Tottenham Hotspur to host world’s first net-zero football match against Chelsea

Posted: September 6, 2021 by oldbrew in net zero, propaganda
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Photosynthesis: nature requires carbon dioxide

All part of the ongoing climate brainwashing of the public into believing that the vital trace gas carbon dioxide must be demonized at all costs. Pass the sick bag!
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Tottenham Hotspur will host the world’s first net-zero carbon football match when the London club welcomes rivals Chelsea on 19 September to the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, says Sky News.

Spurs have teamed up with Sky and the home game against Chelsea is aiming to be net-zero, through emissions reductions and offsetting the remaining carbon footprint through reforestation projects.

The match is supported by COP26 and the Premier League – and Spurs will be encouraging fans, players and staff to take sustainable actions on match day.

This includes using public transport or cycling to the match, choosing plant-based food options and recycling waste.

The project has been called #GameZero and aims to educate football fans on the role of sport in addressing climate change.

For the match to be net-zero, Sky and Spurs will aim to minimise match day emissions activity such as energy used to power the game, travel to and from the stadium for both fans and clubs, and food options at the stadium.

Continued here.

  1. Saighdear says:

    EASY: Play outdoors in available daylight, eat cold pies, play on a field where grass is maintained by animals ( ie grazed so’s you can skite on Ku-shyte), plant-based food options? Meat is made from plants without fossil fuel
    role of sport in addressing climate change? no more driving to a sports venue ( taking the bairn(s) or HORSE or BIKE), no more using powered treadmills – use treadmills to GENERATE electricity.
    and that’s …. THIS IS education? woke world.

  2. Gamecock says:

    ‘For the match to be net-zero, Sky and Spurs will aim to minimise’

    They don’t understand what ‘zero’ means.

  3. Mikep says:

    And what about all the lovely CO2 that the trees will respire!? Or doesn’t that count…I suppose that’s good CO2 ‘cos it’s produced by nature!! Seriously though, do you think anyone has taken into account that trees respire and produce CO2?

  4. JB says:

    Sadly, too many physicists don’t understand the meaning of “zero” either. Albert surely did not.
    Even a bike is not “net zero.” Nor is a horse for their flatulation alone. Better start walking to the game, and don’t eat any beans or cheese along the way!

  5. oldbrew says:

    Spurs are playing in France in September, the Netherlands in October and Slovenia in November. Good luck with the net-zero travel 🙄

  6. Chaswarnertoo says:

    So all the CO2 exhaled will be counted? 🤣

  7. ilma630 says:

    So once you’ve removed the scam of ‘offsetting’, it’s not remotely ‘net-zero’! Perhaps all the fans could stop exhaling CO2 (not ‘carbon!!) when they’re at the match. Mass self-delusion continues.

  8. stpaulchuck says:

    so everyone at the match will wear a plastic bag over their head and not breathe??

  9. Graeme No.3 says:

    Will the score be Net Zero as well?

  10. Kip Hansen says:

    What?!? No hot dogs? Do they have hot dogs at soccer games?]

  11. Gamecock says:

    Saw a good piece at on CoP26.

    It made me think that this whole Net Zero thing is a scam to give money away to other countries while claiming that that offsets their emissions. IOW, Brits won’t allow the UK to give a billion to Indonesia (par exemple), but if the government claims it is to offset British emissions, the people will allow it.

    If true, it’s astounding how much they hate you. No scheme is too elaborate if it will hurt you.