EU destroys 700,000 hectares of rainforest for biofuels

Posted: August 28, 2019 by oldbrew in Accountability, climate, Critique, Energy
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All those trees would have absorbed large amounts of the carbon dioxide they claim to be so scared of. Somehow all this is deemed to be ‘sustainable’, using the climate excuse.

The EU wants to save our climate with supposedly green biofuels and has deemed palm oil “sustainable”. Yet on the other side of the globe, rainforests are being clear-cut to produce the 1.9 million tons of palm oil that end up in European fuel tanks every year, says Rainforest Rescue.

The European Union wants to protect the climate and reduce carbon emissions from motor vehicles by blending fuels with increasing shares of supposedly eco-friendly “biofuels”.

Last year, 1.9 million tons of palm oil were added to diesel fuel in the EU – in addition to millions of tons of equally harmful rapeseed and soybean oils.

The plantations needed to satisfy Europes’s demand for palm oil cover an area of 700,000 hectares – land that until recently was still rainforest and the habitat of 5,000 endangered orangutans. Despite the clear-cutting, the EU has classified palm oil as sustainably produced.

This policy has now blown up in the legislators’ faces, with scientists confirming what environmentalists and development experts have long asserted: biofuels help neither people nor the environment – and they are most certainly not climate-neutral, as even studies commissioned by the EU show.

Biodiesel from palm and soybean oil, but also from European-grown rapeseed, has a larger carbon footprint than diesel from fossil sources.

The EU must scrap its biofuels policy immediately, but the agri-industry is fighting hard to maintain the status quo. Not surprising, when one considers that biofuels are currently subsidized to the tune of 10 billion euros in the EU alone.

Decision making in the European Union is a long process and involves many different actors that bring in studies, reports, arguments, and numbers. Hundreds of industry lobbyists seek to influence this process and they are trying hard to protect their financial interests.

Next, the European Parliament and its committees along with the Council of the European Union will need to agree on a compromise based on the proposal published in October 2012.


Every year, 14 million tons of so-called biofuels are blended with gasoline and diesel in the EU. This is slated to increase to 30 million tons by 2020, enough to replace ten percent of the fossil fuel share.

Ever-increasing quantities of biofuels, or resources such as palm and soybean oil required for their production, are being imported from overseas.

Read more here.

  1. […] Lees verder bij de bron: Tallbloke’s Talkshop […]

  2. John MacDonald says:

    Is this truly the current state? In the underlying Rainforest Action petition I see no reference to this being the reality of 2019. The latest date mentioned is a report on biofuels from 2012. Also, no authors lusted.
    I wonder if Oldbrew is being hoodwinked?

  3. John MacDonald says:

    Oops, nice Fruedian slip. Listed. Not lusted.

  4. stpaulchuck says:

    “follow the money”

  5. oldbrew says:

    John MacD – good point, it looks as if the GWPF has used the wrong link.

    This one refers to 2018 data…
    ‘In early 2019, the EU labeled palm oil as unsustainable and decided to phase it out between 2023 and 2030. Soy oil is not affected by this decision.’

  6. Chaswarnertoo says:

    The EUSSR strikes again. I’m just surprised they accepted their mistake, rather than covering it up.