Valentina Zharkova incorporates planetary theory into solar activity model

Posted: November 5, 2018 by tallbloke in Astrophysics, Celestial Mechanics, Cycles, Electro-magnetism, Gravity, research, Solar physics, solar system dynamics

Last Wednesday I attended the talk by Professor Valentina Zharkova hosted by the GWPF in London. She delivered a superb lecture including news of new work improving her model by including quadrupole magnetic parameters. In the Q & A session that followed, I got the opportunity to point up the connection between her model output and Rick Salvadors.

zharkova salvador models

I got a very positive response, including an invitation to collaborate on further work. We discussed this further over dinner, when I gave her a printed copy of Rick’s 2013 PRP paper.

Here’s the video of the talk. I got to speak briefly after the planetary issue was raised at 1:02:30 where the video should start playing when you click the button. Do rewind to the start and enjoy the whole presentation, which was fascinating.

  1. oldbrew says:

    Date: 05/11/18 Meteorologist Paul Dorian, Perspecta, Inc.

    New data from NASA’s SABER instrument on board NASA’s TIMED satellite confirms that our atmosphere is losing heat energy near the edge of space as we approach solar minimum. In fact, if current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.
    . . .
    All indications are that the fast-approaching next solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century.

  2. oldbrew says:

    Video – Prof Z @ 48mins.20s: ‘oscillation of the zero line is exactly 2100 years’

    Prof. Zharkova’s 2100 year cycle is 7:10 with the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle.
    2100 * 7 = 14700y

    Possible origin of Dansgaard-Oeschger abrupt climate events

  3. oldmanK says:

    Thank you for the video. The double dynamo ‘thing’ was illuminating.

    The name of Jack Eddy was an added attraction. The ~~400 yr cycle brought the Eddy cycle to mind, as was given by ‘Climate’ blog site here

    That figure pointed to the Eddy cycle, where the last two millennia had three peaks and two troughs in between, that correlated to climatic events. History says that peaks and troughs contrast widely. But comparing with picture from video at 00:29, — still puzzled.

    I say this because the Eddy cycle of peaks and troughs also fitted quite alarmingly into a sequence of events from about 6200bce to 2200bce at five consecutive troughs and two in between peaks, all dating derived from D’Andrea et al “Glacier response to North Atlantic climate variability during the Holocene”, besides other proxies.

    May be mistaken, but the impression given is of a gradual change from one state to another. But the repercussions on earth were very abrupt in the holocene, at those troughs.

  4. jb says:

    Wonderful presentation. It appeared to me that some attendees had not fully absorbed what Valentina presented and expounded, asking somewhat fatuous questions. I guess that sort of thing is consistent across conferences of all disciplines (re: CO2).

    I noticed there is a ~200 yr phase discrepancy between Valentina’s plots, and that which Harris-Mann plotted and posted at It would be interesting to learn what presumptions led to this differential.

    Now I would like to see someone explain the solar flaring cycle being caused by its barycenter motion within the central EMF of the galactic arm.

  5. Salvatore Del Prete says:

    She has it correct. Excellent.

  6. johnm33 says:

    The double layers reminded me of this,
    Wave/tidal harmonics in layers of different densities/thickness/charge makes a lot of sense.
    Anyone know the physics of the cooling?

  7. Wayne Karlen says:

    Where can we find the missing 3 minutes of the slide presentation from about 47:30 in the video? If not available, can you comment on what slides are missing and what they demonstrated?