Satellite mission to ‘unravel’ how clouds impact future climate change?

Posted: May 21, 2024 by oldbrew in aerosols, climate, Clouds, data, modelling, predictions, research, satellites
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Let’s hope this is not going to be used as another excuse to pretend alarmist predictions from climate models have improved, just because some extra data is being fed in.
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A brand new satellite that will revolutionize our understanding of the role clouds and aerosol particles play in climate change is set to launch after more than 30 years of planning, says the University of Reading (via

The EarthCARE satellite is the brainchild of the University of Reading’s Professor Anthony Illingworth. Conceived in 1993, the project was adopted by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2004.

The satellite is set to blast off from California’s Vandenberg Space Force Base on board one of Elon Musk’s SpaceX rockets, scheduled for launch no earlier than Tuesday 28 May 2024.

The mission is a testament to the power of U.K. and international collaboration and the importance of long-term, dedicated research. The satellite, equipped with four cutting-edge instruments, will provide unprecedented insights into the complex interactions between clouds, aerosols, and Earth’s climate.

This data will be invaluable in shaping our understanding of climate change and informing future climate adaptation and mitigation policies.

Professor Anthony Illingworth, Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Reading, said, “When we first started dreaming up this project, I never imagined I would be flying out to the United States to watch our satellite launch 30 years later.

“It’s been a long and challenging journey with an amazing team of dedicated scientists and engineers from the U.K. and abroad. Together, we’ve created something truly remarkable that will change the way we understand our planet.

“The data we gather from EarthCARE will be invaluable in helping us observe the precise mechanisms involved in how clouds and dust reflect and absorb heat. This will make our predictions for the future of our climate even more precise, meaning we can make more informed decisions about how to mitigate and adapt to the challenges posed by a warming world.

“The extraordinary data we receive will help us create a more sustainable future for our planet. It’s a humbling and thrilling experience to be part of something so significant.”
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Currently, climate models do not agree on how effective clouds and aerosols are at influencing the impact of global warming. For example, if there were fewer cloudy days in the future, less energy from the sun would be reflected back into space, which would increase the rate of climate warming.

EarthCARE’s new observations will help scientists to develop more precise climate models, which will significantly improve climate predictions and lead to more informed policy decisions.

Full article here.

  1. jb says:

    Professor Illingworth will be gone before any meaningful data comes back. By then he’ll have access to all he wants to know about it, and probably not care.

  2. oldbrew says:

    Currently, climate models do not agree on how effective clouds and aerosols are at influencing the impact of global warming.

    Begging the question doesn’t help.

  3. ilma630 says:

    “challenges posed by a warming world”! Why do these people always assume the climate only warms?? And they are supposed to be the higher educated ones! I do wonder sometimes.

  4. Phoenix44 says:

    So it was conceived 30 years ago and it will have “cutting edge” technology? And he believed in a “warming world” 30 years ago? As for something demonstrating how marvellous everything is but taking 30 years to be achieved…!

  5. mort says:

    It always needs to be said.

    I thought “The Science is Settled” ……

  6. Petter Tuvnes says:

    For 40 years satellittes have measured global cloud cover, and there has been a decrease of 3 %-points letting more sun in and consequently global temperatures have increased, see more here: “Temperature” by dr. Nikolov

  7. oldbrew says:

    MAY 26, 2024 – EarthCARE satellite to probe how clouds affect climate

    Will clouds help cool or warm our world in the years ahead? The EarthCARE satellite will soon blast off on a mission to find out, aiming to investigate what role clouds could play in the fight against climate change.

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    “They are one of the main contributors to how the climate changes—and one of the least understood,” Dominique Gillieron, head of the ESA’s Earth observation projects department, told AFP.

    Clouds don’t ‘fight’ anything!

    In a sane world they would want that info before even attempting to promote climate models as worth taking notice of.

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