Nils-Axel Morner: Open letter to the COP23 President

Posted: November 14, 2017 by tallbloke in Accountability, alarmism, government, IPCC, Natural Variation, Ocean dynamics, paleo, sea levels, solar system dynamics

Open Letter to
Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23
Frank Bainimarama
Mr. President,
The community assembled at the COP23 meeting in Bonn badly wants
temperature to rise according to models proposed (but never verified, rather
seriously contradicted) and sea level changes that may pose serious flooding
threats to low lying coasts provided sea level would suddenly start to rise at
rates never recorded before (which would violate physical laws as well as
accumulated scientific knowledge over centuries).


Figure 2. Sea level changes in the Yasawa Island of Fiji (from Mörner & Matlack-Klein, 2917c). Sea level was high in the 16th and 17th century (1), low in the 18th century (2) and at about the present level over the 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries (3) with a somewhat higher level in the early 19th century and with a perfectly stable sea level during the last 50-70 years as indicated by C14-dated microatolls at multiple sites. Consequently there is a total absence of a present sea level rise – i.e. the threat of a future flooding is lifted off.

We have been in your lovely country and undertaken a detailed sea level
analysis, which beyond doubts indicates that sea level is not at all in a rising
mode, but has remained perfectly stable over the last 50-70 years. Hence all
threats of an approaching general sea level flooding is totally unfounded.
Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the centre,
the true scientific community must insist that only facts as revealed in nature
itself and in laboratory experiments can provide trustworthy results.
These are the facts:

• Sea level has remained virtually at the present level over the last 200 years
• In the last 50-70 years sea level has remained perfectly stable in Fiji
• This stability is indicated by the growth of corals (stopped to grow vertically,
and forced to grow laterally into microatolls) – and corals do not lie
We have (with references at the end)
o Studied your tide gauge records – Mörner & Matlack-Kelin, 2017a
o Studied sites of coastal erosion – Mörner & Matlack-Klein, 2017b
o Documented sea level change during the last 500 years in great details –
Mörner & Matlakc.Kelin, 2917c
o Noted the close similarity to similar records in nations like the Maldives,
Bangladesh and India – Mörner, 2017
o We have presented our data at conferences in Rome (4th WCCC, October
19-21, 2017) and Düsseldorf (11th EIKE, November 9-10, 2017) – see:
Clutz, 2017 and Tallbloke’s Talkshop, 2017)
The critical depth for coral growth is 40 cm below low-tide-level (when the photo was taken). If sea level is not rising the corals are forced to grow laterally. We have studied several such cases at several different sites in the Fiji. We undertake radiocarbon dating at a number of sites of the dead center always with ages as ”younger than 1950”, implying that sea level has remained perfectly stable over the last 50-70 years – and corals do not lie.

(from Mörner & Matlack-Klein, 2017d)

Our data (Mörner & Matlack-Klein, 2017c) indicate:
1. Absence of a present rise in sea level during the last 50-70 years
2. Global predominance of rotational eustasy during the last 500 years

Our message (or rather plea) to You as President COP23 is
Listen to your own field evidence in the Fiji islands
they indicate no rise in sea level
Be faithful to the message from the Fiji corals
they indicate full sea level stability since 1950
In the true spirit of the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau let us say:
Retournons à la Nature
That is setting field evidence in the centre
instead of models and ideas driven by political and/or religious agendas.
Stockholm, November 12, 2017
Nils-Axel Mörner

Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University, Sweden (1991-2005)
President of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999-2003)
Leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project (2000-2007)
Chairman of the INTAS project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997-2003)
Leader of the Fiji New Sea Level Project (2016-2017)
Patronus Skytteanus of the Skytte Foundation at Uppsala University (1979-2017+)
Awarded the Golden Condrite of Merit from Algarve University (2008) “for his irreverence and contribution to our understanding of sea level change”
Author of several hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers and several books
Pamela Matlack-Klein
co-author and co-investigator
The Portuguese Sea Level Project

Acknowledgements: Our research group has had the pleasure to undertake sophisticated
studies in the Fiji Islands. We have become much in love with the remarkable nature and the wonderful local people of the Yasawa Islands. Our criticism should be seen as a sign of our respect to the irrefragable field evidence, and the nice local people that certainly deserve straight-forward and unbiased information with respect to their own future environments.

Mörner N-A, Matlack-Klein P (2017a) The Fiji tide-gauge stations. International Journal of
Geoscience, 8: 536-544.
Mörner N-A, Matlack-Klein P (2017b) Coastal erosion in the Yasawa Islands, Fiji. Nature
Science, 9 (5): 136-142.
Mörner N-A (2017c) Our Oceans – Our Future: New evidence-based records from the Fiji
Islands for the last 500 years indicating rotational eustasy and absence of a present rise
in sea level. International Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences, 2: 137.
Mörner N-A, Matlack-Klein P (2017d) New records of sea level changes in the Fiji Islands.
Submitted, under reviewing.
Mörner N-A (2017) Coastal morphology and sea level changes in Goa, India, during the last
500 years. Journal of Coastal Research, 33: 421-434.
DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16A-00015.1
Clutz R (2017). Fear not for Fiji. Science Matters
Tallbloke’s Talkshop (2017) WCCC4 Rome: Interview with Nils-Axel Mörner

PDF available here

  1. oldbrew says:

    Trying to confuse them with facts? Doesn’t usually work :/
    – – –
    Review of Nils-Axel Mörner’s The Greatest Lie Ever Told

  2. pameladragon says:

    Yeah, ain’t it the truth? Facts only befuddle them and distract from what they want to believe. The garbage coming out of Bonn right now is frightening, what world are they living on that they are seeing such phenomena?


  3. Dodgy Geezer says:

    Open Letter to
    Nils-Axel Mörner
    Patronus Skytteanus of the Skytte Foundation at Uppsala University (1979-2017+)
    Awarded the Golden Condrite of Merit from Algarve University (2008) “for his irreverence and contribution to our understanding of sea level change”
    Pamela Matlack-Klein
    co-author and co-investigator – The Portuguese Sea Level Project

    Dear Sir and Madam,

    The community assembled at the COP23 meeting in Bonn are not the only people who badly want temperature to rise according to models proposed. If politicians from the rich countries can be persuaded or suborned into accepting that this is happening, we stand to gain trillions of dollars in aid.

    Our GDP is around 8bn dollars, and we run a large trade deficit. What do you expect that I’m going to do?

    Frank Bainimarama
    Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23

  4. Peter Bysouth says:

    Roger, would you please activate the PDF link to the Letter, Regards Peter B

    [mod] done

  5. It was never about science. Globalists see junk science as a way to scare the sheeple into parting with their money.

    Us sheep in the USA fought back by electing Donald Trump. Austria gets it too.

    Holland, Germany and France have stuck with the globalists. May God help them as they won’t get any help from the USA!

    It looked as if the British worm had turned when BREXIT passed but the dithering Teresa May has blown the opportunity. How sad.

  6. oldbrew says:

    ‘A solution in search of a problem’

  7. […] hat seine Resultate in einem offenen Brief an Frank Bainimarama, den Premierminister von Fidschi und Präsidenten der soeben zu Ende […]

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