Arctic sea-ice melt reporting: the amazing flip-flops

Posted: September 18, 2016 by oldbrew in alarmism, climate, Idiots, predictions, sea ice

Excellent. So climate alarmists trumpeting Arctic ice melt are prone to farcical exaggeration at least, utter rubbish at worst. Who knew?

Trust, yet verify

Two posts ago, on the subject of another claim of an ice-free Arctic published in the Guardian, the discussion arose whether the journalist realized that he quoted someone with a poor track record in that matter. Commenter Chrism56 alerted me that the journalist (Robin McKie) already had written articles in the past on this subject, so he should have known that there were issues with the credibility of this claim.

The link that was provided went to an article from 2008 in which McKie reported about the claim of an ice-free Arctic that back then was expected five years further in the future.

McKie 2008-08-10

The claim was made by Serreze, Maslowski and Wadhams. Apparently he should know about the botched prediction in the meanwhile.

I became curious whether there were more articles written by McKie on this topic and also how he wrote about it in say 2013, when it became…

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  1. oldbrew says:

    Believers in imminent Arctic ice melt may also be interested in this…

  2. ren says:

    Top: The total daily contribution to the surface mass balance from the entire ice sheet (blue line, Gt/day). Bottom: The accumulated surface mass balance from September 1st to now (blue line, Gt) and the season 2011-12 (red) which had very high summer melt in Greenland. For comparison, the mean curve from the period 1990-2013 is shown (dark grey). The same calendar day in each of the 24 years (in the period 1990-2013) will have its own value. These differences from year to year are illustrated by the light grey band. For each calendar day, however, the lowest and highest values of the 24 years have been left out.

  3. oldbrew says:

    Date: 18/09/16 Christopher Booker, The Sunday Telegraph

    ‘In fact the Danish Meteorological Institute’s satellite record shows that there is now 22 per cent more ice than there was at this time in 2012’

    Doesn’t seem to stop climate alarm merchants embarrassing themselves with madcap predictions.

  4. ren says:

    Ice grows quickly now in the central Arctic and Canada.

  5. ren says:

    The concentration of sea ice in the Arctic.

  6. ren says:

    Is the geomagnetic storm. Earthquakes in Iceland.

  7. Ron Clutz says:

    It looks like 2016 Sept. monthly average will exceed 2007, since the refreezing went so slowly in Sept. 2007. Thus the plateau (lack of decline) in Arctic ice extent continues.

  8. oldbrew says:

    Low sunspot activity since 2007 or earlier…

    Compare the last ten years or so with a longer period…

  9. ren says:

    Ron Clutz pay attention to salinity of the sea surface in the Arctic.

  10. oldbrew says:

    Delingpole: Ship of Fools II Expedition Escapes Arctic Freeze by the Skin of its Teeth

    ‘…the intrepid explorers – including a 14-year-old boy – came within just two days of calamity, after being hampered by unexpectedly large quantities of a mysterious substance apparently made of frozen water.’

    Media like the BBC want us to think this was some kind of success.

  11. oldbrew says:

    Date: 22/09/16 David Whitehouse, GWPF Science Editor

    If one was being strict, based only on the Arctic ice data and CO2 information, one would have to conclude that there is no correlation between Arctic sea ice extent and atmospheric CO2 levels!

  12. tallbloke says:

    Yes, I made this plot with a poly curve fitted to show the sine-waviness of it.

  13. oldbrew says:

    Paul Homewood reports with this Arctic sea ice graph:
    PH ice