In US, climate anxiety churns up psychological storm

Posted: November 27, 2019 by oldbrew in alarmism, climate, Psychobabble

This is fun if you’re not one of the climate botherers claiming we’re all doomed. If so you’re probably in the “well-educated conservative white men” group, says

In the melting Arctic, communities are racing to maintain their way of life. In the rising Pacific, residents are sounding alarm bells.

And in Rhode Island, Kate Schapira and her husband are not having a baby.

Fears about climate change are prompting worldwide action, but one knock-on effect in the United States is mounting anxiety about everything from plastics to class-based environmental disparities.

Schapira, a 40-year-old senior lecturer in the English department at Brown University, is addressing that unease in a number of ways.

The decision not to have children was not just about concern for their future wellbeing amid environmental degradation, she explained, but also about not wanting “my sense of responsibility to the world to shrink down to the size of one person.”

Schapira also says she has likely taken her last flight.

She said she was troubled that people were treating her climate fears “like a personal, individual problem,” she said, and she wanted to “see if that was actually the case.”

So in 2014, Schapira started setting up a “climate anxiety” booth in public spaces, such as farmers’ markets. It’s a bit like Lucy’s psychiatry stall from the beloved comic “Peanuts.”

“Climate anxiety counseling, 5 cents. The doctor is in,” the booth’s sign reads, welcoming passersby in Providence to talk about their fears.

As it turns out, Schapira was far from alone.

Continued here.

  1. oldbrew says:

    = = =
    Solar Minimum Madness: Is Thanksgiving’s Winter Wonderland A Preview Of The Bitterly Cold Winter To Come?
    November 24, 2019 by Michael Snyder

  2. hunterson7 says:

    Wow to start an article with two deceptive assertions.
    The climate consensus creates anthropogenic global warming by way of psychiatric disorders.
    How to snap people out of this giant mind fuck?

  3. rogercaiazza says:

    I have a confession because I too have climate anxiety. I am terrified that those who believe climate catastrophe is inevitable and imminent are on course to destroy the economy and devastate the environment of any nation stupid or naïve enough to believe that today’s renewable technology can actually make a difference to the climate.

  4. JB says:

    Michael Crichton: “Sit down at a dinner party, and you say: The world is coming to an end—we have the most horrible things [imminent], and you immediately get the aroused attention at the table. Alternatively, you say, you know what? Basically everything’s good. The world’s getting better.
    Charlie: Nobody cares?
    Michael: No! They get angry, or they turn away. It’s not what we want to hear. We want to hear disaster.” Charlie Rose Interview 2007

    Just not enough drama in these people’s lives. The reference to Lucy’s psyco-stall is telling. Of course there will be that segment of the population who willingly reflect back the anxiety a person puts out. You want drama? People will give it back to you. You have anxiety? The anxious will commiserate with you.

    Not science and proof of nothing else but idiocy. One of the side-effects of information overload.
    Not until these folks freeze to death during the next solar minimum will there possibly be a reset in their attitude.

  5. oldbrew says:

    “Climate anxiety counseling, 5 cents. The doctor is in”

    Daylight robbery 😆

  6. ren says:

    Arctic air is approaching Great Britain.

  7. stpaulchuck says:

    A large segment of the population lives on emotions. If they are not emoting they are very unhappy indeed. They are also very fickle with regards to the anxiety of the day. It’s hard to keep up the internal hysteria when visible proof belies your idiot belief in some putative disaster. So… ON TO THE NEXT ONE!! Acid rain, the ozone hole, save the whales, peak oil, global cooling (next ice age), global warming (we’re all going to fry), and on and on.

    Idiots, and not very useful ones for the rest of us.

  8. ren says:

    The strong drop in temperature in the Rocky Mountains.

  9. ren says:

    In three days winter will attack violently in the Midwest.

  10. cognog2 says:

    If I were a lot younger I would be tempted to set up alongside the 5c councelling pad and charge 20c with the comment that my councelling is worth far more than hers. Recipients would leave with a list of required reading sourced from the sensible sites like this, WUWT , notalotofpeopleknowthat etc. etc. In other words just a lot of reality and common sense.
    However the main thrust would be to explain how their fears could have been deliberately generated by others with a political agenda through manipulation of the media. Best not attempt to explain anything. Just leave them with the doubt that perhaps they have been duped.

  11. ren says:

    With snow levels, down to around 4,000 feet, feet of snow will pile up in the Sierra Nevada of California. Some parts of the Sierra Nevada mountains could see an AccuWeather StormMax of up to 42 inches of snowfall. Snow will even reach as far south as the Peninsular Mountains in Southern California.

  12. ren says:

    A major snowstorm has caused headaches for early Thanksgiving travelers in Colorado with feet of snow piling up in some parts of the state.

    The storm began to unfold over Colorado late Monday and intensified overnight. Most of Denver and the city’s suburbs woke up to 6 to 12 inches of snow on Tuesday with several feet falling over the nearby mountains.

    Pinewood Springs, Colorado, located near Rocky Mountain National Park, was one of the snowiest spots in the state with nearly 32 inches of snow falling as of 7 a.m. MST Tuesday.

  13. oldbrew says:

    Issued 26 November 2019

    BoM: The ENSO Outlook is currently INACTIVE. This means there is little sign of El Niño or La Niña developing in the coming months.

  14. ren says:

    Oldbrew, so it’s “just” the Sun.

  15. Curious George says:

    “ren” seems to have identical taste and manners as Ireneusz Palmowski.

  16. Gamecock says:

    The legacy press has been hitting us with crisis after crisis since the 1960s. It is just noise.

  17. pochas94 says:

    The truth is that we in the US are a lot less freaked by climate scaremongers then , say, England, Germany, Australia, California, etc., etc., etc. Ok, we’ve had some early snowstorms. Big deal, winter’s coming. And, if you’re tuned in on the subject, the climate freaks are going to have to find something else to emote about, like fond memories of “Global Warming.”

  18. Old Brew, I do not trust BOM with the interpretation of any measurements especially as they have actually altered temperature records, and temperature charts.
    I have been recording SOI data for sometime. This site has some posters for rainfall, extended wet and dry periods and cyclone direction for years going back to 1890. The interesting part of the charts is the SOI and IPO at the bottom which shows patterns which relate to the wet & dry periods which vary in length from 5 to 13 years. In Queensland at present we are in a dry period which has lasted 7 years and could go longer. Dry periods are associated with an El Nino. At present there is both a positive IPO since 2014 (this has a period of about 35 years) and negative SOI (today at -9.8 which is similar to the 90 day average). The SOI data for the last month is here and on that page you can get to a chart of monthly data. which you can extend for various periods. An extended period of negative SOI (particularly more negative than -10) indicates an El Nino and when this is associated with positive IPO it makes it worse.

  19. p.g.sharrow says:

    It is unfortunate that the Dr. has a psychosis about the Global Climate Disaster that Will befall us. This is an ancient meme that first shows up in the Bible where Evil Humans have angered God / the gods ?? , that resulted in climate disasters, loss of paradise, great flood, etc. Always human fault, that requires great sacrifice and atonement to save us from the perceived disaster.

    No use arguing with them, they are true believers in their religion and can not be debased from their programing. Even when their prophets are shown to be in error they just make excuses and move the goal posts because they want the world to come to it’s end, for them…pg.

  20. oldbrew says:

    cementafriend says: November 29, 2019 at 2:12 am
    – – –
    Noted, thanks.