The Excommunication of Susan Crockford

Posted: October 17, 2019 by oldbrew in climate, ideology, News

The climate witch hunt against academics who don’t conform to the prescribed ideas continues.


By Paul Homewood

h/t AC Osborn

Donna Laframboise brings shameful news from the University of Victoria:


Like geologist BobCarter before her, Susan Crockford has been stripped of her Adjunct Professor status by a university with which she has a long history. Why? Because she promotes facts and eschews climate activism.

In May, Canada’s University of Victoria (UVic) advised Crockford that an internal committee had voted to end her 15-year stint as an Adjunct Professor. Having undergone hip surgery in the interim, only now is she going public.

When the matter was last considered, the committee voted unanimously in her favour. What changed? Talks she was invited to give to schools apparently “generated concern among parents regarding balance.” That concern was “shared with various levels of the university,” according to an April 2017 e-mail from Ann Stahl, then chair of the Anthropology Department.

These vague accusations, leveled by an…

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  1. oldbrew says:

    UVic bows to outside pressure and rescinds my adjunct professor status

    Posted on October 16, 2019

    As you may have heard, this summer I lost my status as Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Anthropology Department at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada (UVic), a position I had held for 15 years. This action followed my expulsion from the roster of the university’s volunteer Speakers Bureau in May 2017. However, until April 2017 the university and the Anthropology department proudly promoted my work, including my critical polar bear commentary, which suggests someone with influence (and perhaps political clout) intervened to silence my scientific criticism.

    More here:
    – – –
    Discussing scientific matters in her area of expertise was obviously becoming too embarrassing to her employers. Who’s next?

  2. ivan says:

    All the university is doing is proving the UN Church of Climatology is a religious CULT and not Science.

  3. tom0mason says:

    Nothing about study, education, or research, it’s just politics and unfortunately again a good Professor has lost their position.
    As the planet cools hopefully all these University administrator that made this decision, and many other stupid decisions will be thrown out on their ears for playing politics with these academics careers and for bolstering the anti-science ideas of consensus.

  4. oldbrew says:

    Dr Crockford writes:

    An adjunct professorship is an unpaid position with a few responsibilities that in return allow a scholar to operate as a qualified member of the academic community, such as making applications for research funding. However, an adjunct has no rights. Adjunct status must be renewed every three years or so, at the discretion of the individual department. I was first appointed as an adjunct in the Department of Anthropology in 2004, shortly after I had successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation at UVic.
    – – –
    So apart from some theoretical loss of status a costly law suit would seem pointless.

  5. hunterson7 says:

    The Academy’s rejection of its foundational principles is a big tell as to just how bad the climate consensus really is.

  6. stpaulchuck says:

    You WILL confess your sins and repent! The Climate Caliphate demands it.

  7. oldbrew says:

    hunterson7 says: October 17, 2019 at 1:25 pm
    – – –

  8. cognog2 says:

    We could do with a Roll of Honour or Martyrs list here; similar to the wikipedia list of failed predictions. Trouble is it would fill up rather quickly so would need good moderation and sensible qualification criteria to have moral credibility.

  9. oldbrew says:

    Was this zoologist punished for telling school kids politically incorrect facts about polar bears?

    Opinion: Dr. Susan Crockford describes her expulsion from the University of Victoria as ‘an academic hanging without a trial, conducted behind closed doors’

    Zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford says that, contrary to the claims of environmental activists, polar bears are currently thriving and are at no risk of extinction from climate change.
    – – –
    Positive news instead of fake news about the climate? Not good enough – you’re out.