Swiss geology father throws spanner in AGW works

Posted: June 9, 2014 by tchannon in climate, Ice ages, Natural Variation, paleo, trees

Once again Pierre L. Gosselin brings fascinating content from the German speaking world

Distinct solar imprint on climate What’s more worrisome,

Schlüchter’s findings show that cold periods can strike very rapidly. Near the edge of Mont Miné Glacier his team found huge tree trunks and discovered that they all had died in just a single year. The scientists were stunned.

“The year of death could be determined to be exactly 8195 years before present. The oxygen isotopes in the Greenland ice show there was a marked cooling around 8200.”

That finding, Schlüchter states, confirmed that the sun is the main driver in climate change.

Article “Giant Of Geology/Glaciology Christian Schlüchter Refutes CO2…Feature Interview Throws Climate Science Into Disarray”

Except nothing seems to stall the works or does it, gone awry does seem to be showing.

How could the Alps have far less snow and rivers but be as cold as today? I’m also mindful of someone familiar with large mountains being surprised at the size of the Alps, had never visited or looked.

Post by Tim

  1. oldbrew says:

    ‘Christian Schlüchter is Professor emeritus for Quaternary Geology and Paleoclimatology at the University of Bern in Switzerland. He has authored/co-authored over 250 papers’

    Just the sort of person the climate disinformation squad likes to get its teeth into then 😉

  2. Doug Proctor says:

    Glacial advance is not determined by the amount of snow falling, but by the amount of snow (firn) still present when the next year’s snow begins to fall.

    I’m a geologist in Alberta, well familiar with the remnant “glaciers” (actually stagnant ice blocks as they are not flowing) such as the Athabasca Glacier, the “polar bears” of Canadian climate change. In my winter travels in the area of the glacial ice I had been perplexed by the small amount of snow I’d encounter during winter. Nothing spectactular at all. But then I did a simple calculation:

    A glacier becomes a glacier when the ice is thick enough to flow plastically, somewhere at 110m of thickness. If you allow a zero thickness start and 1000 years to full bloom, then you need 11 cm of ice to be saved every year. Which is about 1.1m of snow not to melt every year. Perhaps 40% of the snow you get each year. These days the last of the snow doesn’t go until end of June (I’m still waiting to be able to climb some of the lower peaks nearby, there is too much soft snow to make the effort worthwhile). Snow comes again in late August, not enough to count, but enough to stay hidden in the shadows. So temperatures only need to drop enough for 3 months of summer to drop to 1 month, perhaps.

    With colder summer that is, at altitude, only 1 month long, and perhaps half-way to glacial ice mass already in place, all you need is a couple of hundred years and time and a hands-lengthj of residual sugar snow/firn, to get a glacier moving down the mountainside. You don’t really need more snow/more precipitation, but get some and the time to glaciation collapses.

    Even in human timeframes a small cooling under present precipitation conditions will bring glaciers back to life.