skeptic.

    Speaking in front of business leaders Sarkozy, a candidate for Les Republicains party primary in November, told them that man alone was not to blame for climate change.

    “Climate has been changing for four billion years,” the former president said according to AFP. “Sahara has become a desert, it isn’t because of industry. You need to be as arrogant as men are to believe we changed the climate.”

    Sarkozy has minimized the climate change in the past, but up until now he has never openly suggested that man was not to blame.

    It appears the ex-president has an all round grudge against climate change.

    The former president believes the world should be concentrating on the rise in the population and movement of people rather than worrying so much about global warming.

    “Never has the earth experienced such a demographic shock as it is about to, because in a few years there will be 11 billion of us. And man is directly responsible in this case but nobody talks about it,” Sarkozy said.

    Sarkozy was also angry at the amount of global media coverage given to the COP21 climate change conference in Paris last year, that was hailed a success not just for the future of the earth but for the Socialist government who helped force through an historic deal.

    Sarkozy believes the media should have been concentrating on the Paris terror attacks, that occurred just weeks before on November 13th.

    The former president must have been too busy to notice the enormous amount of media coverage both in France and around the globe that was dedicated to the terror attacks.

  30. Paul Vaughan says:

    Beauty & Power Together 101….

    TB quoted:
    “while protecting the […] most valuable resources – our clean air, clean water, and natural habitats”

    Basically that’s what I’ve been advising for all the years I’ve volunteered climate commentary. (Explicit reference to “parks” is needed in the wording.)

    The corrupted climate agenda derailed focus on parks & wilderness and clean air & water. It corrupted more than a generation of conservationists.

    My personal views on the paramount importance of neighborhood parks might look radical to most. I envision a society in which we tear up some of the development in urban areas — with the force of government power if necessary — to inject sizable parks into communities such that no one lives far (say more than 10 blocks) from a large park …with denser development elsewhere to balance.

    Another thing I would like to explore is the development of more cities with good, secure jobs in locations where mountains meet the sea. I have a theory that human potential extends far beyond what we imagine and that tapping it hinges on regular, frequent, convenient access to vital connections (notably mountain, forest, and sea …specifically aerobic cardiopulmonary connection).

    Strategic provocation:

    The FIRST thing that needs to be done to protect air, water, and parks is to dismiss sun-climate belief-police from the climate discussion.

    Those dark forces are the the front line defenses of the corrupt climate agenda.

    We can choose to protect innocents — for example gentle 4 year-olds in nice families — from coercive assimilation into a culture of deliberately corrupted belief that the sun does not govern Earth’s climate. I would like to give those 4 year-olds a chance to grow up (hopefully near mountains and sea so they can sail, snowboard or whatever) in a society that appreciates and respects nature. By ensuring them access to the truth and freedom from slavery to dark agency intent on corrupting beliefs, I believe there’s a better chance they’ll grow up to be strong and free enough to resist corruption ….just like we did.

    Let’s terminate the dark agents without delay.

    The next step is to expediently retract ERSSTv4 and reinstate v3b2.

    These are the steps I see as necessary to protect parks.

    Let me provoke further…

    TB also quoted:
    “Energy is the lifeblood of modern society. It is the industry that fuels all other industries. We will lift the restrictions on […] energy, and allow this wealth to pour into our communities.”

    This can coexist with a dense network of large parks where people can boat, snowboard, ski, sail, kayak, hike, run, and otherwise be healthy and enjoy the extreme benefits of the great, beautiful outdoors. Energizing our connections with nature can take us to levels of productivity, tenacity, resilience, and awareness higher than we imagine. We can choose to stubbornly make it a religion. It can make us unshakeable and unstoppable. We can energize strong belief in nature’s beauty & power. We can worship the balanced beauty and power of nature. It could become a formal religion…

    Review of provocative healthy vision:

    In order to energize society with parks and healthy outdoor recreation…

    To Do List:
    1. Terminate sun-climate dark agents.
    2. Retract ERSSTv4 and reinstate v3b2 …and place a moratorium on corruption of natural history.

    Let’s ensure our children are beautifully & powerfully energized by convenient local access to nature’s balanced beauty and power so they grow up to be strong, free, deeply inspired, and as unstoppable as possible.

    It’s not just about power. It’s about beauty….
    On the hiking trail — while climbing stairs through foggy rain on the forested slope overlooking the inlet — I met a respectable, strong, soft-spoken, pragmatic man on the morning after the election. With a gentle smile his first comment was, “He has the prettiest wife.” Beauty and power are a natural pair. Beauty balances power. Maybe say hello to the Department of Beautiful Parks & Powerful Energy. With that kind of balance we may preserve the level of strength we need to protect freedom.

    Let’s watch and see what happens before we judge.

  31. tallbloke says:

    I’m on my way this morning to deliver a speech on energy, power and environment at the UKIP Yorkshire conference.

  32. Paul Vaughan says:

    The pedestal is artificial….

    From JoNova here’s a graph underscoring what I find both comical and destructive about conventional methods of statistical inference:

    Data exploration differs fundamentally from statistical inference based on (hidden) assumptions.

    Take due care to understand the difference philosophically if you want to avoid being fooled.

    As soon as assumptions of any form are accepted (a cultural — not logical — act), you have corruption. Conventional statistical inference is corrupt. Sensible data exploration does not rely on assumptions.

    The graph highlighted by JoNova is a perfect example.

    …and it’s even worse…..

    The compound effects of this cleverly and successfully marketed assumption-based paradigm are dangerous. Sample size does not compensate for significant unknown bias due to lurking conditioning variables …and the culture just pretends that if it’s out of sight, its out of mind. That’s mindless.

    — —

    Sober pragmatism over intoxicated naivety….

    I’m skeptical. Politicians are known for double-crossing, so let’s see what happens before celebrating. For example, if wuwt & ce don’t disappear, that’s a fatal red flag.

  33. oldbrew says:

    When asked ahead of the meeting if Mr Trump had invited him, Mr Farage joked to reporters: “We’re just tourists.”

    BBC: Farage first UK politician to meet Trump since election

    By Iain Watson, political correspondent

    Mrs May certainly will not be welcoming this opportunity for UKIP to bask in the reflected glory of a Trump victory.

    People were asking what was the point of the party after the Brexit referendum – so the prime minister really will not want them resurrected as the “British Trumps”- the voice of forgotten voters.

    She will have to renew efforts to claim that mantle for herself.

  34. oldbrew says:

    Are Trump haters really moving to this tiny Canadian island?

    Calabrese, a local radio DJ in Cape Breton, a small island off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, had the vague idea that maybe, if they could attract some disillusioned ex-pats from South of the border, it could boost the former coal mining island’s dwindling population.

    In the week Rob launched, things went crazy. Rob told me they had 250,000 visitors to the site in one day.

    Cape Breton’s location on both the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean means that the region experiences unique maritime weather patterns, characterized by heavy snowfalls, frequent fog patches and temperatures that can change drastically in a short period of time.