April in the UK: lowest average minimum temperatures since 1922, says the Met Office

Posted: May 2, 2021 by oldbrew in Temperature, weather


Frost fractals [image credit: Schnobby – Wikipedia]

A similar story is reported in France, Germany and the Netherlands, to name a few nearby countries. It was sunnier than typical Aprils, but so was the same month last year – without the high number of frosts.
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April 2021 had the lowest average minimum temperatures for April in the UK since 1922, as air frost and clear conditions combined for a frost-laden, chilly month, despite long hours of sunshine, says a Met Office press release.

Early provisional figures from the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre indicate that April had the third lowest average UK minimum temperature for the month since records began in 1884, while Wales, Scotland and England all reported their figures in their top five lowest ever recorded.

Average daily maximum temperatures were also below normal, but not by as much as the minimum temperatures.

It had already been reported that April had seen its highest level of air frost in 60 years, with an average of 13 days of air frost topping the previous record figure of 11 days in 1970 (records for air frost go back to 1960).

This number of air frosts is more typical for December, January or February, whereas the average number of air frosts in April is five days.

For gardeners and growers there were also a record high number of ground frosts with 22 days this month compared to an average of 12 days.

Despite the low minimum temperatures and frosts, much of the UK has basked in sunshine through April, with all UK countries currently reporting sunshine hours for the month in their top five ever recorded since 1919.

Continued here.

  1. Chaswarnertoo says:

    Grand solar minimum anyone?

  2. oldbrew says:

    MAY 2, 2021

    The Sun just experienced its weakest solar cycle (24) of the past 100+ years, and the next one (25) isn’t looking any better, and the one after that (26) looks non-existent (NOAA**). This sharp decline in solar activity is now, after a decade-or-so year lag, beginning to show-up on the global thermometer record.

    Using the same data tool NOAA cites in a recent report (released Jan, 2020) as well as the same 5-year time-frame, it is revealed that U.S. temperatures declined at a staggering rate of 2.99F per decade between 2016-2020. This is a substantial drop, and one TWENTY-THREE TIMES the official global avg. rate of increase since 1880 cited in the NOAA report: “The global annual temperature has increased at an avg. rate of 0.07C (0.13F) per decade since 1880.”

    Even the likes of NOAA, with their cherry-picking, UHI-ignoring, data-tampering ways are now struggling to *hide the decline*.


    ** NOAA sunspot predictions to 2040: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/predicted-sunspot-number-and-radio-flux

  3. Dodgy Geezer says:

    Wow! This really is extreme weather! Funny how CO2 can cause such a wide mix of impacts…

  4. MrGrimNasty says:

    Going by the mean CET April 2021 was the same as 1941, only 1.4C below ‘normal’, 32nd-40th coldest in 363 years. But Feb and March were as much above ‘normal’ as April was below.

    Last April was 4C warmer. We’ve just got used to a run of very warm Aprils since the turn of the century, almost matched by a warm run in the 1940s – then a cool one crops up – almost like a pattern repeating.

    Hardly the next ice age is it – most of the frost was slight, and not very damaging – I don’t think any April minimum temperature records were broken? Ironically my Magnolia was damaged by far harder frost in the relatively warmer Feb and March.

    It’s all just random weather.

  5. peterandnen says:

    I agree with DG and Mr GN: This pretty much confirms anthropogenic CO2 warming is as random a forcing as natural climate change (weather, Sol cycles, etc.). Tax carbon anyway because it warms/cools the planet.

  6. Colin MacDonald says:

    19 days of air frost here in Aberdeen, same as January. 2 air frosts so far this May. And although there were some pleasantly warm days, the first week of May saw some exceptionally low day time temperatures with dry blowing snow, it’s a bit of an oversimplification to say that it was clear still nights that made it a cold month.

  7. Scute says:

    The Met Office blog post is dated 30th April around 3PM. They mentioned more data will come in for sunshine hours and that data might change the current (on the 30th) status for this April. As of 3PM on the 30th, it was 2nd after last year’s 1st for hours of sunshine but with the data for the 30th it could break the record, they say. So, why on earth didn’t they just wait 24 hours and give us the definitive result?

    I’m wondering if the same might apply for the temperatures. Was there a minimum yet to be recorded on the 30th or had that been recorded in the small hours of the 30th with no prospect of superseding it before midnight? Can they be really sure that a dip before midnight might surpass the one for the early hours?

    I’m really wondering if they planned this early blog post (with provisional figures as they say) to avoid having to say it’s the coldest April since records began, or before 1922 at least. With provisional data, it’s already the third coldest so it could go to 2nd or 1st place? No?

    Of course, if it did go lower, the Met might not post it up because they’ve already supposedly covered the issue with this provisional data blog post

  8. oldbrew says:

    Frost risk already extends through the first week of May. ‘Lowest since 1922’ obviously doesn’t fit any alarmist predictions, so all they can do is ignore it and wait for a random warm spell to vent over.

    Or since at least 1884 – ‘April had the third lowest average UK minimum temperature for the month since records began in 1884’

  9. tallbloke says:

  10. They still do not even have a clue. Since the warmer Gulf Stream Currents began thawing more sea ice, it has been snowing more in and around the Arctic, more sequestered ice is now dumped into the ocean and the water that is circulating back is colder. This is simple common sense.

    Alex Pope

    On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 4:58 AM Tallbloke’s Talkshop wrote:

    > oldbrew posted: “A similar story is reported in France, Germany and the > Netherlands, to name a few nearby countries. It was sunnier than typical > Aprils, but so was the same month last year – without the high number of > frosts. – – – April 2021 had the lowest average minimu” >

  11. Dodgy Geezer says:

    We are now well over the high point of the 60-80 year temperature cycle, and starting on the downward path.

    In 30 years or so we will all be worrying about a coming ice age again, and claiming that concerns over global warming n the 2000s didn’t really happen….

  12. oldbrew says:

    The ‘high sunspot’ cycles in the current era were cycles 17-23 (1933-2008).

    We should now see low levels of sunspots for at least a few decades, from 2008 onwards.
    – – –
    UAH Global Temperature Update for April 2021: -0.05 deg. C
    May 2nd, 2021 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

    The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for April, 2021 was -0.05 deg. C, down from the March, 2021 value of -0.01 deg. C.

    The global cooling impact of the current La Nina is being fully realized now in global tropospheric temperatures.


  13. oldbrew says:

    Contrast with April 2020…

    Record-breaking April sunshine
    It was significantly warmer than average for most of the country and the fifth warmest April on record.
    . . .
    Dr Mark McCarthy is the head of the Met Office’s National Climate Information Centre. He said: “Although April 2020 will be remembered for being the sunniest April on record in England and the UK, along with the sunshine, the month was largely dry with mean temperatures well above average for most parts of the UK. The UK climate is warming, and it is notable that in a Met Office series from 1884 the Aprils of 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2020 are all in the top ten warmest.”
    [bold added]


    ‘UK climate is warming’? Not this April, even with the sunshine.

  14. oldbrew says:

    Weatherman’s summary…

  15. oldbrew says:

    May in Scotland…

    In pictures: Snowy scenes in Scotland
    Published 2 hours ago
