Major news agency mentions disaster without global warming or climate change, try climate fluctuations

Posted: August 15, 2014 by tchannon in alarmism, media, Natural Variation, weather

There is an unfolding disaster in the poor regions of central America from sustained drought.

I am reluctant to make much of a story involving people in trouble, it is however a good news matter if a needless focus on the daft has gone, focusing instead on where it matters. Put the effort there.

El Nino, which can last more than a year, significantly raises surface temperatures in the central and eastern areas of the tropical Pacific Ocean, a phenomenon linked to major climate fluctuations around the world.

“Central America braces for drought-linked food crisis”

Are we seeing a change in the media, I hope so.

Climatic fluctuations are just weather on a slow scale, the low frequency.

Post by Tim

  1. Kevin Hearle says:

    We haven’t had an El Nino since 2009/2010 so it is not El Nino causing the draught. It might be the neutral phase of the ENSO which has prevailed since mid 2010 or it might be other causes.

  2. Richard111 says:

    Okay. Baffled as usual. ENSO meter over at WUWT still showing neutral.

  3. Steve C says:

    The root of the problem is identified right there in the first line, where the problem is said to be “in the poor regions of central America”. Quite so. For as long as the human race regards it as acceptable that food is seen as “just another commodity” for the conscience-free stockbrokers of the world to gamble with, poor people will starve as a result of (some of) the rich insisting on “their” profits. Never forget, the world grows enough food for us all.

    Having said which, Richard111 is right. ¿What El Niño?

  4. michael hart says:

    Lest we forget, this is the El Nino that clearly scuppered England’s World Cup campaign, as speculatively predicted at the BBC:

  5. Tenuc says:

    Wow, news reporting has sunk to a new low. The MSM are starting to believe their own hype about the predicted 2014 super El Nino and are in denial about the coming El Nono.

    As for the drought, and it’s disastrous effect on subsistence farmers, I’m sure the relevant international bodies have sufficient funds to keep them fed until the rains bring better times – providing their greedy governments keep their hands off it.

  6. hunter says:

    There must be an El Nino because the press says there is.

  7. tchannon says:

    Well, I wondered on how much to write, puts a different focus on a minor article.

    The press have to play to what they think is right on indirect facts such as there is or isn’t an El xxxx otherwise it becomes a different main story, in this case the presence of and effect of a drought.

    So yes comments pick up on a likely to be wonky causal of the sustained weather.

    What am I doing, defending the press?! I think I am just trying to see it from the position of the reporter.

    It’s probably feasible to chase down which organisation fed the story to Reuters and see if the spin comes from there, etc.

  8. oldbrew says:

    Where if at all does this fit into the picture?

    ‘The U.S. has been extraordinarily fortunate lately: we have not been witness to the fury of a major hurricane (category 3 or higher) landfall since October 2005 when Wilma hit southwest Florida as a Category 3 storm.’

    California is also in drought.

  9. hunter says:

    A warm Pacific tropical region, which puts relatively more water vapor/clouds/ice intot he atmosphere cures droughts in N America.
    This tepid water does little, but I guess is better than an actual hard core La Nina.

  10. Doug Proctor says:

    I’m driving down through there in 10 days. All along the California coast, then inland over to the Salton Sea and then back north through California, Nevada and north. It will be interesting to see and hear what is going on relative to what is said in the media.

  11. Curious George says:

    Doug – most people don’t consider that a Central America, in spite of Governor Jerry Brown’s best efforts, ably supported by Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.

  12. Wayne Job says:

    Poorer regions say’s it all, if governments put in infrastructure such as water storage, the problems go away. Blame the governments not the weather.

  13. dp says:

    Precious water in South America is being used to grow biofuel. That water and farmable acreage is not available to grow food. They have priority problems, not a water problem. With a bit of determination they could tap the vast resources of the Rio Hamza river which currently drains into the Atlantic ocean without so much as a fare-thee-well.

  14. tchannon says:

    And then Reuters does a promotional for a new enviro-fest film!

    Lazy reporters. Seeing through those trying it on no-matter who they are is part of the job.