Net zero CO2 emissions: A damaging and totally unnecessary goal – Roy Spencer explains why

Posted: April 21, 2024 by oldbrew in atmosphere, Emissions, Measurement, modelling, net zero, opinion, Temperature
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We may not believe CO2 plays a big part in global atmospherics anyway, but even if it somehow does, the full story is not being told according to this information. Quote: ‘Even though the CO2 emissions continue, atmospheric CO2 levels start to fall around 2060.’
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The goal of reaching “net zero” global anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide sounds overwhelmingly difficult.

But that’s not true, because nature doesn’t work that way, says Dr.Roy Spencer (via Climate Change Dispatch).

While humanity continues producing CO2 at increasing rates (with a temporary pause during COVID), how can we ever reach the point where these emissions start to fall, let alone reach zero by 2050 or 2060?

What isn’t being discussed (as far as I can tell) is the fact that atmospheric CO2 levels (which we will assume for the sake of discussion causes global warming) will start to fall even while humanity is producing lots of CO2.

Let me repeat that, in case you missed the point:

Atmospheric CO2 levels will start to fall even with modest reductions in anthropogenic CO2 emissions.”

Last year I published a paper showing that the record of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa, HI, suggests that each year nature removes an average of 2% of the atmospheric excess above 295 ppm (parts per million).

The purpose of the paper was to not only show how well a simple CO2 budget model fits the Mauna Loa CO2 measurements but also to demonstrate that the common assumption that nature is becoming less able to remove “excess” CO2 from the atmosphere appears to be an artifact of El Nino and La Nina activity since monitoring began in 1959.

As a result, that 2% sink rate has remained remarkably constant over the last 60+ years. (By the way, the previously popular CO2 “airborne fraction” has huge problems as a meaningful statistic, and I wish it had never been invented. If you doubt this, just assume CO2 emissions are cut in half and see what the computed airborne fraction does. It’s meaningless.)

Here’s my latest model [aligned] to the Mauna Loa record through 2023, where I have added a stratospheric aerosol term to account for the fact that major volcanic eruptions actually reduce atmospheric CO2 due to increased photosynthesis from diffuse sunlight penetrating deeper into vegetation canopies:

Continued here.
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Conclusion from the link:
The message here is that CO2 emissions don’t have to be cut very much for atmospheric CO2 levels to reverse their climb and start to fall.

The reason is that nature removes CO2 in proportion to how much excess CO2 resides in the atmosphere, and that rate of removal can exceed our CO2 emissions with modest cuts in emissions.

I don’t understand why this issue is not being discussed. All of the net zero rhetoric I see seems to imply that warming will continue if we don’t cut our CO2 emissions to essentially zero. But that’s not true, because that’s not how nature works.

More here (RS blog post).
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Link from the full article: Climate Self-Regulation: Is The Earth Cooling Itself?
— A look at Richard Lindzen’s ‘Iris Effect’.

  1. catweazle666 says:

    (with a temporary pause during COVID)

    Which is said to have reduced anthropogenic emission by 17% and didn’t cause even the most infinitesimal perturbation to the Mauna Loa CO2 curve…

  2. oldbrew says:

    Has absorption tailed off anyway?

  3. oldbrew says:

    Claims of a climate crisis or emergency are premature to say the least. Inadequacy of climate models due to limited understanding of various factors should have been enough to scupper all that nonsense.

  4. Phoenix44 says:

    Because very few people care much about CO2 but a great many people care very much about forcing societies and economies to change as they want.

  5. oldbrew says:

    More on saturation…

    3 Physicists Use Experimental Evidence To Show CO2’s Capacity To Absorb Radiation Has Saturated

    By Kenneth Richard on 23. April 2024

    Adding CO2 to the atmosphere can have no significant climatic effect when rising above the threshold of about 300 ppm. Due to saturation, higher and higher concentrations do not lead to any further absorption of radiation.

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    In their experiment they found that there was no difference (120.9 vs. 121.0 μW) in the power of air, with 0.04% CO2, to absorb infrared radiation versus the capacity of 100% CO2 to absorb radiation due to the saturation effect.

  6. coecharlesdavid says:

    This paper shows clearly from the spectral absorption data for atmospheric gases that saturation occurs in both the CO2 and H2O spectra.

  7. oldbrew says:

    Part II here…

    Net Zero is Based Upon a Faulty View of Nature — Roy Spencer

    Plus another slap in the face for climate extremism…

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