U.K.’s Nigel Farage demands a seat at Brexit talks

Posted: May 27, 2019 by oldbrew in News, Politics

Credit: mining.com

Very unlikely to be offered one, but with a big win in the European elections the Brexit Party leader has a point – and probably a pint too. One report says he will be ‘the head of the largest single party in the chamber with 29 seats’, although some results are not in yet. How much longer can Brexit dithering go on?

Nigel Farage demanded a seat at Brexit negotiations on Monday after his new party swept to victory in the United Kingdom’s European Parliament election, warning that he would turn British politics upside down if denied, reports CBC News.

Farage, a bombastic 55-year-old commodities broker-turned anti-establishment supremo, won by riding a wave of anger at the failure of Prime Minister Theresa May to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union.

As May’s Conservative Party prepares to pick a new leader, Farage had a warning for the next prime minister: A say in the United Kingdom’s biggest decision since the Second World War.

“We should be part of the team now, that’s pretty clear,” Brexit Party leader Farage told Reuters at an election count in the southern English city of Southampton.

After repeated delays to Brexit, Farage said the United Kingdom had to leave the EU on Oct. 31, the current deadline for Britain’s Parliament to agree an exit deal. Farage would prefer to leave without a deal.

“If we don’t leave on that day, then you can expect the Brexit Party to repeat this kind of surprise in the next general election,” he said.

While no British leader would allow Farage near EU divorce talks, his proven ability to poach Brexit supporters from both the Conservative and Labour parties will stiffen a belief among leading Conservatives vying to replace May that they must go for a more decisive split from the EU.

Farage, often pictured with a glass of beer and an elastic grin, is one of Britain’s most recognizable politicians with a rare capacity to polarize opinion. He once posed with U.S. President Donald Trump in a gilded lift, enraging the British establishment.

Full report here.

  1. Stephen Richards says:

    The New UK PM needs to start a rolling deselection process to get rid of all remainers in the tory party. Once finished the exit will be simple.

  2. pochas94 says:

    The EU will probably refuse to do business with Britain ( while instantly accommodating every despotic dictatorship everywhere). Here’s hoping Trump will provide every facility for Britain to evade the punitive actions of the EU, making them futile and eventually pointless.

  3. oldbrew says:

    pochas – the EU can’t ‘punish’ any single country or it would be in breach of WTO rules. The same rules have to apply to everyone that doesn’t have a separate bilateral agreement with the EU.

    That’s the main point of the ‘no deal’ argument – the majority of countries already trade with the EU like that.

    Once out, the UK and EU could reach a bespoke deal which might or might not look a lot like the current arrangements. But the interim period might be difficult with the EU’s standard high tariffs on some products. The UK could only counter by applying selective tariffs to all WTO traders, as I understand it. Or by looking elsewhere for the goods, of course.

  4. tom0mason says:

    The bottom line is that the BREXIT party with Nigel Farage at its helm has shown the Conservative Party what the nation wants — OUT of the EU.

    The Conservative Party if they wish to remain as a political force in the UK, must remove all those ‘Conservative in name only’ CiNO (aka socialists) from the party ASAP. To leave it till the next election will probably ensure their downfall.

  5. Adam Gallon says:

    Does he? He garnered a little under 1/3rd of the 1/3rd of the electorate who could be bothered to vote. There’s no mandate for this mythical WTO Brexit.
    I note that UKIP’s suicide has been completed & they’re now an irrelevance.

  6. MrGrimNasty says:

    It’s funny how remainers think 6million (with a massive proportion of fraud) signing the revoke article 50 petition is a mandate, but the same number more or less (with no fraud) voting unambiguously for a hard Brexit can be dismissed as 1/3 of a third!

  7. oldbrew says:

    Cringe Change UK didn’t get anywhere with their Remain option.


    A ‘hard’ Brexit is also bad for EU countries wanting to continue trading with Britain, such as Germany. 10% tariffs on their cars would cost them plenty of jobs. Problems for Ireland too if they had to apply EU tariffs to UK imports – try doing that with an open border. Would the EU leave the Irish in the lurch?

    Not long ago both Tories and Labour pledged in their UK election manifestos to implement the Brexit referendum vote, but we just had another EU election :/

  8. Graeme No.3 says:

    The EU may well have to leave the Irish in the lurch. That the UK will leave the EU shortly is now almost certain, as neither major party can risk annihilation if an election happens because neither can control Parliament. Nor can you ignore the possibility that the Court cases might find that the UK has left anyway (which might be the best arrangement for the establishment as they can then say that any problems afterwards are what they were trying to avoid).
    That means that one of the two net contributors to the EU budget will be gone and the major one is headed towards a recession, which any clumsy move on tariffs would make worse. The EU won’t be able to disperse largesse to the eastern bloc, bail out Greece, Portugal and also Ireland. And with the Italians being restive, along with public dissatisfaction in Spain and France, those EU bosses had better be much more flexible than they have until now or be out of a job.

  9. oldbrew says:

    Well, the meek ‘please sir’ approach is never going to work so time to try something that carries a threat, even if it’s to both sides.

  10. Bob Koss says:

    I live across the pond, but this is how I see it.

    Am I correct in saying citizens of other EU countries living in the UK were allowed to vote in this election, but couldn’t in 2016 referendum?

    If so, I find it amazing the Brexit party won so many seats. Surely foreign citizens voting would have cast their votes for candidates wishing to stay in the EU.

  11. donald penman says:

    My predicion as to how this will devlope is that a new tory party will be chosen and bring back support for tories. Labour and tories will get together and call an election before October 31st where the tories will ask for a mandate to leave the EU on WTO terms while labour will ask for a mandate for a second referendum on leaving.The brexit party will also be standing in this election.

  12. oldbrew says:

    Not many Tory MPs would fancy their chances in a GE at the moment.

  13. donald penman says:

    I agree oldbrew.

  14. Adam Gallon says:

    Should the Tories be stupid enough, to stand on an “WTO Brexit” platform. The party will split & be wiped out. Whichever party gets their shit together & goes for an Efta/EEA Brexit, will sweep the field.
    The Ultras can have a circle jerk with Rees Mogg, the Remainers can have a group hug with whoever is top of the Lib Dems & the rest of us can be shut of the EU’s Superstate dreams, whilst retaining the trade side.

  15. donald penman says:

    The people are not going to vote in a referendum with remain as an option without a mandate from the people just think of that Adam. We will spoil our ballot papers. Where then?

  16. oldbrew says:

    Dithering time is over…

    Date: 27/05/19 The Daily Telegraph

    – – –
    Newspaper headlines: Farage ‘eyes No 10’ amid election fallout
    By BBC News Staff


  17. Adam Gallon says:

    Even before a General Election, TBP will fall to pieces. Chances of them agreeing on policies for governing the UK? See High Tory Widdecombe & Revolutionary Communist Fox agreeing on a state aid policy? How about Ireland? Armed forces?
    He’ll have the same success that UKIP did at National level.

  18. oldbrew says:

    Farage has nothing to lose, gains a headline and rattles a few cages. Why wouldn’t he? 🙂

  19. gallopingcamel says:

    @pochas94 says:
    “The EU will probably refuse to do business with Britain ( while instantly accommodating every despotic dictatorship everywhere).”

    That is not likely to happen given that the EU needs you much more than you need them.

    In the unlikely event that the EU decides to commit economic suicide by refusing to trade with the UK it would not take long to do a really good trade deal with the USA once Teresa May departs.

    Off topic. Did Teresa May authorise MI5 to collude with Christopher Steele, Andrew Downer and shady Italians to undermine Donald Trump?

    What did she know and when did she know it? Just asking……..

  20. Gamecock says:

    Negotiations? Are you kidding me?

    Exit. Period. You are a sovereign nation. Act like one.

  21. BLACK PEARL says:

    Tony Blair been on SLY News with Adam Bolton saying there’s to be a second referendum.
    Does he pay SLY News for his slot time or is he invited ?
    Also the Speaker now stating he’ll never allow a no deal. (Can he not be removed?)

  22. oldbrew says:

    Farage Warns Tories that Brussels Will Not Budge on Soft-Brexit Treaty

    President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, however, has already come out and rejected notions that a new prime minister could negotiate a new deal, saying Tuesday night before an EU summit in Brussels: “I was crystal clear. There will be no renegotiation.”


    No deal or no Brexit then?

  23. oldbrew says:

    Brexit: Boris Johnson ordered to appear in court over £350m claim
    48 minutes ago

    It is a private prosecution launched by campaigner Marcus Ball, who crowdfunded £200,000 for the case.

    Mr Johnson’s representatives have called the case a “stunt” that is being “brought for political purposes”.
