The fairy tale of Labour’s Brothers Grim – NetZeroWatch 

Posted: June 15, 2024 by oldbrew in Critique, net zero, opinion, Politics
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Exaggerating for effect is normal in election campaigning. It’s the likely result of trying to achieve what is being proposed for the UK electricity network, in the name of woolly climate theories, that’s the problem here.
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Labour’s energy plans are best described as ‘utterly puerile’, says Andrew Montford @ NZW.

Their very own Brothers Grim – Mr Starmer and Mr Miliband – have come out with a set of ideas that would be quite at home in the pages of a fairy story.

This is clear from the off, the party’s manifesto discussing what it calls ‘the climate and nature crisis’ and the ‘opportunity for growth’ represented by ‘clean energy’, which it says will help tackle the cost of living crisis.

It’s hard to know how to respond to such delusions.

As NZW readers know, the ‘climate emergency’ is a superstition. And growth in renewables has, of course, been accompanied by a steady rise in electricity prices; the two moved in lockstep from 2002 to 2020, the eve of the Ukraine war.

If insanity is doing the same thing again and again, and expecting different results, then the Brothers Grim need straitjackets as soon as humanly possible.

The manifesto as a whole is entirely lacking in any meaningful detail. We learn that it will create 650,000 skilled jobs. So that is an extra £25 billion or so that we need to find. And where are these people coming from? The North Sea oil and gas industry doesn’t employ anything like that many.

We are also told that Labour will “double onshore wind, triple solar power, and quadruple offshore wind by 2030”. The idea that this much capacity could be delivered in the space of six years is utterly absurd.
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As with the other energy manifestos so far, Labour’s effort is a fairy tale, entirely devoid of any connection to engineering or economic realities. It is best handled with ridicule.

Full article here.
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  1. catweazle666 says:

    “The floggings will continue until the morale of the crew improves”.

  2. energywise says:

    Socialists gonna be socialist, regardless of the laws of physics, economics, or reality

  3. Curious George says:

    Laws of physics? Lawmakers will legislate them as needed.

  4. catweazle666 says:

    That’s what the EU said when they tried to legislate that a 1kw electric kettle could produce more than 1kw of heat and on being told it was impossible due to the laws of thermodynamics stated they as they were merely laws, they would rewrite them.

  5. oldbrew says:

    Labour’s effort is a fairy tale, entirely devoid of any connection to engineering or economic realities

    Their supporters don’t want to hear about boring stuff 🥱

  6. brianrlcatt says:

    Have you got a reference to this I would love to use it as an example of just how delusional and poorly educated politicians are. Incompetent to legislate on matters on technical matters. Everything is possible when you understand nothing. How can we allow such stupid people to govern our nation?

  7. catweazle666 says:

    Hi BRC, it was a long time ago now, when the EU was attacking washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers etc.
    I’ll root in my archives and see what I can find!

  8. catweazle666 says:

    Thinking back, I suspect it was uncovered by James Delingpole when he had a column in the Daily Telegraph…

  9. brianrlcatt says:

    I do remember there was an attack on vacuum cleaners that were meant to be reduced to 1 kW but I had not heard the full stupidity of it. I was also told by Kwasi Kwarteng when he was our MP that if gas was indeed a superior option on price then they would change the law to make sure it wasn’t – by taxing it. That’s exactly how it works, They rig the market at public expense.

  10. saighdear says:

    Eh? Not again, surely …. all those links above —> Now EU targets our kettles, toasters and even lawnmowersTHE British way of life is under fresh threat from the EU as it targets the nation’s kettles, toasters and even lawnmowers.


    00:01, Thu, Sep 4, 2014
    and I read somewhere recently that the EU could force 1kw of electricity to produce MORE heat than 1 kw is in a kettle. Back to that legal nonsense from lawmakers beyond physics.
    It is LONG LONG LONG TIME overdue that we march and kick them all out , grabbed by scruff of Neck, if you like.
    But what is it about “legality” …. nothing cast in the stone of physics laws yet we are afraid of the written / spoken word for fear of JAIL or Fines. In other words / along those lines- that is only a FRAMEWORK for a civilised society. WHAT TO DO ?

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